Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

December 24, 2019


Bug Fixes

  • #255462 - Header is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #256504, #258239 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #255071 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #250406- The PdfException will no longer be thrown while converting a PowerPoint presentation to PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #F148406 - The Accordion that does not reload after navigation across the tabbed page in master detail page has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #257715 - [iOS] SelectedIndices binding now sets correctly in SfAutocomplete.


Bug fixes

  • #F149833 – Now, the NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when dynamically change the SfButton’s Content using visual state manager.


Bug fixes

  • #I254388 - Now, the Calendar displays the current week properly when changing the device current time dynamically with FirstDayOfWeek and NumberOfWeeksInView.
  • #I246498 - [iOS] Now, the Calendar swipe is working properly while using SfCalendar in XForms Shell page on iPad pro.
  • #Feedback(10564) - Now, the MoveToDate property is updated properly on Backward and Forward methods of SfCalendar.


Bug fixes

  • #253969 - [Android] Now, when clicking on the top card, touch of the underlying card will not be detected.


Bug Fixes

  • #258835 - [iOS] SelectedValue now gets updated initially in SfComboBox.
  • #253802 - Now, the item gets selected when the Enter Button has been pressed.
  • #257809 - [UWP] Memory Leak issue has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #257319 - Now, hint label displays properly with Italic font attribute in floating label layout.


Bug Fixes

  • #I256088 - [UWP] Now, the “InvalidOperationException: Binding instances can not be reused” exception is no longer thrown when try to edit a cell with combinations involving scrolling and Tab key press.
  • #I258143 - Now, programmatic scrolling to the first column from the last column works properly when RTL is enabled.
  • #I258143 - Now, scrolling animation will be not be performed for programmatic scrolling, when passing false as parameter to SfDataGrid.ScrollToRowColumnIndex(int rowIndex, int ColumnIndex, bool canAnimate).


Bug Fixes

  • #255396 - [UWP] The issue with Binding IsExpanded property has been fixed in SfExpander control.
  • #F147942, 251451, 252823, 253980, 256508, 258593 – [Android] The application that gets crashed when expand and collapse the SfExpander in Pixel or any other high density devices has been fixed.
  • #257165 - [iOS] The SfExpander that does not expand on second time after navigating back from another Fly out item has been fixed.
  • #258657 - The issue with Custom header content that is not center aligned as defined has been fixed in SfExpander control.
  • #F10715 - [UWP] The application that crashed when navigating MasterDetailPage with SfExpander has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F10800 - The exception thrown while navigating back to the View with ListView in NavigationDrawer has been fixed.
  • #257688 - [UWP] The null reference exception thrown on deleting an item from ListView by handling the button click event of SfButton has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #255740 - [UWP] Focused event will not fire when you click the button increment / decrement.


Bug Fixes

  • #258733 - [Android] The Gray Square Border will now be visible in SfPicker.
  • #258233 - [UWP] SfPicker will now work correctly when calling the dispose method manually.



  • #I200979, #I212089, #F147705 - Support for commands has been provided via SfPullToRefresh.RefreshCommand and SfPullToRefresh.RefreshCommandParameter.

SfRichTextEditor Preview

Bug Fixes

  • #F138559, 253663, 258571 - Provided HTML string as a bindable property for Rich Text Editor.
  • #255748 - Application will be no longer crashed when navigating through pages with Rich Text Editor.
  • #255020 - Text property will now consider “\n” character and preserve them properly.
  • #258724 - [UWP] Horizontal scroll bar will be no longer visible while editing.


Bug Fixes

  • #258835 - [iOS] The template now works correctly when DotPlacement is outside.


Bug fixes

  • #256578 - Now, [Android] the CellTapped event will no longer triggers when double tap the cell.

  • #feedback10134 - Now, the appointments in AgendaView will be displayed in chronological order.


Bug Fixes

  • #258884 - [UWP] The Null Reference Exception has been resolved while switching the content of a view control with SfTabView.
  • #258505 - [Android] Switching tabs with two tabs initialized will now work correctly.
  • #256201 - [Android] The issue with the animation for the initial view in SfTabView has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #255763 - Now, height of SfTextInputLayout with SfComboBox will be same as the height of SfTextInputLayout with other input views on setting HeightRequest for input view.
  • #258628 - [UWP] TabIndex will work properly in SfTextInputLayout with SfComboBox.


Bug Fixes

  • #257403 - Cells in the Excel output are properly formatted when importing POCO with nullable fields.
  • #256142 - Shapes are positioned properly after hiding the rows.
  • #250406 - Exception will no longer be thrown on parsing the named range.
  • #245527 - Accounting format is now set properly for the cell when number is set to 0.0.
  • Issue with incorrect cell value in Excel to PDF conversion is fixed.