Essential Studio® for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

October 3, 2019


Bug Fixes

  • #238763 - Performance will be fast in DisplayItemsEnumerator class for long list in DataSource control.



  • #231751 - Provided support to preserve the text watermark in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #237033 - Provided support to optimize the identical images while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #105883 , #134917, #170211, #239966, #244366, #F146503 - Provided support to create and apply custom table styles in a Word document.
  • #94996, #F116887, #137337, #137532, #147886, #159260, #163472, #182382, #183354, #140858, #197030, #199916, #201860, #212424, #232214, #234693 - Provided support to shape and Text box rotation in DOCX , Word to PDF and Word to image conversion.
  • Improved Word to PDF converter to resolve the conversion hangs.

Bug Fixes

  • #241691 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOC format Word document.
  • #240393 - Line numbers are now preserved properly when resaving the Word document.
  • #242018 - Text encoding issue has been resolved while opening a RTF format Word document.
  • #241885 - Line spacing is now preserved properly while converting a Word document into HTML.
  • #F143774 - Paragraphs are now preserved properly while performing horizontal cell merge in a Word document.
  • #241475 - Nested IF field result is now preserved properly while converting a Word document as a Text file.
  • #237339 - ActualFormatType is now considered as DOCX when creating a new Word document from scratch.
  • #239792 - Character format is applied properly in Inline content control while opening Word document.
  • #239895 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when updating the fields in the Word document.
  • #239579 - Text border is preserved properly when converting HTML to Word document.
  • #238722 - Character format is applied properly while updating document fields.
  • #F143772 - Nested bookmark is now preserved properly while opening a DOC format Word document.
  • #225399, #220198, #209881, #209466, #204167 - RTL text alignment and indent issues has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #242278, #241397, #240195, #240030, #239658, #238960, #238709, #238528, #237804, #245011, #217699, #224291 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #243412 - Tab leader is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #239746, #238528 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #226594 - Underline is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF in fast rendering.
  • #242601 - Font is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #242252 - TOC text color is now drawn properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #239895, #240393, #226352 - Paragraph is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #230817, #240393 - Shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #240393 - Spacing issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #238528 - Blank page preservation issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #238528 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #240393, #239828 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting the Word document to PDF.
  • #239439 - Vertical text fill color is now drawn properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #237804 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #239439 - Text box is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #238072 - Horizontally merged table cell border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #239746 - Hyperlink is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #239917, #241373 - Font is now embedded properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #241373 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #244161 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #242252 - Macro button field result is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #244161 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to Image.
  • #243494 - Bookmarks are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #245094 - The paragraph style name is now preserved properly in the StyleName property while parsing RTF format document.
  • #240020 - Images and tables are now preserved properly in HTML export when the system scaling value is other than 100%.
  • #237184, #131175 - Child shape line weight is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #237184 - Rounded rectangle shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #245656 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOC format Word document.
  • #245313 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document into PDF.
  • #239089, #246062 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while replacing bookmark content in Word document.
  • #244946 - Font name is now updated properly while applying character format to the text range in Word document.
  • #244919 - The IndexOutOfBoundsException will no longer be thrown while updating document fields.
  • #244241 - Argument is not image byte array exception will no longer be thrown while updating alternate chunk.
  • #243623 - Bold is now preserved properly while converting HTML into a Word document.
  • #243595 - Negative values are now preserved properly while performing mail merge in a Word document.
  • #241184 - Image is preserved properly in content control when open and save the word document.
  • #F145109, #246061 - Bookmark contents are now replaced properly with the ReplaceBookmarkContent API.
  • #238451 - Underline is preserved in RTF to HTML conversion.
  • #F145124 - Hanging will no longer occur while deleting a bookmark contents.
  • List value is now updated properly when converting a Word document to HTML.
  • Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • Tables are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • List numbering is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #247034 - Font name is preserved properly while resaving a Word document.
  • #246348 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while importing a Word document into another document.
  • #F146575 - Textbox formats are now applied properly while modifying an existing Word document.
  • #F142273 - Bookmark contents are removed properly while removing a bookmark content in a Word document.
  • #F142273 - Nested bookmark is now deleted properly while deleting a bookmark content in a Word document.
  • #241005 - Shape border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #F144828 - Bookmark contents are now replaced properly while replacing a content inside the table.
  • #228049 - GridBefore value is now preserved properly for RTF format document.



  • #216603 - Added support for enhanced electronics signature ETSI CAdES.
  • #218411, 223453, F141588 - Added support for validating digital signatures in existing PDF document.
  • #187514, 182262, 153360, 103910 - Added support for finding the corrupted PDF document.
  • #233393 - Added support for setting LeaderOffset, EndLineStyle, and BeginLineStyle in PdfLineMeasureAnnotation.
  • #232955 - Added support for processing PDF, which contains encryption only for attachments in PDF.
  • #236552 - Added support for finding the header row using event handler.

Breaking Changes

  • Line ending styles default value has been changed to None from Square.

