Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

August 11, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • #I327306, #I334309, #I336202, #I336652 - Table is now preserved properly while converting the DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I331426 - Text form field is now preserved properly while replacing the text of text form field.
  • #I330485 - Ole object is now preserved properly while saving the DOCX format document.
  • #I327263 - Hanging issue has been resolved while calling RejectChanges() method.
  • #I333912, #I334480, #FB26557 - IF field is now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #I333832 - Comment is now parsed properly while opening the RTF format document.
  • #I334216 - Paragraph is now preserved properly while converting the DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I334851 - Comment is now parsed properly while opening the DOC format document.
  • #I335253 - The ArgumentNullException will no longer be thrown while opening the DOCX format document.
  • #I334753 - The InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown while converting the DOCX format document to HTML.
  • #I335244 - Heading paragraph is now exported as bookmark properly while converting the RTF format document to PDF.
  • #I335094 - Hanging issue has been resolved while calling AcceptChanges() method.
  • #I336652 - Textbox is now preserved properly while converting the DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I334644 - Bookmark content is now replaced properly while calling ReplaceBookmarkContent() method.
  • #I336519 - Image is now preserved properly while resaving the DOCX format document.
  • #FB26691 - List numbering is now preserved properly while merging the Word documents.
  • #FB26614 - Date field is now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #I325898 - Table border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I331492 - Shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I331818 - Image positioning is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I331611 - Exponent text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #F165847 - WCAG standard will be maintained in Word to PDF conversion with PDF/A1A conformance.
  • #I332387 - The ArgumentNullException will no longer be thrown when converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #FB26471 - Page number is now updated properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I320911 - RTL number is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I333811 - Text is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I333912, #I334483, #I333550 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I335265, #I336652 - List number is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I335256 - Heading paragraphs in table cell is now skipped to export as a bookmark while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I335510 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #FB26928 - RTL paragraph is now aligned properly while converting Word document to PDF.
  • #I331818, #I335853, #I332666 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I336652 - Picture bullet is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I336652 - Text size is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I336652 - Shape is now positioned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #FB27360 - List character is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I337255 - Text in table cell is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I336652, #I337144 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting Word document to PDF.
  • #I336652 - Underline is now preserved properly when converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I328130 - The OutOfMemoryException will no longer be thrown while converting Word document to PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #332856 - Line Annotation border will be preserved properly while increasing the border width.
  • #337083 - PDF page CropBox values will be retrieved properly.
  • #336773 - Form fields value will be shown properly while merging PDF documents.
  • #336179 - NullReferenceException will no longer occur while saving the PDF documents.
  • #335990 - ArgumentException will no longer occurs while getting font from the PdfLoadedFreeTextAnnotation.
  • #334841 - Exception will no longer occur while flattening the merged PDF document.
  • #337268 - Font will be preserved properly on text box fields.
  • #334076 - Single Quote characters will be exported properly while exporting form fields.
  • #334841 - PDF page rotation angle will be returned properly.
  • #336170 - Text box value will be retrieved properly.
  • #334669 - Contents inside the grid will be word-wrapped properly.
  • #166356 - The certificate status will be returned properly from the existing signature field.
  • #332200 - Form field values will be preserved properly.
  • #323169, #323166, #323190 - Form fields data will be exported equivalent to Adobe Acrobat.
  • #331722 - Annotations will be added properly while importing pages from another PDF document.
  • #331305 - Additional section tags will not be added while creating tagged PDF documents.
  • #331188 - Exception will no longer occur while adding a barcode to the X1A conformance PDF document.
  • #326750 - Tags will be reading properly on their order while creating a PDF grid.
  • #334405 - Annotations multiline comments will be exported properly.
  • #325515 - Annotations will be located properly if the PDF document contains crop box entries.
  • #331429 - Overlapping issue will no longer occur while drawing a PDF grid with row/column-span.
  • #334340 - QR barcode size will be retrieved properly before drawn it to the PDF document.


