Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

June 1, 2017



  • #177630 - Added support to preserve/insert SVG element in DOCX to DOCX file format conversion.
  • #178264 - Added support to apply multiple Paragraph Style in a single Paragraph while creating a Word document using DocIO.

Breaking Changes

  • The property SvgData was added to the interface IWPicture.
  • The property EnableStyleSeparator was added to the interface IWParagraph.
  • An overload method AppendPicture was added to the interface IWParagraph.

Bug Fixes

  • #175961, #179927, #180418 - Image missing issue has been resolved while performing Mail merge execution.
  • #178271 - Extra page preservation issue has been resolved while loading the particular RTF format document.
  • #176369 - Doughnut chart title value retrieved properly while saving the particular Word document.
  • #177890 - Changing the color of a bar chart series is not applied for negative bar series values.
  • #177890 - No longer hangs while opening a Word document which containing chart.
  • #176984 - Formula field results are preserved properly while bookmark has a special character.
  • #177064 - List number preservation issue has been resolved while saving the particular RTF format document.
  • #177586 - StackOverFlow Exception will no longer thrown while loading the particular RTF format document.
  • #176708 - KeyNotFoundException Exception will no longer thrown while loading the particular DOCX format document.
  • #179085 - Merge field values are preserved properly while performing Mail merge execution for a particular Word document using Execute method.
  • #179006 - Underline and Strikethrough is now preserved properly when append particular HTML file in Word document.
  • #177295 - Text retrieved properly from WTextFormField for a particular Word document.
  • #177679 - NullReferenceException Exception will no longer thrown while performing Mail merge execution using empty data table.
  • #165843, #178727 - List number preservation issue has been resolved while importing particular Word document.
  • #177295 - !Syntax Error Exception will no longer preserved in the generated Word document for SUM(ABOVE) field.
  • #176369 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while saving the Word document which containing chart.
  • #168877 - Content Control will be accessible to create/modify into the Word document.
  • #171046 - MathML element is now preserved properly in DOCX to DOCX conversion.
  • #177380 - System.TypeInitialization exception will not be thrown while creating a Word document with chart.



  • #179323 - Provided support for adding BackColor to the Barcode in PDF.
  • #130457 - Provided support for getting size of the Barcode in PDF.

Bug Fixes

  • The PdfGrid header is now preserving properly when enable the AllowHorizontalOverflow
  • #178247 - Internal stream of PdfLoadedDocument is now closing properly when calling the dispose method
  • #177646 - Unexpected token exception is no longer thrown while loading particular PDF document.
  • #178830 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown when accessing PdfDocumentInformation property in the particular PDF document.



  • #177630 - Added support to insert and modify SVG image in PowerPoint presentation.
  • #177587 - Added support to insert columns to a table in PowerPoint presentation.
  • #176530 - Added support to retrieve the target slide of a hyperlink in PowerPoint presentation.

Breaking Changes

  • #176530 - The property TargetSlide was added to the interface IHyperLink.
  • #177630 - The property SvgData was added to the interface IPicture.
  • #177630 - An overload method for AddPicture was added to the interface IPictures.
  • #177630 - An overload method for AddPicture was added to the interface IShapes.
  • #177587 - The method InsertColumn was added to the interface ITable.
  • #177587 - The property ColumnsCount was added to the interface ITable.

Bug Fixes

  • #178009 - Null reference exception will not be thrown while clearing and adding the slides in the PowerPoint presentation.


Bug Fixes

  • #178289 - Now SfAutoComplete is visible inside SfRotator.
  • #180125 - Now items are in AutoComplete visible when using ItemTemplate.
  • #177233 - Now initial Value binding works in SfAutoComplete.



  • Pausing and Resuming the animation support is provided in SfBusyIndicator.


Bug Fixes

  • #179265 - Now SelectionChanged event fired when we have dynamically update the appointments in iOS.
  • #179120 - Now MonthChanged event fired while changing the month through InActiveMonthCells in current month in iOS.
  • #178378 - Now clearing SelectedDates values also reflect in UI view of Calendar.


Bug Fixes

  • #179831 - Now you can toggle the visibility of SplineSeries even if it is invisible at load time.

  • #179183 - ChartAxis range will be calculated properly when one of the series doesn’t have any data.

  • #175481 - Now, chart data marker label’s background will be drawn properly.

  • #178483 - ChartAxis labels alignment issue in RadarSeries and PolarSeries has been fixed.

  • #178201 - ChartSeries will align properly at center when SideBySideSeriesPlacement is false, and Spacing and Width properties are set.


