Spin Button Customization in Xamarin NumericUpDown (SfNumericUpDown)

6 Jul 202318 minutes to read

Spin button position in the SfNumericUpDown control can be changed relative to the TextBox based on SpinButtonAlignment property.

There are three built-in modes:

Align the spin button in right side

Spin buttons will get aligned to the right side of the control.

<numeric:SfNumericUpDown SpinButtonAlignment="Right"/>
  • C#
  • SfNumericUpDown NumericUpDown = new SfNumericUpDown();
     NumericUpDown.SpinButtonAlignment = SpinButtonAlignment.Right;
     this.Content = NumericUpDown;

    Display SfNumericUpDown control with SpinButtonAlignment right

    Align the spin button in left side

    Spin buttons will get aligned to the left side of the control.

    <numeric:SfNumericUpDown SpinButtonAlignment="Left"/>
    SfNumericUpDown NumericUpDown = new SfNumericUpDown();
     NumericUpDown.SpinButtonAlignment = SpinButtonAlignment.Left;
     this.Content = NumericUpDown;

    Display SfNumericUpDown control with SpinButtonAlignment left

    Align the spin button in both side

    Spin buttons will get aligned to the both side of the control.

    <numeric:SfNumericUpDown SpinButtonAlignment="Both"/>
    SfNumericUpDown NumericUpDown = new SfNumericUpDown();
     NumericUpDown.SpinButtonAlignment = SpinButtonAlignment.Both;
     this.Content = NumericUpDown;

    Display SfNumericUpDown control with SpinButtonAlignment center


    By default the property value is Right.

    UpDown button color customization

    You can customize the SfNumericUpDown control button color by using the UpDownButtonColor property.

    <syncfusion:SfNumericUpDown UpDownButtonColor="Aqua"  Value="123"  />
    SfNumericUpDown NumericUpDown = new SfNumericUpDown();
        NumericUpDown.Value = 123;
        NumericUpDown.UpDownButtonColor = Color.Aqua;
        this.Content = NumericUpDown;

    Display SfNumericUpDown control with Button customization

    UpDown button view customization

    You can set the UpDownButton of SfNumericUpDown control by using any of the following ways:


    For image and Font icon, you need to add the respective image and TTF file.
    For Android: Add the image at Resource/Drawable/{Image} and .ttf file at Assets/{.ttf}.
    For iOS: Add the image and .ttf file to Resource/{Image/.ttf} and to use FontIcons, add respective FontFamily name in info.plist file under Fonts provided by application category.
    For UWP: Add the image and .ttf file directly to the project.

    Set the view to the Updown buttons

    <updown:SfNumericUpDown x:Name="upDown" SpinButtonAlignment="Both" TextAlignment="Center">
    <updown:UpDownButtonSettings ButtonHeight="45" ButtonWidth="45">
    <Grid HeightRequest="40" WidthRequest="40">
    <Image Source="up.png" Aspect="AspectFit" />
    <updown:UpDownButtonSettings ButtonHeight="45" ButtonWidth="45">
    <Grid HeightRequest="40" WidthRequest="40">
    <Image Source="down.png" Aspect="AspectFit" />
    public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
            SfNumericUpDown upDown;
            Grid incrementGrid, decrementGrid;
            UpDownButtonSettings incSettings, decrementSettings;
            Image incrementImage, decrementImage;
            public MainPage()
                incrementGrid = new Grid
                    HeightRequest = 40,
                    WidthRequest = 40,
                    BackgroundColor = Color.Blue
                incSettings = new UpDownButtonSettings
                    ButtonView = incrementGrid,
                    ButtonHeight = 45,
                    ButtonWidth = 45
                incrementImage = new Image
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                    Source = (FileImageSource)ImageSource.FromFile("up.png"),
                    Aspect = Aspect.AspectFit
                decrementSettings = new UpDownButtonSettings
                    ButtonView = decrementGrid,
                    ButtonHeight = 45,
                    ButtonWidth = 45
                decrementGrid = new Grid
                    HeightRequest = 40,
                    WidthRequest = 40,
                    BackgroundColor = Color.Red
                decrementImage = new Image
                    Source = (FileImageSource)ImageSource.FromFile("down.png"),
                    Aspect = Aspect.AspectFit,
                    HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
                upDown = new SfNumericUpDown
                    SpinButtonAlignment = SpinButtonAlignment.Left,
                    IncrementButtonSettings = incSettings,
                    DecrementButtonSettings = decrementSettings
                this.Content = upDown;

    Set the image to the Updown buttons

    <updown:SfNumericUpDown x:Name="upDown" SpinButtonAlignment="Both" TextAlignment="Center">
    <updown:UpDownButtonSettings ButtonImage="up" ButtonHeight="35" ButtonWidth="35" />
    <updown:UpDownButtonSettings ButtonImage="down" ButtonHeight="35" ButtonWidth="35" />
    public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
            SfNumericUpDown upDown;
            Grid incrementGrid, decrementGrid;
            UpDownButtonSettings incSettings, decrementSettings;
            Image incrementImage, decrementImage;
            public MainPage()
                incSettings = new UpDownButtonSettings
                    ButtonImage = "up",
                    ButtonHeight = 45,
                    ButtonWidth = 45
                decrementSettings = new UpDownButtonSettings
                    ButtonImage = "down",
                    ButtonHeight = 45,
                    ButtonWidth = 45
                upDown = new SfNumericUpDown
                    SpinButtonAlignment = SpinButtonAlignment.Both,
                    IncrementButtonSettings = incSettings,
                    DecrementButtonSettings = decrementSettings
                this.Content = upDown;