Bug Fixes

  • #I331919 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening the PowerPoint presentation with empty VML shape.
  • #I336115 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while cloning the PowerPoint presentation with table.
  • #F167364 - Created Notes slide is now preserved properly while opening in Mac Keynote application.
  • #I331339 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a PowerPoint presentation to PDF.
  • #I333088 - Placeholder margin is now applied properly while converting a PowerPoint presentation to PDF.
  • #I333430 - ExportImageFormat.Png is now applied properly while converting a PowerPoint slide to Image.



  • #F165945 - [UWP] Provided support for DropDownClosing event with an argument type CancelEventArgs.


Bug fixes

  • #I336819 - – [iOS] The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when loading a badge view without content and changing the BadgeIcon with BadgeType as None.


Bug fixes

  • #F167538 - [Android,iOS] Now, the InlineItemTapped event will trigger when setting the InlineItemTemplate.


Bug fixes

  • #F166829 - Card layout will refresh properly when its ItemsSource is updated dynamically..


Bug fixes

  • #FB24316 - [iOS] The needle pointer will position properly even if the specified Value is out of range by considering the StartValue and EndValue.
  • #F166421 - [iOS] RangePointer will now add properly when adding multiple scales and enabling pointer animation.
  • #FB26411 - [iOS] Click event will now recognize properly when a button is added as an annotation view in circular gauge.


Bug fixes

  • #F167041 - [iOS] Now, the suggestion box can be displayed either at the top or bottom of the text box, based on the available size.


Bug fixes

  • #I335664 - Now, the validation does not occur on the editor unfocused when the validation mode is Explicit.
  • #I335504 - [UWP] Now, the validation template will render correctly in the latest Xamarin.Forms version.


Bug fixes

  • #F165699 - Text will remain the same even on loading the serialized control using LoadEdits method.
  • #F167110 - [iOS] WebView will be added properly when used as a custom view in image editor.
  • #FB25355 - [UWP] Memory will no longer be leaked when using a memory stream as an image source.


Bug fixes

  • #F166321 - [Android] Control will render properly even when the linear gauge specified with Annotation is placed in list view and perform scrolling.


Bug fixes

  • #I335696 – Marker tooltip will now position properly even on changing the Marker tooltip will now position properly even when changing the GeoCoordinates in the MarkerSelected event.
  • #I337310 – [iOS] Polygon will now display properly on Bing Map at load time.
  • #I337310 – [Android] Polylines will display properly for all zoom levels in ImageryLayer.


Bug fixes

  • #I336004 - [Android] Keyboard will be activated when using the custom font family and focusing the control for the second time.
  • #I330391 - Masked edit will now skip the literal value based on the Mask value with specified grouping condition.


Bug fixes

  • #F167392 - [UWP] Enterted numeric text will be displayed properly even with the modified culture and with the specified Minimum and Maximum values.



  • #328934 - Implemented the support to render the rotated free text annotations.
  • #329963 - [iOS] Optimized the memory consumption while saving a PDF document.
  • #330853 - [UWP] Implemented the support to show or hide the navigation buttons in the single page view mode.

