Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

July 30, 2018
Starting with version 16.2 (2018 Vol 2), you need to include a valid license key (either paid or trial key) within your applications. Please refer to this help topic for more information


  • In 2018 Volume 2 release, we had introduced a new feature for localizing the internal texts of our components from PCL/.NET Standard projects. In this approach, when the required culture is not available in the application level, “System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException” is thrown in debug mode when this particular exception is enabled under exception settings in Visual Studio. To avoid this, we have now added a new property of type ResourceManager to get the resource manager from the user instead of creating it our self. The user needs to maintain the resource files for the required cultures in the application and set this property if localization is needed for the application.

    For example,

  • C#
  • ChartResourceManager.Manager = new ResourceManager("GettingStarted.Resources.Syncfusion.SfChart.XForms", Application.Current.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly);



    • #205783, #F138587 - Added Rotation property in WPicture class.

    Bug Fixes

    • #209648 - Tab characters are preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #204167, #209881 - InvalidOperationException will be no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #204167, #209881 - IndexOutOfRangeException will be no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #208660, #206994, #204167 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will be no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #208268 - Paragraph spacing is now preserved properly when replacing content in table cell for a particular Word document.
    • #F138091 - Table header is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #207657 - Word document will be no longer corrupted when inserting image in a particular Word document.
    • #208020 - paragraph spacing is preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #208046 - Multi column is now preserved properly in Word Perfect Office Viewer while resaving a particular Word document as RTF.
    • #207861 - Word document will be no longer corrupted in Microsoft Word 2007 application while resaving a particular Word document.
    • #207772 - Image position is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #207653 - Text shading is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #207619, #205309 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #204167, #209881 - Performance has been improved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #204167, #209881 - StackOverflowException will be no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #205919 - Image size is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as RTF.
    • #206868 - Bookmark hyperlink is now navigate properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #206703, #203618 - Word document will be no longer hangs while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #206993, #203639 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #206485 - Table splitting issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #206496, #205904 - Content control content is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #206202, #205099, #208898 - List number is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #205329, #209408, #203051 - Word document will be no longer hangs while updating document fields in a particular Word document.
    • #205631, #205309 - Text wrapping issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #205633 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while parsing a particular Word document.
    • #205309 - Table cell text preservation issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #205309 - Table position issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #205250 - InvalidOperationException will be no longer thrown while parsing a particular RTF format document.
    • #205188 - StackOverflowException will be no longer thrown while updating document fields in a particular Word document.
    • #202856 - TOC preservation issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as HTML.
    • #204774 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while deleting bookmark content in a particular Word document.
    • #204774 - Bookmark content is now deleted properly in a particular Word document.
    • #204542 - TextBox is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #204342 - Paragraph spacing is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #202253 - OutOfMemoryException will be no longer thrown while parsing a particular Word document.
    • #180963, #193566 - Font preservation issue has been resolved while converting a particular Word document as PDF.
    • #208059 - MAX field is now properly skipped from updating error result while updating fields in a particular Word document.


    Bug Fixes

    • #209067 - XML files are now importing properly as form fields.
    • #209067 - Drop-down form fields are now exporting properly as XML files.
    • #209809 - “Unable to decrypt document without ID” exception will no longer occur when decrypting the PDF documents.
    • #209809 - “Catalog is not present” exception will no longer occur when loading the PDF documents.
    • #209809,207003 - “Password is incorrect exception” will no longer occur when loading the PDF documents.
    • #205727,199398 - URI value from PdfLoadedUriAnnotation is now retrieving properly from the PDF document.
    • #205636 - “Index out of range exception” will no longer occur when loading the PDF documents.
    • #206504 - Imported document size is not increased if the source document contains hyperlinks.
    • #204160 - Content is now preserving properly when adding large text to a PdfGrid cell in landscape page.
    • #206944 - PDF signature appearance is updating properly when using appearance graphics.
    • #209484 - “Null reference exception” will no longer occur when accessing layer of the PDF document.
    • #204266 - Incorrect layer behavior and syntax issues in Preflight when creating layers in the PDF document are now fixed.
    • #207003 - “Index and length must refer to a location within the string” exception will no longer occur when loading the PDF documents.
    • #206043 - The blank page will no longer be created when rotating the PDF documents.
    • #205034 - Preservation issues will no longer occur when adding layers with overlay to PDF documents.
    • #208125 - “Argument Out Of Range exception” will no longer occur when importing pages from the PDF documents.
    • #206826 - All the form fields are now preserving properly when merging the PDF documents.
    • #206864,209809 - Hanging issues will no longer occur when importing pages form the PDF documents.
    • #208472 - PDF document corruption issue will no longer occur when merging the PDF documents.
    • #209467 - “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” exception will no longer occur when loading the PDF document.
    • #206344 - Text box fields are now preserving properly when flattening the PDF document.
    • #207010,206810 - Null reference exception will no longer occur when appending the PDF documents.
    • #204640 - “Can’t convert to rectangle” exception will no longer occur when flattening the PDF documents.


