Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

May 8, 2017


Syncfusion Xamarin studio supports iOS 9 or higher version from this release onwards.


Breaking Changes

  • Enumeration type of Equation(EQ) field is modified from FieldFormula to FieldExpression while opening an existing DOC format document.
  • Enumeration type of Formula(=) field is modified from FieldExpression to FieldFormula while opening an existing DOC and DOCX format document.

Bug Fixes

  • #171423 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while importing and resaving a particular Word document.
  • #171051, #173099 - File is no longer corrupted while resaving a particular DOCX format document.
  • #169663 - File size is now reduced while converting a Word document as RTF by enabling the OptimizeRtfFileSize property of SaveOptions class.
  • #171841 - Merge field number format preservation issue has been resolved while performing Mail merge execution.
  • #172854 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while using FindSingleLine() method in Multithreading.
  • #171100 - Ref field result is now preserved properly while updating document fields for a particular Word document.
  • #171613 - Marker color of the scatter chart is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #171423 - Data label of the chart is now preserved properly while resaving a particular DOCX format document.
  • #173459, #172942 - No longer hangs while opening a particular DOCX format document.
  • #173517 - Table right border is now preserved properly while saving the particular RTF format document.
  • #173567 - Custom properties result is now preserved properly while updating document fields for a particular Word document.
  • #174511 - Table border is now preserved properly while converting a particular Word document as HTML.
  • #174834, #174894 - Table rows now preserved properly when accepting the track changes.
  • #174246 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while refreshing a chart element.
  • #173628 - Chart with trendlines is now preserved properly while resaving a particular DOCX format document.
  • #174455 - Image missing issue has been resolved while resaving particular Word document.
  • #175132 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while parsing the picture fill property of Chart element.
  • #174474, #174954 ,#174997 - ArgumentException will no longer thrown while saving the Word document which contains Chart element.
  • #175051 - ArgumentException will no longer thrown while opening a particular Word document.
  • #175731 - Page break will be preserved properly when accepting the track changes in the Word document.
  • #174174 - Table border preservation issue has been resolved while opening a particular DOC format document.
  • #176420 - File is no longer corrupted while using ChartData.Clear() method.
  • #173412, #174055 - Performance has been improved while resaving a particular DOCX format document.


Bug Fixes

  • #172260 - PdfLightTable cell customization is now preserving properly when disable the AllowRowBreakAcrossPages.
  • #172269 - Index out of range exception is no longer thrown when viewing PDF document in PDF Viewer.
  • #171703 - PdfLightTable headers are drawing only once when enable the ShowHeader.
  • #171857 - Form fields values are preserving properly when flattening the form fields.
  • #173882 - The inner color of the ellipse and circle annotations are now preserving properly when flattening the annotation.
  • #174433 - Null reference exception no longer occurs when loading the PDF document.
  • #172945 - Named destination is now supported when merging PDF documents.
  • #172848 - Preservation issues will not occur while flattening PDF form fields.
  • #170584 - File size is not increased when importing single page from the PDF document.
  • #176429 - PdfTextWebLink destination now works as expected for rotated PDF documents.
  • #173563 - PDF text box fonts are preserved properly when merging the PDF documents.
  • #176565 - Code 128 barcode will be generated without any unwanted characters.
  • #175857 - PDF document will no longer corrupted while merging the PDF documents.
  • #175375 - PDF document will no longer corrupted while drawing the image.
  • #175053 - Exception will not be thrown while loading the PDF document.
  • #175267 - Exception will not be thrown while loading a particular PDF document as byte array.
  • #175861 - QR barcode size will be generated properly with respect to the XDimension.
  • #175758 - ArgumentOutOfRange exception is no longer thrown when appending the particular document.
  • #175090 - Check box values are preserved properly while flattening the form fields.
  • #175090 - PDF document will no longer corrupted while applying flatten the form fields.
  • #175090 - Text box properties are now preserved properly while parsing the particular PDF document.
  • #174498 - Annotation bounds are now preserved properly while rotating the PDF document.
  • #175002 - PDF document will no longer corrupted while drawing a string in particular PDF document.
  • #174801 - Text colors are now restored properly when drawing with the same PdfPen multiple times using PdfIccColor.
  • #175020 - Exception no longer thrown while accessing the ForeColor of the PdfFields.
  • The annotation bounds are now preserved properly while loading the PDF document.
  • Null reference exception is no longer thrown while getting the annotation author and subject properties.
  • Exception no longer thrown while getting the used fonts from particular PDF document.
  • Exception will not occur when adding bookmark to larger PDF document.