Bug Fixes

  • #245618 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer occur when saving the existing PDF document.
  • #245433 - Characters with super script will be preserved properly when rendering with Thai font.
  • #246397 - Document save performance with the SaveProgress event has been improved.
  • #237184 - Preservation and hanging issue will no longer occur when converting Word to PDF.
  • #244577 - PdfDocumentLinkAnnotation destination will be updated properly with provided X and Y position.
  • #244143 - Adjacent character removal in text redaction has been resolved.
  • #244220 - Logo image will be preserved properly in EMF to PDF conversion.
  • #242068 - Meta file will be rendered properly in EMF to PDF conversion.
  • #241580 - Tiling brush will be rendered properly in XPS to PDF conversion.
  • #243529 - Barcode will no longer have any extra blank space when rendering.
  • #246019 - Hanging issue will no longer occur when converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #244245 - Text and Icon values of PdfLoadedPopupAnnotation will be retrieved properly.
  • #240456 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when merging the particular documents.
  • #241481 – Free text annotation will no longer return invalid text.
  • #242049 – PdfAnnotation will be cleared properly while removing the annotations.
  • #238304 – Font name will be retrieved properly from the PdfLoadedAnnotation.
  • #239222, #239219 – Radio button page will be null if it is not added in the page.
  • #238725 – Inserting long text in PdfLightTable cell works properly.
  • #238603 – 3D annotations will be rendered properly with different Pdf3DRendermode.
  • #238517 – PdfFreeTextAnnotation color will be preserved properly.
  • #242310 – Signature information will be rendered properly when applying security.
  • #244368 – Radio button will be added to the existing PDF documents.
  • #242644 – Symbols will be encoded properly in Code 39 Extended and Code 93 Extended barcodes.
  • #242717 – PdfLayoutResult will return proper bounds when enabling auto tag.
  • #243273 – Radio button field will be flattened properly in all PDF pages.
  • #242335 – Text will be rendered properly when filling and flattening text with right alignment.
  • #241159 – Code 32 barcode is now preserved properly for the input text containing zero.
  • #238715 – Text will be rendered properly when converting a particular Word document to PDF.
  • #239832 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when using barcode in the shell component.
  • #240712 – InkAnnotation will be preserved properly when flattening.
  • #246172, #248318 – Errors will no longer occur in static code analysis on PDF portable library.
  • #245763 – Performance of Excel to PDF conversion has been improved.
  • #245556 – PDF A1B conformance will be preserved properly while updating document information.
  • #247297 – Bounds of the text box field will be returned properly.
  • #F145476 – Content inside the child grid will be wrapped properly.
  • #F145826 – Barcode will be generated properly with PdfCode93Barcode.
  • #F144285 - Signature bounds will be retrieved properly from the existing PDF document.
  • PdfTiffImage will be rendered properly in PdfGrid.
  • Added appearance stream for different style radio buttons.
  • Text size will be calculated based on the text box field height if it does not have font or size.
  • Underline will no longer be added for trailing white spaces when drawing text.
  • Fore color will be retrieved properly from the text box field.
  • PdfSignatureField name will be preserved properly.
  • Font size of the form field will be calculated based on the field size.
  • Back color and inner color will be preserved properly for PdfAnnotation.
  • Exception will no longer occur when updating the form field on existing PDF document.
  • The Null reference exception will no longer occur when flattening the form fields.
  • The performance of draw string is optimized.



  • #F145218 - Added support to insert the slide with PasteOptions in PowerPoint document.
  • #238015 - Added the Font stream property in SubstituteFontEventArgs to set alternate font stream for missing fonts in device during Presentation to PDF/Image conversion.
  • #238015 - Added support to show the warnings of unsupported elements during Presentation to PDF/Image conversion.

Bug Fixes

  • #F145117 - Font size will be applied properly for second paragraph of table cell.
  • #243282 - Images are now preserved properly while performing clone and merge in PowerPoint presentation.
  • #237602 - Border will be preserved properly while saving the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #237602 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #245001 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while opening the PowerPoint presentation.
  • #246453 - The KeyNotFoundException will no longer be thrown while cloning and removing the PowerPoint slide.
  • Custom Placeholders will be preserved properly in newly added PowerPoint slide.


Bug Fixes

  • #246353 - In iOS, Null reference exception will no long occur after navigated back from page loaded with Accordion.
  • #240339 - [iOS] When the orientation is changed, SfAccordion will load inside SfNavigationDrawer without any crash.
  • #F146288 - [UWP] Performance will not be affected when SfAccordion is loaded inside ScrollView.
  • #237027 - Text invisibility will no longer occur due to BindingContext of AccordionItem gets overridden with Accordion control BindingContext.


  • Material design support has been provided.



  • #237863 - EnableAutoSize support has been provided to view all the selected items in UI without scrolling up or down in token wrap mode.
  • #249247 - AutoSizing support has been provided for SfAutoComplete in TextInputLayout.
  • #240667 - The DropDownWidth API has been made public.
  • Automation Id support has been provided.


Bug fixes

  • #245084 - [iOS] The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when binding the IsVisible property.



  • #I241168 - Now, the dashes support has been provided to SfBorder.



  • The BusyIndicator FontFamily and FontAttribute support has been provided.



  • Now, the button control supports WPF platform in Xamarin.Forms.
  • #I238084, F145424, I240146 - The Top, Bottom, Left, and Right image positions support has been added to SfButton control ImageAlignment enum.


  • Now, the load time performance has been improved in SfButton.



  • #239886 - [Android, iOS] In YearView, the scroll panel behavior has been improved, and Horizontal and Vertical navigation supports have been provided.
  • #212558 - The AutomationId support has been provided to SfCalendar.
  • #217528 - In SfCalendar, the ClearSelection method support has been provided to clear the selections such as SingleSelection, MultiSelection, RangeSelection, and MultiRangeSelection.
  • [UWP] Accessibility support has been provided to SfCalendar.
  • [ Android, iOS] In SfCalendar, the default UI has been changed to Material design.