    Bug Fixes

    • #205502 - Application will no longer hang while re-saving the PowerPoint presentation.


    Bug Fixes

    • #210244: Now, binding autocomplete text with entry and clear the SelectedItem after saving the value it gets cleared in iOS
    • #209824: Now, selected item is bound to the item correctly in autocomplete.
    • #209554: DisplayMemberPath property is working with inherited class in UWP.
    • #209261: SelectedItem is getting null when clear button tapped and also SelectionChanged is fired.
    • #138016: Token width is set correctly when FontSize is given in autocomplete.
    • #137975, 138033, 207704: Selected item value gets cleared while clear the textbox value
    • #206824: SelectedItem has added correctly in multi-selection when adding dynamically
    • #137912: SelectedItem is working correctly when setting initially.
    • #207146: Exception is cleared when setting SelectedItem that is given which is not in the Datasource
    • #204294: PopupDelay not working when ShowSuggestionsOnFocus is true.
    • #137141: ValueChanged event called once when using SuggestAppend.
    • #196990, 198865, 203090, 207146: Exception cleared when set the SelectedItem while DataSource is null in Android


    Bug Fixes

    • #206904: Exception is cleared when dispose the busy indicator page in Android
    • #209824: BusyIndicator box works correctly if device goes to sleep and wakes back up on android


    Bug Fixes

    • #209330: Selected dates will work by considering min and max dates. If the date is not in range, selection will not be processed.
    • #209335: The ArgumentOutOfBoundException has been resolved when the first date of month is Sunday in local machine.
    • #209009: Dates will be rendered correctly when navigating among the views continuously.
    • #191495: The NullReferenceException has been resolved by using the SelectRange property in SfCalendar(iOS).
    • #137626: Inline opening can be disabled by using the InlineToggled event.
    • #208279, 137781: The MoveToDate property is working fine by using the OnViewModeChanged event.
    • #210170, 210461, 210766: Calendar dates will be rendered correctly when setting the minimum and maximum dates and swiping continuously among the views in MonthView.
    • #208720: Month view dates will not be changed based on the culture. Headers will be localized based on calendar specification.


    • #207424: Now, improved the BlackoutDates rendering performance of SfCalendar.


    Bug Fixes

    • #210000: Swipe gesture is recognized when SfCarousel is nested in scroll view in Xamarin.Forms iOS
    • #206927: Offset property is working properly in SfCarousel


    Bug Fixes

    • #205789 – The InvalidArgumentException will no longer be thrown when double tapping the range series in chart.

    • #208922 – Custom colors will be applied properly in UWP platform.

    • #209985 – The legend items label will be updated at run time in UWP platform.

    • #207204, 208178 – The issue with horizontal panning stops working after panning to the leftmost edge has been fixed in iOS platform.

    • #209617 – The labels of CategoryAxis are rendering properly when the EnableAutoIntervalOnZooming property of ChartAxis is set to true.

    • #206590 – The issue with improper position of axis labels when the LabelsIntersectionAction property is set to MultipleRows in iOS platform has been fixed.

    • #209638 – The IllegalArgumentException will no longer be thrown when zooming column series with gradient color in Android 8.0 version.

    • #196661 – ViewAnnotation will be clipped properly when zooming the chart with coordinate axis.


    Bug fixes

    • # 137785 – The Pointer’s Value property updates properly when dragging the pointer.


    Bug Fixes

    • #209983: Assigning null to the ComboBoxSource it works correctly when we click the down-arrow in UWP
    • #209894: Binding the selected item property in SfCombobox is working correctly in Xamarin.Forms iOS


    Bug Fixes

    • #138552: Font customization for label using the GenerateViewForLabel method in DataFormLayoutManager is working properly (UWP).
    • #209612: The null value will be considered in DateTime picker (UWP).
    • #138593: The data form items will be arranged properly when adding in ScrollView and the label position as top.
    • #209885: Label in the DataForm will be generated properly when setting the FastRenderer flag in activity (Android).
    • #209555: The DataForm will be displayed properly when returning null value in the ToString override method of DataObject class.
    • #208902: The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown in the custom editor when changing the added DataObject at runtime.
    • #138099: The TextChanged event of Xamarin.Forms entry is fired while using DataFormTextEditor.


