Timeline view

3 Sep 202014 minutes to read

TimelineView displays the dates in horizontal time axis with the desired day’s count. You can see the past or future dates by scrolling to the right or left. Each view displays events accurately across the time slots with an intuitive drag-and-drop feature. It provides support to highlight the selected region of time slots and handle interaction.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;

Timeline view in xamarin ios

Timeline view days count

You can customize the number of days in TimelineView using the DaysCount property of TimelineViewSettings. By default, value of the timeline days count is -1, and single day will be visible.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
//Creating new instance of TimelineViewSettings
TimelineViewSettings timelineViewSettings = new TimelineViewSettings();
//Customizing days count
timelineViewSettings.DaysCount = 10;
schedule.TimelineViewSettings = timelineViewSettings;

Timeline view based on day, week, work week, and month.

You can achieve timeline day, timeline week, timeline work week, and timeline month view with the default value of DaysCount by dynamically switching between day, week, work week, and month view to timeline view with respective visible dates.

For other value of DaysCount, only timeline view visible dates will be displayed as mentioned days count on dynamic view switching.

Customized working hours

You can customize the StartHour and EndHour properties of TimelineView to show only the required time duration for end users. You can also set StartHour and EndHour in double value, which will be converted to time to show the required time duration in minutes. The default value for StartHour and EndHour value is 0 to 24 to show all the time slots in TimelineView.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
//Creating new instance of TimelineViewSettings
TimelineViewSettings timelineViewSettings = new TimelineViewSettings();
timelineViewSettings.StartHour = 09;
timelineViewSettings.EndHour = 13;
schedule.TimelineViewSettings = timelineViewSettings;


  • StartHour must be greater than or equal to 0 and EndHour must be lesser than or equal to 24, otherwise InvalidDataException will be thrown.
  • EndHour value must be greater than StartHour, otherwise InvalidDataException will be thrown.
  • Schedule UI such as Appointments and NonAccessibleBlocks which does not fall within the StartHour and EndHour will not be visible and if it falls partially, it will be clipped.
  • No need to specify the decimal point values for StartHour and EndHour, if you don’t want to set the minutes.
  • The number of time slots will be calculated based on total minutes of a day and time interval (total minutes of a day ((start hour - end hour) * 60) / time interval).
  • If the custom time interval is given, then the number of time slots calculated based on given time interval should result in integer value, otherwise given time interval will be neglected and default time interval (60 minutes) will be considered.
  • If the custom start hour and end hour is given, then the number of time slots calculated based on given start hour, end hour should result in integer value, otherwise given end hour will be rounded off. For example, if StartHour is 7.2 (07:12AM), EndHour is 18.6 (06:36AM) and TimeInterval is 60 minutes, then EndHour will be rounded off to 18.2 (06:12PM).

Special time regions

You can restrict user interaction such as selection and highlight specific region of time in TimelineView by adding SpecialTimeRegion in the SpecialTimeRegions property of SFSchedule. You need to set the StartHour and EndHour properties of TimeRegionSettings to create SpecialTimeRegion. You can also set StartHour and EndHour in double value, which will be converted to time to show the required time duration in minutes. By default, the values of StartHour and EndHour are 0.

Special time region appearance

You can customize the appearance of SpecialTimeRegion using the Color and TextColor properties of TimeRegionSettings.

Selection restriction in time slots

You can enable/disable the touch interaction of SpecialTimeRegion using CanEdit property of TimeRegionSettings. By default, its value is true.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
List<TimeRegionSettings> specialTimeRegions = new List<TimeRegionSettings>();
//Setting Special time regions property
TimeRegionSettings timeRegionSettings = new TimeRegionSettings();
timeRegionSettings.StartHour = 12;
timeRegionSettings.EndHour = 13;
timeRegionSettings.Text = "Lunch";
timeRegionSettings.Color = UIColor.FromRGB(234, 234, 234);
timeRegionSettings.TextColor = UIColor.Black;
timeRegionSettings.CanEdit = false;
schedule.SpecialTimeRegions = specialTimeRegions;

Time interval

You can customize the interval of time slots in TimelineView by setting TimeInterval property of SFSchedule.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline; 
schedule.TimeInterval = 180;

If you modify the TimeInterval value (in minutes), you need to change the time labels format by setting the TimeFormat as “hh:mm”. By default, TimeFormat is “hh a”.

Time interval height

You can customize the interval height of time slots in TimelineView by setting the TimeIntervalHeight property of SFSchedule.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline; 
schedule.TimeIntervalHeight = 180;

Nonworking days

You can add the non-working days in TimelineView using NonWorkingsDays property of TimelineViewSettings. By default, there is no non-working day in TimelineView.

var nonWorkingDays = new NSMutableArray();
var timelineViewSettings = new TimelineViewSettings();
timelineViewSettings.NonWorkingDays = nonWorkingDays;
schedule.TimelineViewSettings = timelineViewSettings;

First day of week

By default, schedule control will be rendered with Sunday as the first day of the week. It can be customized to any day of the week using the FirstDayOfWeek property of SFSchedule.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline; 
schedule.FirstDayOfWeek = 3;

In Timeline view, FirstDayOfWeek will be applied only when DayCounts property of TimelineViewSettings is 7.

Appointment height

You can customize the height of the appointment in TimelineView using the AppointmentHeight property of TimelineViewSettings. By default, its value is 50.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
//Create new instance of TimelineViewSettings
TimelineViewSettings timelineViewSettings = new TimelineViewSettings();
timelineViewSettings.AppointmentHeight = 100;
schedule.TimelineViewSettings = timelineViewSettings;

When a greater number of appointments is added in the same time slot, appointment height will be calculated automatically without considering the AppointmentHeight property to display all the appointment in the view.