Bug fixes

  • #247075 - [iOS] Now, the SelectedDate is updated properly with NavigateToInActiveDateSelection when value of the SelectedDate is updated from null to next/previous month dates by tapping.
  • #246498 - [iOS] Now, month previous view dates swiping works properly in iPad when adding calendar in MasterDetailPage.
  • #147002 - [Android, UWP] In RangeSelection, only value of the SelectedRange property will be updated, and value of SelectedDates will not be updated like in iOS platform.
  • #248259 - [UWP] Now, custom selection view size is arranged properly in month last row.
  • #246789 - [UWP] Now, the SelectedDate is updated properly in the CalendarTapped event and DisplayDate is updated properly in the MonthChanged event.

Breaking Changes

  • [Android, iOS] Now, the YearView does not navigate Vertically, it navigates depends on the NavigationDirection property of SfCalendar, and the default NavigationDirection is Horizontal.
  • [iOS] Now, the YearView architecture has been changed, and Navigation Arrow and Header customizations will apply.
  • [Android, iOS] The behavior of the EnableDatesInPast property has been changed. If it is True, the past dates will be enabled, and if it is false, the past date will be disabled.
  • The behavior of the ShowLeadingAndTrailingDays property has been changed. If it is True, the previous and next month dates will be shown, and if it is false, the previous and next month dates will not be shown.
  • The default Inline and AgendaView UIs have been improved.
  • In SfCalendar, the RangeSelection UI has been improved.
  • In SfCalendar, the BlackoutDates UI customized by BlackoutDateViewMode and the default UI changed to Strikethrough.
  • In SfCalendar, the color codes have been modified for all the UI elements based on the Material color code.



  • Automation Id support has been provided.
  • #F145015 - DataTemplateSelector support has been provided for choosing a DataTemplate at run time based on the value of a data-bound property.

Bug Fixes

  • #249433 - [Android] Now, LiveXAMl will no longer throw object disposed exception when the changes has been saved.
  • #145033 - [Android] The performance of the SfCarousel has been improved.
  • #246329 - [Android] Now, the Carousel Items till the last item can be removed dynamically.



  • #I236869, I243945 - Now, the SfChart control supports value-based series plotting in CategoryAxis.

Bug fixes

  • #I241181 - [Android, iOS] Now, the ItemsSource will be updated properly when using the ReactiveUI DynamicData collection.
  • #I249648 - [Android, iOS] DataMarker label is now positioning properly at center when we setting DoughnutCoefficient in DoughnutSeries.
  • #I246112 - [iOS] DataMarker LabelTemplate is now working properly, when we collapse the visibility of series.
  • #I248952 - [iOS] ZoomByRange method is now works properly for DateTime.
  • #I243769 - [iOS] Now, PieSeries stroke is rendering properly when setting large StrokeWidth value.
  • #I247745 - [Android, iOS] VerticalLineAnnotation is now rendering properly with the series YAxis, if the SecondaryAxis is not initialized.



  • Now, the checkbox control supports WPF platform in Xamarin.Forms.
  • #I231939 - Now, the SfCheckbox supports wrapping the text using LineBreakMode.

Bug fixes

  • Invalid value for property error warning will no longer shown in SfCheckBox control, when setting the named FontSize value.



  • Now, the chip control supports WPF platform in Xamarin.Forms.



  • #240601 - EnableAutoSize support has been provided to view all the selected items in UI without scrolling up or down in token wrap mode.
  • #249247 - AutoSizing support has been provided for SfComboBox in TextInputLayout.
  • Automation Id support has been provided.
  • [UWP] Keyboard interaction support has been provided to allow users interact with the control with keyboard using up, down, enter, back, and escape keys. This support can be helpful for accessibility support.

Bug Fixes

  • #248516 - [Android] Now, The SelectedItem will be set when cleared the text.
  • #248192 - [iOS] The FontFamily error in iOS version 13 has been resolved.
  • #147130 - [UWP] When using ItemTemplate in SfComboBox the item will be visible while changing the DataSource dynamically.
  • #246712 - [Android] When CornerRadius is set to 0, the text within the token will now get arranged in the center.
  • #246176 - [Android] While the DataSource is changed dynamically, the SelectedIndex is now working properly.
  • #248791 - [Android] SfComboBox Selection will now be shown correctly in suggestion when same item is available in the DataSource.



  • #239672, #244059 - Now, the editor view BackgroundColor will be customized while using FloatingLabelLayout in SfDataForm.
  • The AutoComplete editor support has been provided for SfDataForm.
  • The DropDown editor support has been provided for SfDataForm in FloatingLabelLayout.
  • [UWP] The Accessibility support has been provided for SfDataForm.
  • The AutomationId support has been provided for SfDataForm.
  • #244938 - [UWP] Support has been provided for changing the Date/Time editor selector pop up header text using the Title property.
  • In MaskedEdit, support has been provided for EnablePasswordDelay and PasswordDelayDuration.
    • EnablePasswordDelay - Sets the delay when typing the password character.
    • PasswordDelayDuration –Sets the duration of the delay when typing the password character.

Bug Fixes

  • #247064 - Now, the UpdateEditor method works properly when FloatingLabelLayout is added in SfDataForm.
  • #246445 - Now, the SfDataForm scrolling works properly when entering the long text in multiline text editor, and the keyboard is opened by focusing the other editor.
  • #248267, #147494, #248762,#248727 – The NullReferenceException will no longer occur when unfocused the DataFormItem in custom DataFormGroupItem created.