    Display SfNumericUpDown control with Button properties

    Set the font icon to the Updown buttons

    <updown:SfNumericUpDown x:Name="upDown" SpinButtonAlignment="Both" TextAlignment="Center">
    <updown:UpDownButtonSettings ButtonFontIcon="&#xe701;" ButtonHeight="35" ButtonWidth="35">
    <updown:UpDownButtonSettings ButtonFontIcon="&#xe700;" ButtonHeight="35" ButtonWidth="35" >
    SfNumericUpDown upDown = new SfNumericUpDown();
    upDown.SpinButtonAlignment = SpinButtonAlignment.Both;
    UpDownButtonSettings incSettings = new UpDownButtonSettings();
    incSettings.ButtonFontIcon = "\xe701";
        if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Android)
        incSettings.ButtonFontFamily = "numeric.ttf";
        decrementSettings.ButtonFontFamily = "numeric.ttf";
        incSettings.ButtonFontFamily = "numeric";
        decrementSettings.ButtonFontFamily = "numeric";
    upDown.IncrementButtonSettings = incSettings;
    UpDownButtonSettings decrementSettings = new UpDownButtonSettings();
    decrementSettings.ButtonFontIcon = "\xe700";
    decrementSettings.ButtonWidth = 45;
    upDown.DecrementButtonSettings = decrementSettings;
    this.Content = upDown;

    Display the control with fonticon

    Additional customization properties of Updown buttons

    Customize the Updown buttons background color

    This property is used to change the background color of the increment and decrement buttons.

    <updown:SfNumericUpDown >
        <updown:UpDownButtonSettings BackgroundColor="Red"/>
        <updown:UpDownButtonSettings BackgroundColor="Green"/>
    SfNumericUpDown numericUpDown = new SfNumericUpDown();
     UpDownButtonSettings incrementButtonSettings = new UpDownButtonSettings();
     UpDownButtonSettings decrementButtonSettings = new UpDownButtonSettings();
     numericUpDown.IncrementButtonSettings = incrementButtonSettings;
     numericUpDown.DecrementButtonSettings = decrementButtonSettings;
     incrementButtonSettings.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
     decrementButtonSettings.BackgroundColor = Color.Green;

    Customize the button background color

    Highlight the Updown buttons background color

    This property is used to change the background color of the increment or decrement button.

    <updown:SfNumericUpDown >
      <updown:UpDownButtonSettings HighlightedBackgroundColor="Red"/>
      <updown:UpDownButtonSettings HighlightedBackgroundColor="Green"/>
    SfNumericUpDown numericUpDown = new SfNumericUpDown();
     UpDownButtonSettings incrementButtonSettings = new UpDownButtonSettings();
     UpDownButtonSettings decrementButtonSettings = new UpDownButtonSettings();
     numericUpDown.IncrementButtonSettings = incrementButtonSettings;
     numericUpDown.DecrementButtonSettings = decrementButtonSettings;
     incrementButtonSettings.HighlightedBackgroundColor = Color.Red;
     decrementButtonSettings.HighlightedBackgroundColor = Color.Green;

    Customize the button background color

    Customize the Updown buttons font color

    This property is used to change the text color of the increment and decrement buttons.

    <updown:SfNumericUpDown >
        <updown:UpDownButtonSettings ButtonFontColor="Red"/>
        <updown:UpDownButtonSettings ButtonFontColor="Green"/>
    SfNumericUpDown numericUpDown = new SfNumericUpDown();
     UpDownButtonSettings incrementButtonSettings = new UpDownButtonSettings();
     UpDownButtonSettings decrementButtonSettings = new UpDownButtonSettings();
     numericUpDown.IncrementButtonSettings = incrementButtonSettings;
     numericUpDown.DecrementButtonSettings = decrementButtonSettings;
     incrementButtonSettings.ButtonFontColor = Color.Red;
     decrementButtonSettings.ButtonFontColor = Color.Green;

    Customize the button text color

    Spin validation

    You can customize number increment and decrement mode in spin button interaction in two ways:

    • Default
    • Tapped


    When SpinValidation property is set as Default, the SfNumericUpDown value gets updated on long press until the increment or decrement button is disabled.

    <numeric:SfNumericUpDown SpinValidation="Default" />
    SfNumericUpDown numericUpDown=new SfNumericUpDown();
    numericUpDown.SpinValidation = SpinValidation.Default;


    When SpinValidation property is set as Tapped, the SfNumericUpDown value gets updated on the increment or decrement button tap action.

    <numeric:SfNumericUpDown SpinValidation="Tapped" />
    SfNumericUpDown numericUpDown=new SfNumericUpDown();
    numericUpDown.SpinValidation = SpinValidation.Tapped;

    See also

    How to change the Spinner button position in SfNumericUpDown

    How to hide the increment or decrement button in SfNumericUpDown

    How to customize the spin button of the SfNumericUpDown