    Bug fixes

    • #209893, F138889: Null reference exception thrown when applying selection with row header and custom GridSelectionController. This issue has been fixed.
    • #209928: Row in the selected position in the view does not get selected after sorting. This issue has been fixed.
    • #200012: Row dragging does not work for the second time in Lenovo and Yoga tablet in the UWP platform. This issue has been fixed.
    • #208993, 209757, 210440: Space key is not working in the editor control loaded inside the GridTemplateColumn. This issue has been fixed.
    • #208350: Columns will blink and disappear for a moment before the data has been loaded when changing the SfDataGrid.ItemsSource at runtime. This issue has been fixed.
    • #210435: Tab key does not respond after entering edit mode in macOS platform. This issue has been fixed.
    • #206056: TableSummaryRow text is not aligned based on the corresponding GridColumn’s text alignment. This issue has been fixed.
    • #206055: Text in the TableSummaryRow is not rendered when added at runtime with LoadUIView for setting the corresponding column to false. This issue has been fixed.
    • #197488: Height of the data grid is not updated when navigating between pages while using inside ScrollView in a MasterDetailPage. This issue has been fixed.
    • #207318: Row height does not updated when calling the SfDataGrid.QueryRowHeights method at runtime. This issue has been fixed.
    • #207629: Long press is not working in the SfNumericUpDown control when hosted inside GridTemplateColumn in the iOS platform. This issue has been fixed.


    • #204903, 206174: Support to size a column based on the column header text has been provided.
    • #210231: Auto-fitting row height support when exporting the grid rows to PDF format has been provided.
    • #209539: GridDoubleTapped command support for double tapping action in the grid has been provided.
    • #206048: The ItemsSourceChanged event to notify the changes in SfDataGrid.ItemsSource support has been provided.


    Bug Fixes

    • #206049 – The week labels will not be repeated in France region.


    Bug Fixes

    • #206795 - Provided support for changing the visibility of context menu.
    • #208649 - SelectedItems list , BringToFront and SendToBack will properly work before Diagram render while calling this on initialize.
    • #206015 - Content object in node will clone When copying or the node is dragged and dropped from stencil.
    • #207332 - Node’s color can be changed when it contains template.
    • #205700 - Diagram clear, drag and drop node with template from stencil will work properly.
    • #206806 - Now, the API “Select()” method for connector works properly.
    • #206482 - Now, the API “BringToFront()” method works properly with user handle.
    • #206592 – Now, user handle content can resize at run time.


    Bug fixes

    • #208812,#209021 - Now, footer toolbar items will render correctly in UWP.

    • #206284 - Now, path will be drawn with selected color from custom color palette in UWP.

    • #206794 - Now, the default aspect ratio for cropping is decided based on the first toolbar item in the aspect ratio toolbar.


    Bug fixes

    • # 137575 – Linear gauge Scale will display its maximum value according to the value specified in the MaximumValue property.


    Bug fixes

    • #205627: ListView will display the items as expected, when binding the List with duplicate values.
    • #208283: Scrolling will work properly when setting the item size greater than view size.
    • #206862: Exception will no longer be thrown when collapsing the group in multilevel grouping.
    • #209376, 199386, 203771, 209157, 210268, 209544, 210953, and 210386: Exception will no longer be thrown from ExtendedScrollViewRenderer in latest Xamarin.Forms v3.1.
    • #209380: Scrolling with fling is working properly in UWP platform.
    • #209379: Scrolling will properly work when performing panning in UWP platform.
    • #207660: Scroll offset will be maintained when navigating between pages after scrolling and returning to the previous page in iOS and Android platforms.
    • #138038: ListView items will automatically consider the margin and padding of an element in the ItemTemplate, if the AutoFitMode is set as Height.
    • #208776: Header, footer, and group header size will be changed properly when changing at runtime through binding.
    • #210183: Exception will no longer be thrown when deleting an item from the last group.
    • #209268: Group header size will be updated properly when setting the AutoFitMode as Height if the group header is sticky.
    • #138653: Item size will be updated properly when changing it in the SizeChanged event of ContentPage.
    • #204210: ListView will render properly when a Grid is hosting inside with ColumnDefinitions as Auto.


    Bug fixes

    • # 209918 – GeoCoordinates and the Markers property has dynamically been updated properly.

    • # 138729 – The MarkerSelected event will not be invoked twice in Xamarin.Forms for iOS.

    • # 138729 – The Markers position will not change when Selecting/Deselecting the marker.