Breaking Changes

  • The EmailAddressAttribute, MaxLengthAttribute, MinLengthAttribute, RangeAttribute, RequiredAttribute, StringLengthAttribute, DataTypeAttribute, DisplayAttribute, EditableAttribute, EnumDataTypeAttribute, DisplayFormatAttribute, and ReadOnlyAttribute have been removed from Syncfusion.SfDataForm.XForms instead of adding System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations assembly to refer data annotation.
  • TextInputLayoutSettings and LabelStyle class namespace has been changed from Syncfusion.SfDataForm.XForms to Syncfusion.XForms.DataForm.


Breaking Changes

  • The default appearance of the row and column drag-and-drop indicators has been changed. The Up and Down Arrow indicators are now replaced by a line that spans across the width and height of the datagrid for row and column drag and drop, respectively.
  • The DataGridStyle.GetRowDragUpIndicator() method is now deprecated. The row drag up indicator icon can no longer be customized and will throw a compilation error if it has already been used in application.
  • The DataGridStyle.GetRowDragDownIndicator() method is now deprecated. The row drag down indicator icon can no longer be customized and will throw a compilation error if it has already been used in application.
  • The DataGridStyle.GetColumnDragUpIndicator() method is now deprecated. The column drag up indicator icon can no longer be customized and will throw a compilation error if it has already been used in application.
  • The DataGridStyle.GetColumnDragDownIndicator() method is now deprecated. The column drag down indicator icon can no longer be customized and will throw a compilation error if it has already been used in application.


  • #221427, #154618, #246389, #246063, #154618, #F147402, #F146450 - Support has been provided to bind a DataTable collection as SfDataGrid.ItemsSource.
  • #233437 - Support has been provided to auto-generate the numeric buttons based on the available parent size of SfDataPager.
  • #233630 - Support has been provided to show the vertical borders for cells in all the summary rows using the GetSummaryVerticalLineVisibility() override in the GridStyle class.
  • #234424 - Support has been provided in SfDataPager to display the buttons in rectangular shape using the SfDataPager.ButtonShape property.
  • #227069, #228166 - Support has been provided in GridTemplateColumn to load a separate template when a cell enters into edit mode.
  • #236239 - Support has been provided to disable cell navigation and interaction for a particular column using the GridColumn.AllowFocus property.
  • #238080 - [UWP] When the focus enters or exits the SfDataGrid for TAB and Shift + Tab key press, notifications can now be listened in the ProcessKeyDown() override in GridSelectionController.
  • Now, SfDataGrid and SfDataPager support the AutomationId property to help automation frameworks and to identify and work with their elements.
  • [Android, iOS] Support has been provided to show datagrid in material design when SfDataGrid.Visual is set to VisualMaker.Material.
  • Support has been provided to set color to indicate the frozen column and row extent in a datagrid using the GetFrozenIndicatorColor() override in the DataGridStyle class.
  • Support has been provided to change the indicator color of the row drag-and-drop indicator using the GetRowDragViewIndicatorColor() override in the DataGridStyle class.
  • Support has been provided to change the indicator color of the column drag-and-drop indicator using the GetColumnDragViewIndicatorColor() override in the DataGridStyle class.

Bug Fixes

  • #I247604 - Now, GridComboBoxColumn works properly for indexer properties.
  • #I246650 - Now, selected value of a cell in GridComboBoxColumn will no longer displayed in cells of other rows of the same combo box column when editing.
  • #I246697, I246815 - Now, OnDemandPaging works properly even when filtering is applied at initial loading.
  • #I245990, I250133 - Now, the cells of the first row in a GridTemplateColumn are rendered properly without any padding issues.
  • #I246798 - [iOS] Now, stacked headers are rendered properly and do not go out of view when scrolling horizontally.


Bug fixes

  • #I245575 - The Exception will no longer be thrown in SfDateTimeRangeNavigator when using it in SfPdfViewer with navigation page.

SfEffectsView Preview

The Effects View is a container control that provides modern effects such as ripple, selection, scaling, and rotation. Users can render these effects through touch interactions like touch down, touch up, long press, and also by calling the APIs.

Key Features

  • Highlight and ripple animations.
  • Selection effect with built-in support for notifications during selection state changes.
  • Scale down, scale up, and rotation effects.


Bug Fixes

  • #146539, #245443 - In UWP, Expander will now resize properly when resizing the screen.
  • #F147343 - [iOS] ExpanderContent height will be updated properly when dynamically adding chips using FlexLayout.
  • #242042 - The ListViewItems loaded in SfExpander control will collapse properly when the expander item is collapsed and ItemTapped event will not trigger unnecessarily during collapsed state.


  • Material design support has been provided.


Bug fixes

  • #143249 - [Android] Shape will be positioned properly when adding the shape on the cropped image and saving the image.
  • #143249 - [UWP] The toolbar icon will be updated properly.
  • #242670 - IsImageEdited property value will be return false after saved the changes.


  • #142403 - The ImageEdited event support has been provided.
  • #233184 - Support has been provided to disable resizer in image editor.
  • #234295 - Support has been provided to restrict text pop-up preview window when tapping the text to add read-only text.

  • #239418 - Provided the following image effect support in image editor.
    • Hue
    • Saturation
    • Contrast
    • Brightness
    • Sharpen
    • Blur

Breaking Changes

  • Modified the toolbar built-in FontFamily styles.


Bug fixes

  • #240706 - SymbolPointer is rendered at the maximum scale value when setting the pointer value greater than maximum value.

  • #241573 - The ScaleOffset value is considered for Annotation rendering.

  • #242461 - Exception no longer be thrown when setting annotation’s ScaleValue and the minimum and maximum values of scale to zero.

  • #245773 - The ObjectDisposedException will no longer be thrown when upgrading Xamarin.Forms.


