Customization in Xamarin Cards

10 Oct 202310 minutes to read


ShowSwipedCard can be enabled to show the swiped cards at the edge of card layout.

<cards:SfCardLayout ShowSwipedCard="true">
SfCardLayout cardLayout = new SfCardLayout()
  ShowSwipedCard = true

ShowSwipedCard in Xamarin.Forms SfCardLayout


VisibleCardIndex is used when given index of the card to be displayed in front of the card layout.

<cards:SfCardLayout VisibleCardIndex="1">
SfCardLayout cardLayout = new SfCardLayout()
  VisibleCardIndex = 1

VisibleCardIndex in Xamarin.Forms SfCardLayout


The SwipeDirection property indicates the swiping direction (left or right).

<cards:SfCardLayout SwipeDirection="Right">
SfCardLayout cardLayout = new SfCardLayout()
    SwipeDirection = CardSwipeDirection.Right

SwipeDirection in Xamarin.Forms SfCardLayout

You can find the complete getting started sample from this link.

Customization in CardView

You can customize the border color, thickness, and card corner radius by using the following properties:

BorderColor - Used to customize the card view border color.

BorderWidth - Used to customize the card view border thickness.

CornerRadius - Used to customize the card view corner radius.

<StackLayout  HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center">
        <cards:SfCardView BorderColor="Black" BorderWidth="5" CornerRadius="30,0,30,0" BackgroundColor="LightPink"  >
            <StackLayout Padding="10, 10, 0, 0" >
             <Label  Text="New York" FontSize="25" />
            <Label Text="Mon 3.00PM, Sunny" TextColor="Gray"/>
            <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
                <Label Text="31°" FontSize="70" Padding="0, 0, 10,0"/>
                <Image  Source="Sun.png" HeightRequest="100" WidthRequest="100"/>
StackLayout mainStack = new StackLayout()
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                Children =
                    new SfCardView(){
                    Content =  new StackLayout()
                        Padding = new Thickness(10, 10, 0, 0),
                        Children =
                            new Label(){Text = "New York" , FontSize = 25},
                            new Label(){Text = "Mon 3.00PM, Sunny" , TextColor = Color.Gray},
                            new StackLayout()
                                Orientation  = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                                Children =
                                    new Label(){Text = "31°" , FontSize = 70, Padding = new Thickness(0,0,10,0) },
                                    new Image(){Source = "Sun.png", HeightRequest = 100, WidthRequest = 100}
                    BorderColor = Color.Black,
                    BorderWidth = 5,
                    CornerRadius = new Thickness(30, 0, 30, 0),
                    BackgroundColor = Color.LightPink

Card customization in Xamarin.Forms SfCardLayout

Indicator customization

Indicators are used to indicate the state or level of something.

<cards:SfCardView IndicatorColor="Cyan" HeightRequest="300" IndicatorThickness="12" IndicatorPosition="Left" >
            <Label  Text="SfCardView" VerticalTextAlignment="Center" HorizontalTextAlignment="Center"/>
SfCardView cardView = new SfCardView() 
    Content = new Label() 
        Text = "SfCardView", 
        HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, 
        VerticalTextAlignment =  TextAlignment.Center
    IndicatorThickness = 12,
    HeightRequest = 300,
    IndicatorPosition = IndicatorPosition.Left,
    IndicatorColor = Color.Cyan

Indicator in Xamarin.Forms SfCardLayout


FadeOutOnSwiping can be enabled when the card view needs to be faded with respect to swiping.

<cards:SfCardView FadeOutOnSwiping="true"/>
SfCardView cardView = new SfCardView()
  FadeOutOnSwiping = true


This property won’t work when adding the SfCardView as a child of SfCardLayout.

Shadow Effect

The CardView control provides shadow effect support. To enable shadow effect, set the HasShadow property to true.

You can customize the color of shadow using the ShadowColor property.

<cards:SfCardView HeightRequest="300" HasShadow="True" ShadowColor="Red">
    <Label  Text="LightGray" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/>
SfCardView sfCardView = new SfCardView() 
   Content = new Label() { Text = "LightGray", BackgroundColor = Color.LightGray },
   HasShadow = true,
   ShadowColor = Color.Red


This property will not work when adding the SfCardView as a child of SfCardLayout.

See also

How to remove cards from card view collection in Xamarin.Forms

How to add multicolored stack of cards in Xamarin.Forms

How to set shadow effect to the cards in Xamarin.Forms

How to add cards to the ListView in Xamarin.Forms

How to set the border color and width of a card within the SfCardLayout

How to reuse the dismissed cards in Xamarin.Forms SfCardView