Bug Fixes

  • #335241 - [UWP] Application will no longer crash while setting the AnnotationMode to Ink.
  • #336132 - [iOS] The CanUndo property is no longer set to true when the rectangle, polygon, or cloud annotations are selected.
  • #332991 - [Android, iOS] In the selected events, the IsLocked property for a single annotation will no longer lock all annotations on the page.
  • #335241 - The ink annotation’s thickness no longer gets thin after saving a PDF document.
  • #335356 - [Android, iOS] Text Search is now working properly in a single page view mode.
  • #328091 - [iOS] Annotation thickness is no longer changed after exporting and importing the annotations.
  • #334573 - [UWP] The text-not-found popup will no longer be shown while searching a single text search occurrence.
  • #334596 - [UWP] Searched text is now properly highlighted in a particular PDF document.
  • #334396 - [UWP, iOS] Text markup annotation is no longer missing after exporting and importing multiple times.
  • #334257 - Unnecessary texts will no longer be highlighted while searching in a particular PDF document.
  • #166673 - [Android] The GotoPage API is now working properly in the continuous page view mode.
  • [Android] Free text annotation is now resized properly.
  • #333810 - Diagonal text in the PDF document is now highlighted properly while searching a text.
  • #333641 - [Android, iOS] Combo box is now working properly in the PDF document.
  • #26535 - [Android] Application will no longer crash with the IndexOutOfRangeException while loading the PDF document.
  • #333510 - [Android] Stamp Annotation is now added properly on all pages in all devices while using the AddStamp API in a for loop with the PageByPage view mode.
  • #333350 - [iOS] The ImportAnnotations API is now working properly for a single ink point in the InkPointsCollection.
  • #333146 - Application will no longer crash while importing and exporting the annotations in the encrypted documents.
  • #332576 - [Android] Annotations are no longer missing in the image exported using the ExportAsImage API.
  • #332695 - [Android] Undo is now working properly for the free text annotation after performing resize, move, and delete.
  • #332228 - [iOS] Application will no longer crash while loading document stream using the InputFileStream in the DocumentLoaded event.
  • #331752 - [Android, iOS] Ink annotation is now saved in a single page mode while ending the ink session in the PageChanged event.
  • #331480 - [iOS] Line annotation thickness is now changed properly in the Xamarin.Forms iOS platform.
  • #330825 - [Android, iOS] Ink annotation in the PDF pages are now rendered without delay while saving and reloading.
  • #330302 - [UWP] Line annotation drawn beyond the page area is now added to the page properly.
  • #330177 - [iOS] Selected annotations are now deselected properly while selecting the annotations.
  • #329478 - [iOS] The signature pad is now opened while setting the AnnotationMode API to HandwrittenSignature immediately after the LoadDocument call.
  • #335711 - [iOS] Text markup and free text annotations get missed while importing and exporting in the PDF document.
  • [iOS] Horizontal line annotations are now rendered properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I333110 - [Android,iOS] Now, the intersect appointment will render correctly in the views.
  • #F167712 - [iOS] Now, the VisibleDateChanged event will not trigger when the SfSchedule IsVisible is false.
  • #F167644 - Now, the nonworking days will be removed properly in the WorkWeekView when all days are set as working days.


Bug fixes

  • #F166665 - [UWP] The control will not hold additional padding when Hint label is not added.


Bug fixes

  • #I337495 - Now, the collapse or expand button of the first tree-view node item is tapped properly using the UI test script.

Visual Studio Extensions


  • Provided the Xamarin project template and toolbox support for Visual Studio 2022.


Bug Fixes

  • #I330055 - Formula with negative values are now handled properly.
  • #I323615 - Series names in pivot chart are now properly rendered in chart to image conversion.
  • #I332009 - ArgumentNullException thrown while converting chart with missing data label to image is now resolved.
  • #I332467 - Binary records parsing is now correct while opening an XLSB document.
  • #I331857 - Split texts are now handled properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I333060 - File corruption while creating pivot table containing row fields with mixed values is now resolved.
  • #I333270 - Pivot table values field position is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #I332751 - Pivot cache fields with empty values are now handled properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #I332362 - Null reference exception thrown in chart to image conversion is now resolved.
  • #FB26790 - Option button check state is now updated properly for different linked cell.
  • #FB26791 - XmlException thrown while setting value in option button linked cell is now resolved.
  • #I334495, #I335887 - Chart data labels with manual layout are now preserved properly.
  • #I334666 - Chart label values are now proper for the double format in Excel To PDF conversion for NET50.
  • Pivot table with indent level is now properly converted to Image.
  • Shape text color is now rendered properly when the black and white PageSetup setting is enabled.
  • Text box with picture and texture fill is now proper while resaving the Excel document.
  • Text box with picture and texture fill is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Hyperlink default color is now correct while creating the hyperlink.
  • Shape borders are now proper while resaving the Excel document.
  • Pivot table data field base field number format is now proper.
  • Shape text color with black and white page setup settings is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Shapes RTF text with underline is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • NullReference exception thrown while converting Excel to PDF is now resolved.
  • Bangladesh and Khmer accounting number formats are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Checkbox with dotted-round border style is now preserved properly while creating the Excel document.
  • RichText is now applied properly in shape text while dong AddCopy of Excel worksheet.
  • Font name and size of comment shape text are proper while creating the Excel document.
  • Between and not between operators in conditional formatting are now applied properly for blank cells with boolean value in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Excel document with conditional format and black and white page setup settings are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • The number format of the text box text is preserved properly while converting Excel to PDF.