  • #242462 - Support has been provided to customize the element spacing of control and linear scale.


Breaking Changes

  • Upgraded the Xamarin.Forms dependency version of SfListView from to You should upgrade the Xamarin.Forms NuGet version to or higher in your application while using SfListView. Also, for Android platform, the target framework or compile SDK version of the application should be equal or greater than the latest API (9.0) available.


  • #245489 - LoadMoreCommand will no long fire multiple times when LoadMoreOption is AutoOnScroll.
  • #246001 - ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs will now return correct value on selecting the ListViewItem in GridLayout of SfListView.
  • #8364 - View Cells will no longer shrink smaller while re-ordering the ListViewItem.
  • #243655,#244828,#243880 - [Android] ListView will now render properly when loaded inside StackLayout/ScrollView.
  • #241844 - Selection works properly in SfListView control while clicking the child item which doesn’t have tap gestures.
  • #241688 - [UWP] Swiping works properly when rotator is placed inside SfListView.
  • #241699 - [Android] SfListView will not execute LoadMoreCommand for tap event and will execute on some slight move action when LoadMoreOption is AutoOnScroll.
  • #241306 - Dynamic sorting works properly in SfListView control.
  • #242429 - DataSource property works properly in multi triggers.
  • #145904 - ListViewItems will not scroll automatically when model property changes updated at runtime in SfListView control.
  • #242427 - ListViewItems are clipped properly when StickyGroupHeader is true and ItemsSpacing has more value in SfListView control.
  • #F146265, #238980, #243528 - [Android] The ListViewItems content will be loaded properly when carousel page and tabbed page is swiped continuously in SfListView control.
  • #242060 - ListViewItems are aligned properly when loaded in Expander control.
  • #236357, #237094, #237851 - [iOS] SfNumericUpDown will increase/decrease properly for a single tap when placed inside SfListView control.
  • #239474, #244154 - SfListview with DynamicHeight mode will update the footer size at runtime.
  • #238885 - In SfListview, Automation ID will be updated properly in Grid Layout for initial view.
  • #242042 - ListView ItemTapped event will no longer fire while tapping the empty space below Expander with ListView as Content after collapsing.


  • Provided WPF support for Xamarin.Forms ListView.
  • Material design support has been provided.

Known Issues

  • Swiping and Item Reordering feature support will not work in Xamarin.Forms WPF ListView.


Bug fixes

  • #240298 - [iOS] User interaction will work on marker when applying template for marker.

  • #146374 - [Android] The ZoomLevelChanging works properly on canceling the event when current level is less than specified value.

  • #243373 - [Android] The data labels will be displayed properly for small area (cities) in maps.

  • #240706 - [iOS] SymbolPointer is rendered at the maximum scale value when setting pointer value greater than the maximum value.

  • #244543 – The GeoCoordinateChanged event will not fire twice on every zoom level change.

  • #243890 - [Android] CustomMarker is not clipped when applying translation to template child view.

  • #241737 - [Android, iOS] Marker will be displayed properly when adding ShapeFileLayer as sublayer of ImageryLayer.

  • #247203 - Sub shapefile layer will be displayed properly while updating with some delay.

  • #245703 - [UWP] Viewport coordinates will be calculated correctly while updating GeoCoordinateChanged with some delay on loading.


  • # Zoom out will be behave as same as the zoom in behavior.



  • #234584 - Support has been provided to display the password character with some delay like an entry.



  • Automation Id support has been provided.

Bug Fixes

  • #248838 - [iOS] Now, the NavigationDrawer memory leak has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I241552, F143833, I243315, I244062, I244649, I244701, I244697,I245356, I245627, I248707, F147484, I249087, F147886 - Now, the value in SfNumericTextBox is updated properly with corresponding culture decimal separator and group separator after unfocused the control when changing the device culture in Xamarin.Forms Android and iOS platforms.


Breaking Changes

  • Due to internal architecture change, now, it is not required to add the Syncfusion.SfNumericUpDown.Android.dll and Syncfusion.SfNumericUpDown.iOS.dll assemblies to your platform-specific projects such as Android and iOS in Xamarin.Forms, respectively. Hence, you need to remove these two assemblies from your platform-specific projects.

Bug fixes

  • #I247899, I249593 - The ObjectDisposedException will no longer occur when rotating device to landscape mode with Xamarin.Forms version

  • #I241552, F143833, I243315, I244062, I244649, I244701, I244697,I245356, I245627, I248707, F147484, I249087, F147886 - Now, the value in SfNumericUpDown is properly updated with corresponding culture decimal separator and group separator after unfocused the control when changing the device culture in Xamarin.Forms Android and iOS platforms.


Bug fixes

  • #241052 - [Android] The image set as content inside the SfParallaxView will be loaded properly.



  • #170150, #179008, #181017, #200960, #203321, #203586, #203799, #212751, #216522, #222409, #225193, #227903, #228230, #231938, #233680, #237564, #240562, #F132449, #F133612, #F138928, #F133612 – Support for flip or single page view mode has been provided.
  • #197517, #198535, #220997 – Support for customizing the minimum zoom value has been provided.
  • #183873, #209917, #209733 – Support for loading encrypted or password protected PDF documents has been provided.
  • #241296 – Support for customizing the free text annotation has been provided.
  • #233085 – Added APIs to keep track on current search occurrence and total occurrences of searched text in the PDF document.