  • #168464 - Added support to create and modify comments in PowerPoint presentations.
  • #176530 - Added support to create and modify hyperlinks for shapes in PowerPoint presentations.

Breaking Changes

  • #176530 - The property Hyperlink is now added into IShape interface.
  • #176530 - The method SetHyperlink is now added into IShape interface.
  • #176530 - The method RemoveHyperlink is now added into IShape interface.

Bug Fixes

  • #170494 - The resaved PowerPoint presentation will be no longer corrupted while opening in Microsoft Office 2007.
  • #174113 - The merged PowerPoint presentation will no longer get corrupted while merging cloned slides from PowerPoint presentations.
  • #173849, #173493 - The merged PowerPoint presentation will no longer get corrupted while merging slides from different PowerPoint presentations.
  • #174190 - No more exceptions thrown while creating a new presentation by merging cloned slides from different PowerPoint presentations in multi-threading environment.
  • #174295 - Replaced text in a PowerPoint presentation will be no longer marked as spelling error.



  • FontAttribute and DropDownItemFontAttribute support is provided in SfAutoComplete.
  • FontFamily and DropDownItemFontFamily support is provided in SfAutoComplete.
  • Now DataSource property accepts collections of string and act like AutoCompleteSource.

Bug Fixes

  • #177233 - Now binded items gets cleared when clear Button is pressed.
  • #176823 - Now Autocomplete supports transparent border color.
  • #175979 - DropDownItem is rendered correctly in Landscape mode.
  • #129196 - Correct Item gets selected from Suggestion List while giving twice of same item
  • #129196 - Now when editing the text from suggestion list the entries of selected index and value gets changed correctly
  • #129196 - Now previous selected index and value gets cleared when clicking clear Button.
  • #129207 - DropDownItemHeight property is now working correctly.

Breaking Changes

  • Data type of SelectedValue API changed from String to Object
  • SelectionChanged event argument type has been modified as
    SelectionChanged(SfAutoComplete,Object) from SelectionChanged(SfAutoComplete, String).


Breaking Changes

  • Value of Duration API has been restricted to a minimum value of 1000 millisecond to a maximum of 25000 millisecond.


Bug Fixes

  • #176481 - Now Day Header alignment issue has been fixed in UWP.
  • #176794 - Now BlackoutDates can be set in OnMonthCellLoaded event.
  • #176288 - Now SelectedDayTextColor API is working fine in iOS.
  • #176056, #178233 - Refreshing issue on SfCalendar after updating the CalendarEventCollection has been fixed.
  • #175894 - Now scaling issue with ShowHeader false has been fixed in Android.
  • #177174 - Animation blocking issue in tab view while adding SfCalendar in TabbedPage has been fixed in Android.
  • #176855 - Now we can dynamically update the events in DataSource API.
  • #176917 - Now months disappearing issue has been fixed when swiping multiple times from bottom to top in iOS.
  • #173364, #177870 - Now calendar in UWP is working fine when IsVisible API is set false.
  • #176071 - Now previous month dates are in disabled state while moving the date using MoveToDate.


  • Support for DateCellHolding event has been provided.


Bug Fixes

  • #176162 - Now you can customize the Axis properties using Styles in all the pages.

  • #125289 - Now, ChartSeries.YAxis can be updated at run time.


