Exporting the pages of PDF document as images
8 Jan 20255 minutes to read
The PdfViewerControl allows users to export the pages of a PDF document as image streams using the ExportAsImage
and ExportAsImageAsync
method. The resultant image streams can be saved as image files in the local storage.
Exporting a single PDF page as image
To synchronously export a single PDF page as image, you should use the ExportAsImage method that accepts page index as its parameter. The following code example describes exporting page at index 0 as image stream.
// Accessing the PDF document that is added as embedded resource as stream.
var fileStream = typeof(MainViewController).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("GettingStartediOS.Assets.GIS Succinctly.pdf");
// Initialize the SfPdfViewer
SfPdfViewer pdfViewerControl = new SfPdfViewer();
//Load the PDF document as stream
// Export the page of PDF document to image stream with the given index
Stream stream = pdfViewerControl.ExportAsImage(0);
To asynchronously export a single PDF page as image, you should use the ExportAsImage method that accepts page index as its parameter. The following code example describes exporting page at index 0 as image stream.
//Load the PDF document as stream
//Asynchronously export the page of PDF document to image stream with the given index
Stream stream = await pdfViewerControl.ExportAsImageAsync(0);
Exporting a single PDF page as image with custom scale factor
To synchronously export a single PDF page as image with custom scale factor, you should use the ExportAsImage method that accepts page index and scale factor as its parameters. The following code example describes exporting page at index 0 with the scale factor 2.0 as image stream.
// Accessing the PDF document that is added as embedded resource as stream.
var fileStream = typeof(MainViewController).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("GettingStartediOS.Assets.GIS Succinctly.pdf");
// Initialize the SfPdfViewer
SfPdfViewer pdfViewerControl = new SfPdfViewer();
//Load the PDF document as stream
//Synchronously export the 0th index of PDF page to image stream with size two times greater than the original size
Stream stream = pdfViewerControl.ExportAsImage(0,2.0f);
To asynchronously export a single PDF page as image with custom scale factor, you should use the ExportAsImage method that accepts page index and scale factor as its parameters. The following code example describes exporting page at index 0 with the scale factor 2.0 as image stream.
//Load the PDF document as stream
//Asynchronously export the 0th index of PDF page to image stream with size two times greater than the original size
Stream stream = await pdfViewerControl.ExportAsImageAsync(0,2.0f);
Exporting a range of PDF pages as images
To synchronously export a range of PDF pages as images, you should use the ExportAsImage method that accepts start page index and end page index as its parameter. The following code example describes exporting pages ranging between index 0 and 3 as image stream array.
// Accessing the PDF document that is added as embedded resource as stream.
var fileStream = typeof(MainViewController).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("GettingStartediOS.Assets.GIS Succinctly.pdf");
// Initialize the SfPdfViewer
SfPdfViewer pdfViewerControl = new SfPdfViewer();
//Load the PDF document as stream
//Synchronously export the pages of PDF document from the index 0 to the index 3 to the array of image stream.
Stream[] stream = pdfViewerControl.ExportAsImage(0,3);
To asynchronously export a range of PDF pages as images, you should use the ExportAsImage method that accepts start page index and end page index as its parameter. The following code example describes exporting pages ranging between index 0 and 3 as image stream array.
//Load the PDF document as stream
//Asynchronously export the pages of PDF document from the index 0 to the index 3 to the array of image stream.
Stream[] stream = await pdfViewerControl.ExportAsImageAsync(0,3);
Exporting a range of PDF pages as images with custom scale factor
To synchronously export a range of PDF pages as images, you should use the ExportAsImage method that accepts start page index, end page index, and scale factor as its parameter. The following code example describes exporting pages ranging between index 0 and 3 with the scale factor 2 as image stream array.
// Accessing the PDF document that is added as embedded resource as stream.
var fileStream = typeof(MainViewController).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("GettingStartediOS.Assets.GIS Succinctly.pdf");
// Initialize the SfPdfViewer
SfPdfViewer pdfViewerControl = new SfPdfViewer();
//Load the PDF document as stream
//Synchronously export the pages of PDF document from the index 0 to the index 3 to the array of image stream.
// All the exported images are scaled 2 times larger than its original size
Stream[] stream = pdfViewerControl.ExportAsImage(0,3, 2.0f);
To Asynchronously export a range of PDF pages as images, you should use the ExportAsImage method that accepts start page index, end page index, and scale factor as its parameter. The following code example describes exporting pages ranging between index 0 and 3 with the scale factor 2 as image stream array.
//Load the PDF document as stream
//Asynchronously export the pages of PDF document from the index 0 to the index 3 to the array of image stream.
// All the exported images are scaled 2 times larger than its original size
Stream[] stream = await pdfViewerControl.ExportAsImageAsync(0,3, 2.0f);