Bug Fixes

  • #242025 – [UWP] An item with the same key has already been added exception will no longer be thrown when loading a PDF document.
  • #242412, #242159, #F145996 - [Android] Free text annotation will be preserved properly while saving the PDF document.
  • #241433 - [Android] Keyboard will not popup immediately after loading the PDF document in Android v8.0.
  • #235803 - [UWP] Signature field will now be displayed properly on loading the specific PDF document.
  • #242412 - [iOS] The foreground color of free text annotation will now be preserved properly while saving the PDF document.
  • #240975 - [Android] Application will no longer be crashed when unloading the PDF document.
  • #241631 - [iOS] The ZoomPercentage property will be set properly.
  • #241631 - [iOS] Application will no longer be crashed while loading the PDF document with the MaximumZoomPercentage property value been set.
  • #238423 – [Android] Application will no longer be crashed when performing long press on the PDF document.
  • #240659 - [Android] The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while loading a PDF document, when SfPdfViewer is placed inside the SfPopupLayout.
  • #244324 - [UWP] The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while unloading SfPdfViewer.
  • #241481 - Text of the FreeText annotations will be displayed properly.
  • #237265 - Now, the ExtractText API extracts the text properly from a PDF document.
  • #240712, #242178 - Signature strokes will be preserved properly while saving the PDF document.
  • #241228 - Annotations will be removed properly from SfPdfViewer on using RemoveAnnotation method.
  • #237175 - Text size will not be changed when we load the saved PDF document from SfPdfViewer in Adobe Reader and tap on the text box field.
  • #243273 - Form field values will be preserved properly while saving the PDF document.
  • #242651 - Application will no longer throw System.FormatException while extracting the text from the PDF document in German culture.
  • #243055 - Form fields are not editable when the ReadOnly property of the respective field is set to true.
  • #239481 - Now, text in the FreeText annotation will be preserved properly while printing the PDF document.
  • #243728 - [Android, iOS] Application will no longer be crashed when tapping the scroll head when SfPdfViewer is in unloaded state.
  • #F146060 - Now, setting the PageNumber property navigates to the appropriate page of SfPdfViewer.
  • #243042 – The System.ObjectDisposedException will no longer occurs when using the PdfViewerControl inside CarouselPage.
  • #F145917, #243961 – [Android] Color for the text box entry field is now applied properly.
  • #239481 – Free text annotation is now printed properly.
  • #245172 – [Android] Zoom value is now applied properly.
  • #233304 – [Android] Application will no longer be crashed when unloading the PDF document.
  • #243780 – [iOS] PDF document is now displayed with proper zoom value.
  • #F145815 - System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer occur while extracting text from the PDF document. 
  • #243057 – Checkbox will now be checked when same field is present in different pages of the PDF
  • #241296 - The custom stamp annotation will be properly laid out.
  • #F147874, #247651 - The ExportAsImage method will no longer return previous PDF page after loading a new PDF in SfPdfViewer instance that is created in code behind.
  • #249221 - [UWP] Bookmark will navigate to the correct location in PDF document.
  • #248325 - [Android] The ‘Java.Lang.IllegalStateException’ will no longer occur while clicking the back button in the keyboard after filling form fields in a PDF document.
  • #247297 - [Android] Form fields will be displayed in proper locations while loading the PDF document.
  • #246051 - [Android] Blank screen will no longer appear when bookmark is clicked.
  • #246050 - [Android] Bookmark will navigate to proper location.
  • #247155 - [iOS] Application will no longer crash while performing long press over the PDF document.
  • #245172 - [Android] The Zoom-in and Zoom-out behaviors will work properly when device orientation is changed.
  • #248331 - [Android] The IsSignature property will return true in the InkRemoved event for handwritten signatures.
  • #247356 - [Android] Signature pad will open when signature field is tapped on the PDF document.
  • [iOS] Application will no longer be crashed when loading the PDF document that contains form fields.
  • [iOS] Application will no longer be crashed when navigating the pages using scroll head.
  • Application will no longer crash when navigating through pages scroll head.
  • Application will no longer crash when loading PDF document that contains form fields.
  • [UWP] Width of the PDF Viewer will fit when the application window is resized.
  • [UWP] Memory consumption will no longer occur after unloading the PDF document



  • Now, the SfPicker control supports Automation Id.
  • [Android, iOS] Support has been provided for setting Visual API to Material.

Bug Fixes

  • #249508,145147 - [iOS] The Picker IsOpen property works properly when setting the IsOpen property inside the Closed event.
  • #249381 - [iOS] The System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown when adding picker item dynamically.
  • #248356 - [Android] The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when enabling the Common Language Runtime Exceptions in Exception settings.



  • #237222 - Support has been provided to apply padding to the pop-up view.
  • [Android, iOS] Support has been provided to show popup in material design when SfPopupLayout.Visual is set to VisualMaker.Material.
  • SfPopupLayout now supports the AutomationId property to help automation frameworks, identify, and work with its elements.
  • Easing effects have now been added to improve the existing animations available in SfPopupLayout, and the SfPopupLayout.PopupView.AnimationEasing property has been provided to choose a suitable animation easing effect.

Bug Fixes

  • #I246551 - Now, SfPopupLayout.PopupView.PopupStyle.OverlayColor works properly when setting from XAML page.
  • #I246654 - Now, the popup will be positioned properly at the center even when the default width and height of the popup view are set as SfPopupLayout.PopupView.WidthRequest and SfPopupLayout.PopupView.HeightRequest again from the SfPopupLayout.Opening event handler.
  • #I245104 - Now, the objects are disposed properly, and memory leaks do not occur after closing the popup.


Bug Fixes

  • #I249123 - [iOS, Android] Now, the refreshing action is performed only when reaching the top of the page and not when scrolling through the page in a web view loaded as SfPullToRefresh.PullableContent.