Bug Fixes

  • #175449 - Issue with CircularGauge overlapping over menu tabs while adding in view pager has been fixed.
  • #176267 - Now, RangePointer.Offset value will work properly with the same behavior in iOS and Android.
  • #174281 - Now, while resizing the circular gauge Headers will position properly (UWP).
  • #173640 - Now, range pointer and needle pointer Value will update dynamically when changing the start and end value of scales (iOS).



  • #175944, 144610, 159932, 164605, 167186 – Support for table summaries has been provided.
  • #162333, 167000 – Support for DataTemplateSelector for GridTemplateColumn has been provided.
  • Support for ResizingMode to resize the grid columns either when panning or in touch up has been provided.

Bug fixes

  • #176723 – Exception thrown while trying to add an item to the underlying collection at run-time with custom grouping enabled has been fixed.
  • #175555 – Exception occurs when clearing columns and generating columns again with show row header has been fixed.
  • #177213 – Exception occurs when blank row comes to view while using QueryRowHeight event has been fixed


Bug Fixes

  • #177251 - Now, black vertical line will no longer appear while giving single digit value to the Value property.

SfImageEditor Preview

A new image editor control has been added.

Key Features

  • Crop images.

  • Annotate images with text and shapes.

  • Rotate and flip images.

  • Customize with interactive toolbar.


Bug Fixes

  • #177204 - Now you can provide object type values also for Category.

  • #174858 - The issue with layout alignment when using CardTemplate has been fixed.

  • #176136 - Now, index of the card won’t be changed when you change the index of the object in ItemsSource collection.

  • #175671 - SfKanban will render properly in MasterDetailPage while navigating from another ContentPage.


Bug Fixes

  • #173901 - Now, linear gauge will render properly while setting negative value to Maximum and Minimum in iOS.

SfListView New


  • #167882, #169207, #169853, #128415, #171229, #172691, #128902, #172730, #129260, #129530 – Provided support to AutoFit the items based on its content.


  • #175103, #175840 - Provided DataTemplateSelector support for swipe views.
  • #172182, #171116 - Provided support to move and replace the item of underlying collection at runtime.
  • #177389 – Provided support for scrolling to specified position programmatically.

Bug Fixes

  • #176184 - ListView items are updated properly after reset the underlying collection at runtime when the view is scrolled to some extent.
  • #176178 - Header is now rendered properly when SpanCount is changed at runtime.
  • #177116 - Null exception is no longer thrown when LayoutManager is changed continuously at runtime.
  • #175178 – Exception is no longer thrown when SpanCount is changed at runtime.
  • #175178 - Exception is no longer thrown after changing the IsStickyHeader at runtime when all the groups are collapsed in GridLayout.

Breaking Changes

  • Need to add the Syncfusion.Core.Forms assembly as reference in all renderer projects including PCL project in the application.


Bug Fixes

  • #175775 - Issue with labels are not positioning at the center of the bubble in SfMaps has been fixed (Android & iOS).



  • #176219, #176256 - Support for FontFamily in SfNumericTextBox has been provided

Bug Fixes

  • #173891 - Now Screen keyboard will be visible until Done Button is clicked.
  • #173149 - Now Null value will be applied to all other textbox while binding
  • #173891 - Now zero is binding properly in SfNumericTextBox


Bug Fixes

  • #177703 - Now “%” symbol will be set correct initially
  • #177760 - Now Null value will be binding correctly in SfNumericUpDown
  • #177703 - Now MaximumDecimalDigit will be set to zero in SfNumericUpDown
  • #176686, #I178181 - Now Size of the Increment and Decrement button in SfNumericUpDown is visible correctly
  • #176291 - Now BackgroundColor property capable of setting dynamically in SfNumericUpDown

SfPdfViewerControl Preview


  • #176783 - Default zoom percentage in Xamarin.Forms is increased.
  • #169692, #171299, #170150, #172229 - Exposed an API MaximumZoomPercentage for setting the maximum zoom percentage.
  • #169872 - Support for searching the text has been added.

