Server-side events

27 Apr 20181 minute to read

This section explains in detail about the various server-side events available in the Syncfusion control and the arguments that are obtained in the server-side.

This allows you to configure the controls functionality in code-behind also.

DatePicker Server-side event

DatePicker control allows you to configure the DatePicker functionality in code-behind also. Refer to the following code to use the server side events of EJWEB DatePicker.

  • HTML
  • <ej:DatePicker ID="datePicker" EnablePersistence="true" runat="server"></ej:DatePicker>
  • HTML
  • protected void datePicker_Select(object sender, Syncfusion.JavaScript.Web.DatePickerSelectEventArgs e) 
            // write your custom code here 

    Refer to the following table to know more about the available server side events and its arguments in EJWEB DatePicker.

    Event Event Description Event Description
    OnSelect Occurs when selecting the Date in the DatePicker. Event Argument contains the following parameters:
    • e.EventType: Event Name.
    • e.isSpecialDay: Returns the boolean value for the selected date, whether special day or not.
    • e.PreviousDate: Holds the previously selected value.
    • e.Value: Holds currently selected date value.
    • e.Arguments: Contains keys and values for event args.