  • Automation Id support has been provided.



  • Now, the radio button control supports WPF platform in Xamarin.Forms.
  • #I242013,I247161 – Now, the SfRadioButton supports wrapping the text using LineBreakMode.



  • [Android, iOS] Support has been provided for setting Visual API to Material.



  • The Automation Id support has been provided.

Bug Fixes

  • # 147364 - [iOS] Now, the SfRating star shape is rendered properly when rotating the control.



  • The Automation Id support has been provided.



  • Now, the SfSchedule control supports WPF platform in Xamarin.Forms.
  • #191255, #192010, #204107, #204222, #215598, #217951, #218392, #178983, #235682 - Support has been provided for displaying spanned appointments in SfSchedule MonthView as in Google calendar.
  • #228949 – The AutoTimeIntervalHeight support has been provided for SfSchedule based on the given StartHour, EndHour, and screen height in DayView, WeekView, WorkWeekView, and TimelineView.
  • #187242 - The MonthInlineAppointmentTapped event occurs when tap the No Events layout in SfSchedule.
  • #139428 – [UWP] Now, the dragging appointment will be placed based on the cursor point.
  • [UWP] The Accessibility support has been provided for SfSchedule.
  • The AutomationId support has been provided for SfSchedule .
  • [ Android, iOS] In SfSchedule, the default UI has been changed to Material design.

Bug Fixes

  • #146360 – Now, selected resources and appointments are cleared properly when resetting the SelectedResources collection.
  • #245707 – [UWP] Now, the time slot label settings in days view will be updated properly on view switching.

Breaking Changes

  • The obsolete property selectedAppointment has been removed from MonthInlineAppointmentTappedEventArgs.
  • The deprecated event ScheduleCellTapped has been removed.
  • The subscribe and unsubscribe dependency services IScheduleDependencyService has been removed.
  • The default Inline and AgendaView UIs have been improved.
  • In SfSchedule, the color codes for header, view header, current date highlight and time label have been modified based on the Material color code.



  • Now, the segmented control supports WPF platform in Xamarin.Forms.
  • #I220329 - Now, the SfSegmentedControl supports auto scrolling for the selected item or index.

SfShimmer Preview

The Shimmer control is used to improve the responsiveness of an application by showing a modern shimmer effect when data is loaded in background. This control comes with six built-in shimmer types.

Key features

  • Six built-in shimmer types for easy integration.
  • Supports to custom shimmer view.
  • Shimmer wave effect from multiple directions.

Breaking Changes

  • The IsLoaded property of Shimmer has been removed, and the IsActive property has been added to change the active state of Shimmer.


Bug Fixes

  • #146291 - Now, SfSwitch Layout is rendered correctly in latest Xamarin.Forms.



  • #232962, #245315, #248010 - The Automation Id support has been provided.
  • #241368, #F145945 - The IsVisible feature support has been provided for SfTabItem.
  • [Android, iOS] Support has been provided for setting Visual API to Material.

Bug Fixes

  • #246944 - [Android] Now, SfTabView tab item content is updated properly when changing the content in the TabItemTapped event.
  • #248555 - [UWP] Now, SfTabView tab item content is updated properly when resizing the window.
  • #248392 - [Android] Now, the Java.Lang.IllegalStateException will no longer be thrown when setting same content to another tab item.
  • #247686 - [iOS] Now, Master detail page slide on navigation works properly when adding SfTabView as detail page content and setting Enable swiping to false.



  • #I242592, I243394, I241869 ,I244766 – Now, support has been provided for setting SfNumericUpDown as InputView of SfTextInputLayout.



  • #246422 - [iOS] TreeView will show all the items when ItemSize is set through the QueryItemSize.
  • #242078 - SfTreeView will not crash when exit the window.
  • #243699 - The SelectedItems will now gets disposed properly in SfTreeView control.


  • Material design support has been provided.



  • #238012 - Warning capture is implemented in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #238012 - Unsupported font is now substituted by a font stream in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #238385 - Exporting Excel data to nested class is now supported.
  • #F144806 - Boolean to include column headers is now provided as an overload to the ImportDataTable() method with ImportOnSave option.
  • #F147141 - Applying marker image with auto ratio is now supported.
  • Bindable attribute is implemented to skip a property on importing data from a collection.
  • Importing data from nested collection to Excel is now supported.

Breaking Changes

  • #238012 - IWarning interface is added to represent the warning details of unsupported and substituted elements.
  • #238012 - ShowWarning() method is added in IWarning class to show warning in the workbook.
  • #238012 - Cancel property in IWarning class gets or sets a boolean value to cancel the current process.
  • #238012 - Warning property is added in ExcelToPdfConverterSettings class to get warning detail in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #238012 - WarningInfo class is added to represent the warning details with type and description.
  • #238012 - Description property is implemented in WarningInfo class to get description of the warning.
  • #238012 - Type property is implemented in WarningInfo class to get the type of the warning.
  • #238012 - WarningType enum is added to specify the type for the specific warning.
  • #238012 - AlternateFontStream property in SubstituteFontEventArgs class gets or sets the alternate font stream.
  • #238385 - ExportData<T>() method is added in IWorksheet, WorksheetImpl, ExternWorksheetImpl and WorksheetGroup classes to export worksheet data into the collection of CLR objects.
  • #F144806 - ImportDataTable() method is added as an overload in WorksheetImpl, WorksheetGroup and ExternWorksheetImpl classes with a boolean to include column headers.
  • BindableAttribute() constructor in BindableAttribute class initializes a new instance that indicates whether a property is bindable.
  • Bindable property in BindableAttribute class specifies the bindable attribute for a property.
  • ImportData() method is added in IWorksheet, WorksheetImpl, ExternWorksheetImpl and WorksheetGroup classes to import data from class objects to a worksheet.
  • ExcelNestedDataLayoutOptions enum in enums class specifies how to fill the group field values while importing nested collection CLR objects.
  • ExcelNestedDataGroupOptions enum in enums class specifies whether the grouping is added with Collapse or Expand while importing nested collection CLR objects.
  • ExcelImportDataOptions class is added in IWorksheet class to specify import data options.
  • FirstRow property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies first row from where the data should be imported.
  • FirstColumn property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies first column from where the data should be imported.
  • IncludeHeader property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies whether class properties names must be imported or not.
  • IncludeHeaderParent property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies whether parent class properties names must be imported or not.
  • NestedDataLayoutOptions property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies how to fill the group field values while importing nested collection objects.
  • NestedDataGroupOptions property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies whether the grouping is added with Collapse or Expand while importing nested collection objects.
  • CollapseLevel property in ExcelImportDataOptions class specifies the group collapse level.