Bug Fixes

  • #175636 - PDF document pages will be unloaded properly in Xamarin.Forms.UWP.
  • #175735 - The PDF document will be loaded properly in Xamarin.Forms.UWP.



  • Support to host any custom layout along with notifications has been provided.
  • Stability and performance improvements for the SfPullToRefresh control has been done.

Breaking Changes

  • SfPullToRefresh.ProgressBackground has been renamed to SfPullToRefresh.ProgressBackgroundColor.
  • SfPullToRefresh.Progress has been moved to the PullingEventArgs which can be accessed in the SfPullToRefresh.Pulling event’s call back.
  • SfPullToRefresh.ProgressRadius property has been removed and the progress radius will be adjusted based on the SfPullToRefresh.RefreshContentHeight and SfPullToRefresh.RefreshContentWidth property.
  • SfPullToRefresh.PullDirection property has been removed and pull-to-refresh will be supported only on the top direction by default.
  • PullDirection enum has been removed as the SfPullToRefresh.PullDirection is no more supported.
  • SfPullToRefresh.RefreshContent property has been removed from the SfPullToRefresh and the refresh content will be customizable.
  • SfPullToRefresh.Pulling method has been removed as the SfPullToRefresh.Pulling event will be raised automatically upon interaction and raising events programmatically is not valid.
  • SfPullToRefresh.Refreshing method has been removed as the SfPullToRefresh.Refreshing event will be raised automatically upon interaction and raising events programmatically is not valid.
  • SfPullToRefresh.Refreshed method has been removed as the SfPullToRefresh.Refreshed event will be raised automatically upon interaction and raising events programmatically is not valid.
  • SfPullToRefresh.Refresh method has been removed and the programmatic refresh can be achieved by using the SfPullToRefresh.StartRefreshing and SfPullToRefresh.EndRefreshing methods.
  • SfPullToRefresh.PullingEvent has been renamed to SfPullToRefresh.Pulling.
  • SfPullToRefresh.RefreshingEvent has been renamed to SfPullToRefresh.Refreshing.
  • SfPullToRefresh.RefreshedEvent has been renamed to SfPullToRefresh.Refreshed.
  • SfPullToRefresh.RefreshControl has been removed since the refreshing will be processed accordingly using the Pulling, Refreshing and Refreshed events.
  • SfPullToRefresh.RefreshEventHandler has been removed as the SfPullToRefresh.RefreshControl event is no more supported.
  • PullToRefreshDependencyService has been removed since the pulling progress now is completely handled from the PCL.
  • SfPullToRefresh.RefreshingEventHandler has been passed with an additional parameter EventArgs.
  • SfPullToRefresh.RefreshedEventHandler has been passed with an additional parameter EventArgs.
  • TransitonType.SlideonTop enum type has been renamed to TransitionType.SlideOnTop.


Bug Fixes

  • #174842 - Now position of thumb set correct and SnapsTo property is working properly
  • #177698 - Now ToolTip does not scrolls along with the Page while using RangeSlider inside scrollView


Bug Fixes

  • #176805 - Now, dynamic changes of RotatorItem are reflected correctly in iOS
  • #176624 - Now, Thumbnail has been rendered correctly.
  • #173807 - Exception is no longer thrown while pressing the back button on device with EnableAutoPlay API as true.
  • #173286 - Now SfRotator shows the expected image with ItemTemplate property.


  • Support for Custom color and Offset of navigation strip dots has been provided.


Bug Fixes

  • #173258 - Now, SelectedAppointment has value in the ScheduleCellTapped event trigged from MonthView (Android).

  • #173256 - Exception no longer thrown while setting wrong RecurrenceRule in the Schedule RecurrenceProperties (iOS).

