Selection in Xamarin Charts (SfChart)

6 Jan 20257 minutes to read

SfChart supports selection that enables you to select a segment in a series or series itself.

Data Point Selection

You can select a data point by tapping on it. To enable the selection feature, set EnableDataPointSelection property as true for Series.

<chart:ColumnSeries EnableDataPointSelection="True" ItemsSource ="{Binding Data}" XBindingPath="Month" YBindingPath="Value"/>
ColumnSeries columnSeries = new ColumnSeries() 
	ItemsSource = Data, 
	XBindingPath = "Month", 
	YBindingPath = "Value" 


columnSeries.EnableDataPointSelection = true;

Data point selection support in Xamarin.Forms Chart

Following properties are used to configure the selection feature,

<chart:ColumnSeries EnableDataPointSelection="True" SelectedDataPointIndex="2" SelectedDataPointColor="Red" ItemsSource ="{Binding Data}" />
ColumnSeries columnSeries = new ColumnSeries();

columnSeries.SelectedDataPointIndex = 2;

columnSeries.SelectedDataPointColor = Color.Red;

Selecting data point and data point color support in Xamarin.Forms Chart


For Accumulation series like pie, doughnut, pyramid and funnel, when you select a data point, the corresponding legend item also will be selected.

Series Selection

Series selection is used in case of multiple series when you want to highlight a particular series. Series Selection can be enabled by setting EnableSeriesSelection property to True. The SeriesSelectionColor property is used to set the color to highlight the series.

<chart:SfChart x:Name="Chart"  EnableSeriesSelection="True">


            <chart:ColumnSeries x:Name="series1" ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"  XBindingPath="XValue" YBindingPath="YValue" Color="#b2ebe7">
            <chart:ColumnSeries x:Name="series2" ItemsSource="{Binding Data1}" XBindingPath="XValue" YBindingPath="YValue" Color="#d3bee5">
			<chart:ColumnSeries x:Name="series2" ItemsSource="{Binding Data2}" XBindingPath="XValue" YBindingPath="YValue" Color="#c0d8f0">
chart.EnableSeriesSelection = true;

ColumnSeries columnSeries = new ColumnSeries() 
	ItemsSource = Data, 
	XBindingPath = "XValue", 
	YBindingPath = "YValue" ,
	Color = Color.FromRgb(178, 235, 231);


ColumnSeries columnSeries1 = new ColumnSeries() 
	ItemsSource = Data1, 
	XBindingPath = "XValue", 
	YBindingPath = "YValue" ,
	Color = Color.FromRgb(211, 190, 229);


ColumnSeries columnSeries2 = new ColumnSeries() 
	ItemsSource = Data2, 
	XBindingPath = "XValue", 
	YBindingPath = "YValue" ,
	Color = Color.FromRgb(192, 216, 240);


Series selection support in Xamarin.Forms Chart

To set the series selection color,

<chart:SfChart x:Name="Chart"  EnableSeriesSelection="True" SeriesSelectionColor ="Red">
chart.SeriesSelectionColor = Color.Red;



The SelectionChanging event is triggered before the data point is selected. You can restrict a data point from being selected, by canceling this event, by setting Cancel property in the event argument to true. The argument contains the following information,


The SelectionChanged event triggered after a data point is selected. The argument contains the following information,



The OnSelectionChanging method of chart selection behavior is used to perform the operations, before the data point is selected, by extending the ChartSelectionBehavior class and add to the ChartBehaviors collection property of SfChart. This method argument contains the following information:

  • C#
  • public class ChartSelectionBehaviorExt : ChartSelectionBehavior
       protected override void OnSelectionChanging(ChartSelectionChangingEventArgs args)
                var selectedSeres = args.SelectedSeries;
                var dataPointIndex = args.SelectedDataPointIndex;
                var previousSelectedIndex = args.PreviousSelectedIndex;
    	    var previousSelectedSeries = args.PreviousSelectedSeries;			
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    ChartSelectionBehaviorExt selectionBehavior = new ChartSelectionBehaviorExt();


    The OnSelectionChanged method of theChartSelectionBehavior is used to perform the operations after a data point is selected. This method argument contains the following information:

  • C#
  • public class ChartSelectionBehaviorExt : ChartSelectionBehavior
        protected override void OnSelectionChanged(ChartSelectionEventArgs args)
            var selectedSeries = args.SelectedSeries;
            var dataPointIndex = args.SelectedDataPointIndex;
            var previousSelectedIndex = args.PreviousSelectedIndex;
    	    var previousSelectedSeries = args.PreviousSelectedSeries;	
    SfChart chart = new SfChart();
    ChartSelectionBehaviorExt selectionBehavior = new ChartSelectionBehaviorExt();


    You can refer to our Xamarin Charts feature tour page for its groundbreaking feature representations. You can also explore our Xamarin.Forms Charts example to knows various chart types and how to easily configured with built-in support for creating stunning visual effects.