    • # 206627 – The NullReference exception will no longer be thrown when Selecting/Deselecting the map shape.

    • # 206627 – The SelectedShapeStroke and SelectedShapeStrokeThickness properties work as expected.


    Bug fixes

    • #209620: Now, FontSize is updated properly when value is set to the Value property in Android platform.
    • #210320: Now, Value is returned properly if any key is entered.


    Bug Fixes

    • #208997: NavigationDrawer works correctly when scrolled by mouse in UWP
    • #209481: Footer view will not be visible when the drawer footer view is not provided in Xamarin.Forms android.
    • #198957: Size is properly updated in SfNavigationDrawer while loading
    • #204705: SfChart binding works correctly when it added as Content view of SfNavigationDrawer


    Bug fixes

    • #209328: The System.InvalidCastException will no longer be thrown when pressing the done button inside GridNumericColumn in Android platform.
    • #206622, #F137769, #209152: Now, the MaximumDecimalDigits property is updated properly when SfNumericTextBox is defined inside the SfListView control in UWP platform.
    • #207736: Now, the Value property is updated properly in UWP platform.
    • #208038: Now, the decimal separator is displayed properly based on the Culture property.
    • #206622: The NumberFormatException will no longer be thrown when entering negative symbol and decimal separator in Android platform.
    • #208179, #208995: User inputs have been restricted only to numbers with decimal separator and negative symbol.
    • #208038: Now, the decimal separator is entered properly for different cultures in iOS platform.
    • #206622: Now, the decimal separator and negative sign are entered properly for different cultures.
    • #208869: The FormatException will no longer be thrown when the MaximumNumberDecimalDigits is set to zero in UWP platform.
    • #206030: The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown when the Culture property is set to Hebrew in Android platform.
    • #205866: Now, text is displayed properly when the device language and region are set to Italy in iOS platform.


    • #202722: Custom number FormatString has been added like UWP platform.


    Bug Fixes

    • #138500: Now,Value property is updated correctly in ValueChanged event of NumericUpDown
    • #209318: SfNumericUpDown works correctly when used inside SfListView
    • #208331: NumericUpdown works correctly when set the Minimum value and Allow null is true


    Bug Fixes

    • #208896 - System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException will no longer be thrown when enabling the Common Language Runtime Exceptions from exception settings.
    • #207135 - Content in the PDF document is now displayed properly.
    • #209019 - Built-in toolbar in SfPdfViewer control is now clickable if we use it in Xamarin.Forms v3.0.
    • #206990 - ObjectDisposedException will no longer occur when navigating between XAML pages in Xamarin.Forms iOS.
    • #192596, #198034, #196026 - Content will not disappear anymore when the UIAlertViewController appears over the SfPdfViewer.


    Bug Fixes

    • #210318: Now, using await while declaring datasource in the picker, item is shown inside picker in Android.
    • #206051: Now, using picker inside pop up page SelectedItem is set correctly in iOS.
    • #206051, 206077: Selected text color is set correctly for the selected item initially when SfPicker gets loaded.
    • #209748: SfPicker works correctly when dynamically adding ObservableCollection.
    • #209629: SfPicker appears in dialog mode on modal dialog Called by Navigation.PushModalAsync().
    • #206979: Picker works correctly when changing the day and month.
    • #208189: Value updated correctly on SelectionChanged event in SfPicker.
    • #137777: Picker layout sets correctly while using picker mode as dialog.
    • #207762: SfPicker appear with label GestureRecognizers tapped event on iOS.
    • #207554: CancelButton and OKButton are accessible in custom renderer.
    • #206979: Alignment of Datetime picker in SfPicker is properly updated.
    • #206782: Spacing is updated correctly while launching SfPicker in UWP.
    • #204558: Picker works correctly while clicking the cancel button.
    • #205229: SfPicker renders properly in iOS on dialog mode.
    • #208683: SfPicker shows over the views when opens in dialog mode.


    Bug fixes

    • #209174: System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException occurs while showing the pop-up if C# exception setting is enabled. This issue has been fixed.
    • #209806: Text hidden at the left corner when animating downwards in the on-board help pop-up in the OnBoard Helps SampleBrowser sample. This issue has been fixed.
    • #210558, F136759: Exception occurs if switching SfPopupLayout.PopupView.ContentTemplate via MergedDictionaries with Xamarin.Forms. version when using pop-up on the fly approach. This issue has been fixed.
    • #F138796: Null reference exception occurs in UWP platform when customizing the Close button in the header. This issue has been fixed.
    • #F138796: Custom view hosted inside the SfPopupLayout.PopupView.FooterTemplate is overlapping the bottom border of the footer. This issue has been fixed.
    • #206404: When navigating to a new page with pop-up being open, the pop-up will also appear in the new page. This issue has been fixed.