Bug Fixes

  • #230042, #231663 - Number and date time values are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #237114, #237576 - Line shapes are now rendered properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #244941, #245083 - Custom properties are now preserved properly on resaving the Excel document.
  • #240083 - Number alignment is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #235971 - Chart series type is now preserved properly while saving the workbook with combination chart.
  • #240200 - Pivot table background color is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #240677 - Pivot chart is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #240083 - Chart data points will no longer be missed when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #239969 - Argument exception will no longer be thrown on opening the Excel file containing external workbook.
  • #230937 - Excel document is now converted properly while using the OFFSET function.
  • #236370 - DateTime value is now returned correctly in UK culture.
  • #238322 - Pivot table row header is now preserved properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #236131 - PivotTable will no longer be crashed on refreshing the resaved Excel file.
  • #239384 - Performance delay will no longer occur while resaving the Excel document.
  • #237809 - Conditional format formula for specific text is now updated properly while copying cells.
  • #236873 - DisplayText is now returned correctly when accessing the date time using formula with DDDD number format.
  • #238626 - Creating table with invalid table name will throw an exception.
  • #236136 - PercentOfParent option is now set correctly while creating a pivot table.
  • #237114 - AutoShape text is now rendered properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #239217 - Cell text with lesser than and greater than symbols are now preserved properly when converting the worksheet to HTML.
  • #236197 - Time value is now set correctly for 1904 enabled workbook.
  • #241751 - Checkboxes are now checked properly after resaving the Excel document.
  • #238322 - Grand totals of rows and columns are now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #241336 - Excel document containing conditional formats will no longer be corrupted on inserting a row.
  • #237235 - Legend is now preserved properly on setting custom data label.
  • #240083 - Chart data point will no longer be missed when converting Excel to PDF.
  • #242245 - Performance has been improved while opening the SpreadsheetXML file.
  • #241403 - Vertical text alignment now works properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #242613 - Japanese characters are now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #242913 - Font name and font size will no longer be changed while opening the Excel document.
  • #244193 - Exception will no longer be thrown on converting the Excel document with date time to PDF.
  • #239659 - Checkbox when removed is now preserved properly.
  • #226622 - Cell value is now updated properly while coping a range from source to destination.
  • #239384 - Performance is improved while converting Excel document into PDF with conditional formatting.
  • #243118 - Exception will no longer be thrown on saving the document with form controls in Xamarin.Forms.
  • #244535 - Filter applied columns are now auto-fitted properly.
  • #243110 - Code name is now preserved properly for XLSX files.
  • #242235 - Alternative text for chart shape is now preserved properly on resaving the Excel document.
  • #245833 - Worksheet with autoshapes is now cloned properly.
  • #243737 - Conditional format styles are now copied properly while applying marker with jump arguments.
  • #240083 - Conditional format formula is now calculated correctly in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #244284 - Table formatting issues will no longer occur on resaving the Excel file.
  • #240237 - Excel document with line shapes is now properly converted to PDF.
  • #248642 - Exception is no longer thrown on resaving the Excel document containing external range in chart series.
  • #243928 - Border style is applied when BeginUpdate and EndUpdate are invoked.
  • #240237 - Shape text rendering is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #247667 - Image will no longer shrunk on inserting multiple rows.
  • #243732 - Cell indent is now preserved properly when indent level is set in Excel to HTML conversion.
  • #245634 - Format exception is no longer thrown on opening the file in German culture.
  • #F144906 - Active worksheet is now unselected when multiple worksheets are selected in the Excel file.
  • #F145816 - Exception will no longer be thrown on saving the workbook after invoking IApplication.IsSupported() method.
  • #F146576 - Cell with indentation will no longer be missed in worksheet to image conversion.
  • Exception will no longer be thrown when getting intersect range from invalid named ranges.
  • Saving the input document as xlsx file after saving it as xml document will no longer be corrupted.
  • CalcEngine will no longer be reinitialized after performing Excel to PDF conversion.
  • Legend text color is now preserved properly on saving the Excel document.
  • Chart is now preserved properly on copying the worksheet using the AddCopy() method.
  • Output Excel file will no longer be corrupted when an empty pivot table is updated with data and saved using XlsIO.
  • Exception will no longer be thrown while using named range for page setup in XlsIO.
  • Formula is now correct on resaving the Excel document containing formula with external workbook reference.
  • Exception will no longer be thrown while converting the Excel document to PDF after resave.