Essential Studio for Xamarin.Forms Release Notes

February 28, 2017


Bug Fixes

  • #171423 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer thrown while importing and resaving a particular Word document.
  • #171051, #173099 - File is no longer corrupted while resaving a particular DOCX format document.
  • #169663 - File size is now reduced while converting a Word document as RTF by enabling the OptimizeRtfFileSize property of SaveOptions class.
  • #171841 - Merge field number format preservation issue has been resolved while performing Mail merge execution.
  • #172854 - NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while using FindSingleLine() method in Multithreading.
  • #171100 - Ref field result is now preserved properly while updating document fields for a particular Word document.
  • #171613 - Marker color of the scatter chart is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #171423 - Data label of the chart is now preserved properly while resaving a particular DOCX format document.


Bug Fixes

  • #172260- PdfLightTable cell customization is now preserving properly when disable the AllowRowBreakAcrossPages.
  • #172269- Index out of range exception is no longer thrown when viewing PDF document in PDF Viewer.
  • # 171703- PdfLightTable headers are drawing only once when enable the ShowHeader.
  • #171857- Form fields values are preserving properly when flattening the form fields.
  • #172460- NotSupportedException no longer thrown while using PdfTrueTypeFont.


Bug Fixes

  • #170494 - The resaved PowerPoint presentation will be no longer corrupted while opening in Microsoft Office 2007.


Bug Fixes

  • #171848 - If any one of the field in DataSource is empty the Null exception will not be thrown on iOS platform.


Bug Fixes

  • #173286 - Now ItemTemplate’s Image is rendered correctly with its parent layout in UWP.



  • #171175 – Support to get ‘DraggingRowData’ in ‘QueryRowDraggingEventArgs’ has been provided.

Bug fixes

  • #172936 - Header is not visible if we load SfDataGrid inside a tab which is listed in more menu in tabbed page has been fixed.
  • #172611 - Row dropped in wrong position if we drag any row from top and drop it in bottom has been fixed.
  • #172446 - Header column blanks out when SfDataGrid is scrolled horizontally with empty collection as ‘ItemsSource’ has been fixed.
  • #171523 - Border is not visible if we set ‘BackgroundColor’ for views inside the ‘GridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate’ has been fixed.
  • #172265 - Horizontal scrollbar not working while have VerticalOverScrollMode is None and Record count less than the view size.


Bug Fixes

  • #172000 - “NullReferenceException” will no longer be thrown when set the empty value for ItemsSource property.


Bug Fixes

  • #173284 - “System.ObjectDisposedException” exception will no longer be thrown while navigating from the Page which has SfKanban control.
  • #171832 - Now, we can set the BackgroundColor as Transparent for root element of CardTemplate.

SfListView Preview


  • #173257 - Provided support to change the scrollbar visibility.

Bug Fixes

  • #172270 - In UWP platform, now it is possible to load SfListView with data inside another SfListView.
  • #172553 - Now GroupHeaderSize remains same when the group expanded also.
  • #172557 - Exception is no longer thrown when scrolling with groups which has null value as Key.
  • #171879, 173167, 173514 - Exception is no longer thrown when SfListView is removed from custom Content View.
  • #172730 - Warning is no longer shown when complex property is bind to ListViewItem.


Bug Fixes

  • #169291,#173275 - Now the property IsOpen gives value correctly based on it state in iOS platform.
  • #172184 - Now SfListView scrolls properly in SfNavigationDrawer on Android platform.


Bug Fixes

  • #172062 - Now the value 0 binds perfectly in SfNumericTextBox on Universal platform.


Bug Fixes

  • #172930 - Now width of SfNumericUpDown can be changed dynamically on Android platform.

SfPdfViewer Preview


  • #169692, #171299, #170150, #I172229 - Exposed an API MaximumZoomPercentage to increase the maximum zoom percentage of SfPdfViewer.

Bug Fixes

  • #172373, #171749 - Object Disposed Exception will not be thrown when loading the large PDF document in PDF viewer control Xamarin.Forms Android.


Bug Fixes

  • #169896 - Now initially getting empty view while loading rotator in iOS has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #173258 - Now, SelectedAppointment has value in the ScheduleCellTapped event trigged from MonthView (Android).

  • #173256 - Exception no longer thrown while setting wrong RecurrenceRule in the Schedule RecurrenceProperties (iOS).

  • #170013 - Now, Schedule OnAppointmentLoadedEvent has proper values based on custom appointments instead of ScheduleAppointment properties.(Android & iOS).

  • #172731 - Now, Schedule performance has been improved while adding ScheduleAppointment through VisibleDatesChanged event (UWP).


Bug fixes

  • #171362 - Date format is maintained while importing data using Template Markers.
  • #171130 - Workbook protection password is maintained while re-saving Excel document.
  • #172188 - Exception thrown while parsing custom properties of Excel document has been resolved.
  • #172449 - Empty string can be assigned to workbook application name.
  • #172619 - Exception thrown while opening an Excel document with more than 32 characters in data validation title has been resolved.
  • #172767 - Exception thrown while opening an Excel document with numeric separators modified has been resolved.
  • #171513 - Applying standard height sets custom height to proper value in XLS document.
  • #95412 - Text rotation for chart axis is applied proper while creating charts.
  • #172748 - Date value “01/01/0001” is considered as string.
  • #171998 - File with empty space in table column header is no more corrupted.
  • #172562 - Data field is now applied proper in pivot table creation.