Visual Customization in Xamarin.iOS SfRadioButton
2 Mar 20222 minutes to read
Customizing state color
The default state colors can be customized using the CheckedColor
and UncheckedColor
properties. The checked state color is updated to the CheckedColor
property value when the state is changed to the checked. The unchecked state color is updated to the UncheckedColor
property value when the state is changed to unchecked.
SfRadioGroup radioGroup = new SfRadioGroup();
SfRadioButton check = new SfRadioButton();
check.IsChecked = true;
check.CheckedColor = UIColor.Green;
SfRadioButton uncheck = new SfRadioButton();
uncheck.SetTitle("RadioButton", UIControlState.Normal);
uncheck.UncheckedColor = UIColor.FromRGB(238, 130, 238);
The border thickness of the circle in the RadioButton control can be customized with the BorderWidth
SfRadioGroup radioGroup = new SfRadioGroup();
SfRadioButton check = new SfRadioButton();
check.SetTitle("Checked State",UIControlState.Normal);
check.IsChecked = true;
check.BorderWidth = 3;
SfRadioButton uncheck = new SfRadioButton();
uncheck.SetTitle("UnChecked State", UIControlState.Normal);
uncheck.BorderWidth = 3;
Setting caption text appearance
You can customize the display text appearance of the SfRadioButton
control using the following properties:
: Changes the color of the text. -
: Changes the horizontal alignment of the caption text. -
: Changes the font family of the text and sets font attributes(bold/italic/none) of the text and also sets font size of the caption text.
SfRadioButton radioButton = new SfRadioButton();
radioButton.SetTitle("RadioButton", UIControlState.Normal);
radioButton.IsChecked = true;
radioButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.FromRGB(238, 130, 238), UIControlState.Normal);
radioButton.HorizontalAlignment = UIControlContentHorizontalAlignment.Center;
radioButton.Font = UIFont.FromName("Arial", 20);
radioButton.Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(20);
UIFontDescriptor fontDescriptor = radioButton.Font.FontDescriptor;
radioButton.Font = UIFont.FromDescriptor(fontDescriptor.CreateWithTraits(UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits.Bold), 0);