View header tapped event

You can handle single tap action of ViewHeader using the ViewHeaderTapped event of SFSchedule. This event occurs when the ViewHeader is tapped. This event contains ViewHeaderTappedEventArgs argument, which holds the details of NSDate in it.

//Creating new instance of Schedule 
SFSchedule schedule = new SFSchedule();
schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
schedule.ViewHeaderTapped += OnViewHeaderTapped;
private void OnViewHeaderTapped(object sender, ViewHeaderTappedEventArgs e)
     var date = e.Date;

View header customization

You can customize the default appearance of view header in TimelineView by using DayHeaderStyle property of SFSchedule.

//Create new instance of Schedule
SFSchedule schedule = new SFSchedule();
schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
//Customize the schedule view header
SFViewHeaderStyle viewHeaderStyle = new SFViewHeaderStyle();
viewHeaderStyle.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(169, 177, 252);
viewHeaderStyle.DateTextColor = UIColor.Black;
schedule.DayHeaderStyle = viewHeaderStyle;

You can customize the height of ViewHeader in TimelineView by setting the ViewHeaderHeight property of SFSchedule.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline; 
schedule.ViewHeaderHeight = 50;

View header date format

You can customize the date format of ViewHeader in TimelineView using the DateFormat property of TimelineLabelSettings.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
//Creating new instance of TimelineViewSettings
TimelineViewSettings timelineViewSettings = new TimelineViewSettings();
//Creating new instance of TimelineLabelSettings
TimelineLabelSettings labelSettings = new TimelineLabelSettings();
//Customizing date format
labelSettings.DateFormat = "d EEE";
timelineViewSettings.LabelSettings = labelSettings;
schedule.TimelineViewSettings = timelineViewSettings;

Timeslot customization

You can customize the appearance of time slots using the Color, BorderColor and BorderWidth properties of TimelineViewSettings.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
//Create new instance of TimelineViewSettings
TimelineViewSettings timelineViewSettings = new TimelineViewSettings();
timelineViewSettings.BorderColor = UIColor.FromRGB(132, 144, 249);
timelineViewSettings.Color = UIColor.FromRGB(232, 234, 249);
timelineViewSettings.BorderWidth = 2;
schedule.TimelineViewSettings = timelineViewSettings;

Time label customization

You can customize the format for the labels that mention the time by setting the TimeFormat property of LabelSettings in TimelineViewSettings.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
//Creating new instance of TimelineViewSettings
TimelineViewSettings timelineViewSettings = new TimelineViewSettings();
TimelineLabelSettings labelSettings = new TimelineLabelSettings();
labelSettings.TimeFormat = "hh:mm";
timelineViewSettings.LabelSettings = labelSettings;
schedule.TimelineViewSettings = timelineViewSettings;

Time label appearance

You can customize the color for the labels that mention the time by setting the TimeLabelColor property of LabelSettings in TimelineViewSettings.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
//Creating new instance of TimelineViewSettings
TimelineViewSettings timelineViewSettings = new TimelineViewSettings();
TimelineLabelSettings labelSettings = new TimelineLabelSettings();
labelSettings.TimeLabelColor = UIColor.FromRGB(132, 144, 249);
timelineViewSettings.LabelSettings = labelSettings;
schedule.TimelineViewSettings = timelineViewSettings;

Time Label size

You can customize the size of the labels that mention the time by setting the TimeLabelSize property of LabelSettings in TimelineViewSettings.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
//Creating new instance of TimelineViewSettings
TimelineViewSettings timelineViewSettings = new TimelineViewSettings();
TimelineLabelSettings labelSettings = new TimelineLabelSettings();
labelSettings.TimeLabelSize = 10;	
timelineViewSettings.LabelSettings = labelSettings;
schedule.TimelineViewSettings = timelineViewSettings;


You can customize the default appearance of selection UI in the timeslots.

Selection customization using style

You can customize the timeslot selection by using SelectionStyle property of SFSchedule.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
//Create new instance of SelectionStyle
SFSelectionStyle selectionStyle = new SFSelectionStyle();
selectionStyle.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(132, 144, 249);
selectionStyle.BorderColor = UIColor.Black;
selectionStyle.BorderThickness = 5;
selectionStyle.BorderCornerRadius = 5;
schedule.SelectionStyle = selectionStyle;

Selection customization using custom View

You can replace the default selection UI with your custom view by setting SelectionView property of SFSchedule.

schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewTimeline;
//Add the CustomView
UIButton customView = new UIButton();
customView.SetTitle("+NewEvent", UIControlState.Normal);
customView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(255, 152, 0);
customView.SetTitleColor(UIColor.White, UIControlState.Normal);
schedule.SelectionView = customView;

Programmatic selection

You can programmatically select the specific timeslot by setting corresponding date and time value to SelectedDate property of SFSchedule. By default, it is null.

// Creating instance of calendar
NSCalendar calendar = new NSCalendar(NSCalendarType.Gregorian);
calendar.TimeZone = NSTimeZone.FromGMT(NSTimeZone.LocalTimeZone.GetSecondsFromGMT);

// Creating instance of date
NSDate date = new NSDate();

// Setting a date and time to select
NSDateComponents dateComponents = calendar.Components(NSCalendarUnit.Year |
                                                       NSCalendarUnit.Month |
                                                       NSCalendarUnit.Day, date);
dateComponents.Year = 2017;
dateComponents.Month = 10;
dateComponents.Day = 04;
dateComponents.Hour = 10;
schedule.SelectedDate = calendar.DateFromComponents(dateComponents);

You can clear the selection by setting SelectedDate as null.

// Setting null value to deselect
schedule.SelectedDate = null;


  • SFSchedule does not support multiple selection.
  • SFSchedule supports two-way binding of SelectedDate property.