Bug Fixes

  • #179436 - CircularGauge overlapping with status bar while adding CircularGauge in scroll view issue has been fixed.
  • #180348,180242,179245,179227 - RangePointer will render without setting RangePointer.Offset value.
  • #179146 - Issue with CircularGauge overlapping over other views while adding CircularGauge in scroll view has been fixed.
  • #177808 -RangePointer.EnableAnimation property will work properly.



  • #177914 - Support to export the GridDateTimeColumn and GridNumericColumn has been provided.


  • #177747 - Support to auto scroll the edit view based on keyboard position has been provided.
  • #178695 - Layout changes optimization for horizontal and vertical offsets has been done.
  • #178411 - Support to customize the RowDragAndDrop and ColumnDragAndDrop icons have been provided.

Bug Fixes

  • #179031 - SfDataGrid.HeaderRowHeight is not working when setting in XAML has been fixed.
  • #178453 - Memory leak in the border layers in Xamarin.Forms.iOS renderer has been fixed.
  • #177946 - SfDataPager does not refresh with data when new items are added to the SfDataGrid at runtime has been fixed.
  • #178040 - ColumnSizer not applied to the columns at run time has been fixed.
  • #178946, 179865 - Pull to refresh is not smooth in Xamarin.Forms.UWP platform has been fixed.

Breaking Changes

  • GridTappedEventsArgs.RowColumnindex has been renamed to GridTappedEventsArgs.RowColumnIndex.
  • GridLongPressedEventsArgs.RowColumnindex has been renamed to GridLongPressedEventsArgs.RowColumnIndex.


Bug fixes



  • #176019, #177820 - Provided support to sort the grouped items in SfListView.

Bug Fixes

  • #179444 - Exception is no longer thrown while selecting an item in SfListView when IEnumerable type of collection is bound to ItemsSource.
  • #179871 - Tapped command event is now triggered when GestureRecognizer is added to any element of ItemTemplate in Android platform.


Bug Fixes

  • #177741 - Now SfNumericTextBox on rotation inside SfDataGrid will work properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #179943 - Now increment and decrement button will be visible in ListView.
  • #176291 - Now Height property will be set properly in SfNumericUpDown.
  • #178185, #178186 - Now soft keyboard get displayed while using SfNumericUpDown inside the ListView.
  • #179280 - Now SfNumericUpDown with the culture setting of sr-Latn-RS works properly.


  • Now we can able restrict editing in SfNumericUpDown and allow value change only through buttons.
  • Enabling and Disabling now possible with SfNumericUpDown



  • Custom View support provided in Rating control.

  • AutoSizing support provided in Rating control.


Bug Fixes

  • #179372 - Now, Appointment argument of CellTapped event and selectedAppointment argument of ScheduleCellTapped event has proper values when tapped on the recursive appointment.
  • #179241 - Now, BackgroundColor of MonthInlineViewStyle in OnMonthInlineLoaded event will be applied properly (iOS).
  • #177603 - Now, Header, ViewHeader and Timeslots will be rendered properly based on the given height (iOS).
  • #177588 - Now, Font family available in the specific platform will be working properly.
  • #177796 - Now, Recurrence appointments are rendered properly based on RangeEndDate (UWP).


Bug fixes



  • #177630 - Provided support to add SVG images in Excel document.

Breaking changes

  • An overload method AddPicture is added to the interface IPictures.

Bug fixes

  • #177888 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening a file with error value in named range.
  • #176158 - Opening an Excel document with picture will no longer get corrupted in Mac OS.
  • #178929 - Issue with wrong combo boxes count in an Excel document is fixed.
  • #178697 - Conditional formatting rules are now applied proper with priority.
  • #178368 - Custom number format ends with whitespace is preserved properly.
  • #176718 - DisplayText now returns number value for cell reference formulas.
  • #179055 - Exception is no longer thrown while saving XLS document to XLSX format with invalid named ranges.
  • #178577 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening an Excel document with empty relation in image hyperlink.
  • #179601 - Setting a pivot table row layout to tabular style and saving the document will no longer throws exception.
  • #179303 - Exception is no longer thrown while setting header text within the limit.
  • #175065 - Saving a workbook multiple times will no longer increase its file size.
  • #177928 - Removing worksheets will reduce the file size properly.
  • #178745 - Issue with changes in table formatting after resaving the document is fixed.
  • #177927 - Removing multiple worksheets and saving the document will no longer throws exception.
  • #177832 - License issue in XlsIO assembly has been resolved.
  • #177210 - Issue with wild card criteria search in Excel document is fixed.
  • Cell value with cross sheet reference formula will be updated properly.
  • Sorting a range twice with same index will no longer throws exception.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while copying worksheets with chart.
  • Issue with improper print title values is fixed.