    • #207041, F137720: Support for changing the height and width of the SfPopupLayout.PopupView at runtime has been provided.


    Bug Fixes

    • #138144: Now, CenterButtonBackView property in SfRadialMenu is working correctly.


    Bug fixes

    • #210514: Now, the FontSize property supports the NamedSize enumeration.


    Bug Fixes

    • #206186, 137686: Now, Maximum value is set as 0, range slider works correctly in iOS.
    • #205894: In range slider Knob looks clearly in Xamarin.Forms iOS.


    Bug Fixes

    • #207537: In SfRotator, SelectedIndexChangedEventArgs is inherited from the EventArgs.


    Bug Fixes

    • #210106, #210734: Label text in the appointment custom view is displayed properly (UWP).
    • #209808: The correct selected date value will be obtained in the SelectedDate property when tapping the month cell (Android).
    • #138371: The InvalidOperationException is no longer thrown and the dragged appointment details is obtained when moving the appointment from one view to other view, and changing the appointment collection in the VisibleDatesChangedEvent.
    • #209503: The No selected date text in the Agenda view is now localized.


    Bug Fixes

    • #209923: Now, Tab view works correctly when navigate page from second page to first page
    • #210004: Tab view content is updated correctly while change BindingContext value dynamically
    • #I209088,210102, 210369: TabView works correctly when reordering the Navigation stack from a page with SfTabView
    • #208172: Tab view works correctly while back to root using Navigation.PopToRootAsync.
    • #138017: Keyboard appears when on focus in tab view
    • #208172: Now, we can swipe fast to navigate to next sample in Sample browser.


    Bug Fixes

    • #209721, #209736, #210574, #209735, #210213 - Fixed the Configuration Wizard issue while creating the Xamarin Project Template in Visual Studio 2017 v15.7.4 and later.
    • #209721 - Fixed the Syncfusion.Xamarin.Buttons NuGet typo mistake in Xamarin Project Template.


    Bug fixes

    • #209729 - Null reference exception thrown while adding marker variable with copy style argument is resolved.
    • #209443 - Null reference exception thrown while copying empty worksheet range is resolved.
    • #209443 - Shape is not copied properly to another range while clearing range is fixed.
    • #208554 - Application exception ambiguity conflict between Microsoft Common Object Runtime Library. and Syncfusion.Compression NuGet package is resolved.
    • #207203 – Random exceptions on accessing RTFText property multiple times is resolved.
    • #208141 - Exception thrown while converting chart with range collection is resolved.
    • #208122 - Exception thrown while opening a file with empty RTF text is resolved.
    • #207732 - Argument exception thrown while opening a workbook of strict XML type is resolved.
    • #207940 - Null reference exception raised while invoking auto fit columns on cells containing formulas is resolved.
    • #207176, #210642 - Issue with conditional formats on a newly created worksheet is fixed.
    • #207151 - Exception is no longer thrown while saving the workbook created using AddCopy().
    • #206271 - Corruption issue while resaving the file with query table is resolved.
    • #206070 - Formats are preserved correctly while saving XML file as XLSX.
    • #205858 - Table formula with column name in dimension format can be set properly.
    • #204815 - Exception raised while opening Excel file having the style count greater than maximum unique styles is fixed.
    • #204483 - XML exception raised while opening a binary file with duplicate schema is resolved.
    • #204511 - FindAll() returns expected value when ExcelFindOptions is not provided.
    • #204932 - Exception raised while setting Fill property for un-supported chart types on opening Excel file is resolved.
    • #204742 - Data connection parameters tag is now serialized while resaving the Excel file.
    • #204130, #204484 - Exception thrown while parsing hyperlink in merged cells is resolved.
    • #203365 - Conditional formats are properly copied while add copying the worksheet.
    • #203557 - File corruption issue while generating worksheet from data table is resolved.
    • #203396 - File corruption while removing comments with picture from worksheet is resolved.
    • #202487 - Exception is no longer raised while parsing invalid reference to chart series name.
    • #204134 - Incorrect chart name retrieved for binary file is fixed.
    • #207784 - Exception raised while copying custom functions to a different workbook is resolved.
    • #205835 - Exception raised while cloning the workbook with conditional formats is resolved.
    • Exception will no longer be thrown while applying template marker using IWorksheet.Workbook property
    • Auto filter issue while setting IconSet conditional formatting with NoIcon is resolved