Scroll Limit in Xamarin Diagram (SfDiagram)

21 Jan 20251 minute to read

The scroll limit allows you to define the scrollable region of the Diagram while pan on the page. The ScrollLimit property of scroll settings helps to limit the scrolling area. It includes the following options:

  • Infinity: Allows you to scroll in all directions without any restriction.
  • Diagram: Allows you to scroll within the Diagram content.
  • Limited: Allows you to scroll within the specified area.
//Initialize the SfDiagram.
SfDiagram diagram = new SfDiagram();
//Initialize the scroll settings with scroll limit.
diagram.ScrollSettings = new ScrollSettings()
    ScrollLimit = ScrollLimit.Diagram,

Scrollable area

You can restrict scrolling beyond any particular rectangle area by using the ScrollableArea property of ScrollSettings. To restrict scrolling beyond any custom region,you have to set the ScrollLimit to Limited. The default value is Rect.Empty.

//Initialize the SfDiagram.
SfDiagram diagram = new SfDiagram();
//Initialize the scroll settings with scroll limit and scrollabl area value.
diagram.ScrollSettings = new ScrollSettings()
    ScrollLimit = ScrollLimit.Limited,
    ScrollableArea = new Rect(0,0,1500,1500),
ScrollLimit Output
Infinity ScrollLimit infinity
Diagram ScrollLimit Diagram
ScrollableArea = (0,0,1500,1500)
ScrollLimit Limited