  • #170013 - Now, Schedule OnAppointmentLoadedEvent has proper values based on custom appointments instead of ScheduleAppointment properties (Android & iOS).

  • #172731 - Now, Schedule performance has been improved while adding ScheduleAppointment through VisibleDatesChanged event (UWP).

  • #172714 - Now, Schedule Forward method is working properly (Android).

  • #174025 - Now, Schedule MonthView dates are rendered properly based on TimeZone (iOS).

  • #173258 - Now, Schedule Appointments are rendering properly in MonthView while navigating to other months (Android).

  • #175866 - Now, Schedule OnMonthInlineAppointmentLoadedEvent has proper values when multiple appointments shares same time slot (iOS).

  • #173677 - Now, ScheduleAppointment intersection is working properly while adding Appointments at the same time (Android).

  • #173786 - Now, Custom View will occupy the entire ScheduleAppointment while setting in OnAppointmentLoaded event (Android).

  • #175294 - Now, Custom View will intersect properly when the appointments are in the same time in OnAppointmentLoaded event (iOS).

  • #167647 - Now, ScheduleAppointmentCollection will be cleared properly on dynamic update in MonthView (Android).

  • #173096 - Now, Schedule MonthView Inline appointment are localized properly.

  • #176060 - Now, Schedule VisibleDatesChangedEvent has proper values in the VisibleDates argument based on TimeZone (iOS).

  • #176618 - Now, Schedule month Inline view is rendering properly based on TimeZone (iOS).

  • #173370, #176241, - Now, Schedule performance has been improved with the scenarios initial loading, adding AppointmentCollection to the DataSource, switching between ScheduleViews.

Breaking changes

  • DateTextSize property of ViewHeaderStyle has been marked as obsolete, use DateTextStyle property instead to set text size.

  • DayTextSize property of ViewHeaderStyle has been marked as obsolete, use DayTextStyle property instead to set text size.

  • TextSize property of AppointmentStyle has been marked as obsolete, use TextStyle property instead to set text size.

  • TextSize property of MonthViewCellStyle has been marked as obsolete, use TextStyle property instead to set text size.

  • TextSize property of HeaderStyle has been marked as obsolete, use TextStyle property instead to set text size.

  • TextSize property of WeekNumberStyle has been marked as obsolete, use TextStyle property instead to set text size.

  • TextSize property of CellStyle has been marked as obsolete, use TextStyle property instead to set text size.

  • TextSize property of MonthInlineViewStyle has been marked as obsolete, use TextStyle property instead to set text size.

  • DayLabelSize property of MonthLabelSettings has been removed.

  • VisibleCellAppointmentsCount property of MonthViewSettings has been removed.

  • ScheduleCellTapped event has been deprecated, use CellTapped event instead.


  • Schedule performance has been improved to handle a large number of appointments.
  • Schedule touch has been improved by provided CellDoubleTapped and CellLongPressed events.

SfSunburstChart Preview

The sunburst chart is useful for visualizing hierarchical data. The center circle represents the root level in the hierarchy, with outer circles representing higher levels of the hierarchy.

Key Features

  • Visualize hierarchical data.
  • Data label support for better readability.
  • Legend support.
  • Colors can be customized.


Bug Fixes

  • #176828 - Issue with inherited property not able to access from a base class in SfTreeMap has been fixed.



  • #152955 - Provided table filters support for the types text, number and date.
  • Provided custom sorting support in pivot table.

Breaking changes

  • The properties Position and Text are added in IPivotFieldItem interface.
  • The properties ShowAutoFilter and AutoFilters are added in IListObject interface.
  • The method Sort is added in IPivotField interface.
  • The method RemoveText is added in IAutoFilter interface.

