Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

October 15, 2019


Bug Fixes

  • #246022 - The List value is now preserved properly when open and save the Word document with track changes enabled.
  • #249004 - Border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #249004 - Autofit textbox is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #246771 - Header content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #249288 - Table content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #247476 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting the Word document to PDF.
  • #249734 - Blank page is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.


Bug fixes

  • #250758 - [Android] SfBadgeView will accepts the embedded fonts when setting FontFamily with the format .ttf#.



  • Now, the AutomationId in the SfBorder can be identified using the Appium tool in Xamarin.Forms UWP.


Bug fixes

  • #248413 - [Android] Now, the calendar month cell values are properly refreshed when the template UI IsVisible property changed.


Bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • #250056 - Now, the DataFormGroupItem property update is working properly when enabling CommitMode and ValidateMode as Explicit in floating label layout.


Bug Fixes

  • #I233630 - Now, all the summary and indent cells will have uniform border width value obtained from the GetCellBorderWidth() override in the DataGridStyle class.
  • #I233630 - Now, font attribute is applied properly for UnboundRow and UnboundColumn when set from the GetUnboundRowFontAttribute() override in the DataGridStyle class.
  • #I248312 - SfDataGrid.View.Filter will be applied properly even when sorting and paging are applied in the SfDataGrid.


Bug fixes

  • #246267 - [Android] ‘Specified cast is not valid’ exception no longer thrown when adding AddCustomView with Xamarin.Forms version above 4.2.



  • #250670 - [iOS] BackgroundColor will be updated properly in SfListView control.
  • #247883 - Selection and Scrolling will work properly in SfListView control.


Bug fixes

  • #247203 - Sublayer’s (ShapeFileLayer) marker has been displayed, added and removed properly while loading/removing sub layer with Time delay.


Bug Fixes

  • #247737 - Now, Binding context will not be overwritten.
  • #250952 - [Android] The Closed event now gets invoked correctly.


Bug fixes

  • #F147085 - Now, the InvalidFormatException will no longer be thrown when you enter only dot(.) in the SfNumericTextBox.


Bug Fixes

  • #I247972, I248123 - Exceptions are no longer thrown when setting the SfPopupLayout.PopupView.ContentTemplate property in runtime when SfPopupLayout.PopupView.AutoSizeMode has any value other than None.
  • #I250797, 148070 - Now, the popup will close properly even when the popup is closed quickly frequently.
  • #I250353 - Now, the binding context will be updated properly even when the binding context is set in the OnAppearing() override of the page.


Bug Fixes

  • #I249653 - GetHtmlString method will retrieve the formatted HTML value in SfRichTextEditor properly.
  • #I249653 - Added Focus and UnFocus functionality in SfRichTextEditor for Xamarin.Forms Android and UWP.
  • SfRichTextEditor ToolBar ComboBox will be closed properly now in Xamarin.Forms UWP.


Bug fixes

  • #250683 - Now, ViewHeaderStyle day text is appeared properly in SfSchedule with Arabic locale.


Bug fixes

  • LinkerError has been fixed in version 9 and higher of the Android sdk.


Bug fixes

  • #F148022 - The text cropping issue of the input view was fixed when adding SfTextInputLayout as the direct content of ScrollView or SfNavigationDrawer in Xamarin.Forms UWP.

  • #I242284 - Now, the Hint is floated properly while navigating back and forth with the IsHintAlwaysFloated property set as ‘true’ in Xamarin.Forms iOS.


Bug Fixes

  • #248627, #249737 - FormulaHidden property now works properly while saving Excel file in binary format.
  • #240237 - Diamond shape inside the text box is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #246292 - Exception raised while Excel file with duplicate hyperlink relation is now resolved.
  • #246462 - Unicode languages are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #248378 - Super script is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #240237 - Text within the shapes are now arranged properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #245763 - Performance issue in Excel to PDF conversion is resolved.

Exception thrown while saving Excel document in CSV format is resolved.
Rotation angle for text in Text box is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
Date format for m/d/yyyy h:mm is now properly preserved in Excel to PDF conversion.