Getting Started with Xamarin.iOS Rating

17 May 20221 minute to read

This section explains how to configure the SfRating control in a real-time scenario and also provides a walk-through on some of the customization features available in the SfRating control.

Referencing Essential Studio Components in Your Solution

After installing Essential Studio for Xamarin, you can find all the required assemblies in the installation folders,

{Syncfusion Installed location}\Essential Studio {version number}\lib

Add the following assembly references to the iOS unified project,


Add SfRating

  • Adding namespace for the added assemblies.
using Syncfusion.SfRating.iOS;
  • Now add the SfRating control with a required optimal name by using the included namespace.
SFRating rating;
	public override void ViewDidLoad()
		rating = new SfRating();
		rating.Frame = new CGRect(10, 310, this.View.Frame.Width, 60);

Set number of rating items

The number of rating items to be displayed can be customized in the SfRating control. Users can create a rating application with 5 rating items as follows.


The default value of this property is 5.

rating.ItemCount = 5;


Display value can be set in SfRating control which is selected among the items. The following example shows the display value of 3 with 5 rating items.


By default, property value is 0.

rating.Value = 3;

Rating application using SFRating

Please find the sample from this link: Sample.