Bug fixes

  • #171362 - Date format is maintained while importing data using Template Markers.
  • #171130 - Workbook protection password is maintained while re-saving Excel document.
  • #172188 - Exception thrown while parsing custom properties of Excel document has been resolved.
  • #172449 - Empty string can be assigned to workbook application name.
  • #172619 - Exception thrown while opening an Excel document with more than 32 characters in data validation title has been resolved.
  • #172767 - Exception thrown while opening an Excel document with numeric separators modified has been resolved.
  • #171513 - Applying standard height sets custom height to proper value in XLS document.
  • #95412 - Text rotation for chart axis is applied proper while creating charts.
  • #172748 - Date value “01/01/0001” is considered as string.
  • #171998 - File with empty space in table column header is no more corrupted.
  • #172562 - Data field is now applied proper in pivot table creation.
  • #173466 - Exception while parsing Excel documents with invalid named range in charts has been fixed.
  • #175311 - Exception is no longer thrown while clearing ranges for empty worksheet.
  • #175311 - Exception is no longer thrown while adding external workbook with invalid named ranges.
  • #172529 - Issue with copying external formula string in CopyTo method is fixed.
  • #173735 - Issue with copying a cell value with hyperlink is fixed.
  • #173465 - Issue with spaces in hyperlinks is fixed.
  • #173893 - Formula with custom function is updated properly when named range is removed from workbook.
  • #173674 - Row insertion issue in Excel table with “Template Markers” is resolved.
  • #173808 - Data missing issue while re-saving an Excel document is resolved.
  • #166942 - Issue with currency symbols displayed with quotation marks is resolved.
  • #170860 - Performance has been improved while closing a binary Excel document with filters.
  • #171034 - Issue with incorrect table formula while copying a worksheet is resolved.
  • #171130 - Issue with removal of hyperlinks in shapes while resaving Excel document is fixed.
  • #171418 - Number formats are now properly applied in Template Markers.
  • #173568 - Exception will no longer thrown while opening Excel documents with EMF image.
  • #175161 - Issue while accessing chart series with theme colors is fixed.
  • #175311 - Exception will no longer thrown while clearing range from an empty worksheet.
  • #175397 - Issue with incorrect value when a cell is calculated twice is fixed.
  • #175547 - Issue with chart shadow properties is fixed.
  • #175792 - ListObjects will now be removed while clearing worksheet data.
  • #175900 - External names are now added proper while copying ranges into another workbook.
  • #175902, 177524 - External names are now added proper while copying worksheets into another workbook.
  • #175941 - Issue with setting visibility to blank item in pivot field is fixed.
  • #176016 - Exception is no longer thrown while resaving Excel document with images from XLS to XLSX format.
  • #176311 - File no longer gets corrupted when rich-text is added with invalid characters.
  • #176381 - Issue with SetWriteProtection is resolved now.
  • #176959 - Formatting applied to entire row is now copied properly.
  • #177031 - Issue with collapsed state of button in pivot table is fixed.
  • #177187 - Exception is no longer thrown while adding conditional formats to RangesCollection.
  • Performance is improved while adding multiple text filters in filters collection.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while opening a workbook with ParseWorksheetsOnDemand option.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while opening Excel documents with invalid formula.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while opening workbook with background images.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while parsing external worksheets.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while opening a workbook with chart using ParseWorksheetsOnDemand option.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while sorting columns with blank cells.
  • Exception is no longer thrown while saving workbook with shapes after AddCopy.
  • CalculatedValue now returns proper time value.
  • Filters applied is no longer removed when sorting is applied to a filtered range.
  • TopVisibleRow and LeftVisibleColumn are now applied properly.
  • Issue with visibility of comments in binary files is fixed.
  • Issue with RTF text in merged cells is fixed.
  • Range intersection issue for multiple ranges is resolved.
  • Issue with multiple filter range is now resolved.
  • Sorting is now applied properly on hidden rows.
  • Filter is now applied properly for an empty cell range similar to Microsoft Excel.
  • Issue with freeze pane while setting TopVisibleRow is fixed.
  • Rows are no longer hidden when Excel document with filters are opened and saved.
  • Issues with cell border, font style and vertical scroll bar has been fixed.