
1 Mar 20221 minute to read

Schedule control is available with complete localization support. Localization can be specified by setting the Locale property of SfSchedule. In the format of Language code.

Change default control language

Based on the Locale specified the strings in the control such as Date, time, days are localized accordingly.

By default, schedule control is available with en locale, which is English.

//setting schedule view
schedule.ScheduleView = SFScheduleView.SFScheduleViewWeek;
//setting locale for the control
schedule.Locale = new NSLocale("ja");

Localization support for schedule in Xamarin.iOS

Change custom texts in the control.

You can localize custom text available in the control by adding equivalent localized string in the Localizable.strings file, refer here.

Localization implementation in Xamarin.iOS

If an application requires multiple languages you can follow the below steps:

  • Translate the Localizable.Strings file to each language.
  • Create new <Language>.lproj folders under resource as en.lproj, fr.lproj, de.lproj.
  • Place the Localizable.Strings file in the respective <Language>.lproj folders.

You can download the entire source code of this demo for Xamarin.iOS from
here Localization.

Localization folder structure for schedule in Xamarin.iOS

The corresponding <Language>.lproj folder loads only depends on the device configuration and locale.