Multiple Selection

17 Jan 20257 minutes to read

You can select multiple items from a drop-down list by following two ways.

  • Token representation

  • Delimiter

Token representation

Selected items will be displayed with a customizable token representation and the users can remove each tokenized item with the close button.

combobox.MultiSelectMode = MultiSelectMode.Token;

Wrap mode of token

The selected item can be displayed as token inside the combo box in the following two ways.

  • Wrap - When the TokensWrapMode is set to Wrap the selected items will be wrapped to the next line of the combo box.

  • None - When the TokensWrapMode is set to None the selected item will be wrapped in horizontal orientation.

//Create instance for SfComboBox

SfComboBox combobox = new SfComboBox(); 
combobox.IsEditable = true; 
combobox.SuggestionMode = SuggestionMode.StartsWith; 
combobox.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(25,100, UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width-50, 100); 
combobox.MultiSelectMode = MultiSelectMode.Token; 
combobox.TokensWrapMode = TokensWrapMode.Wrap; 
combobox.ItemHeight = 60; 
combobox.DisplayMemberPath = (NSString)"Name"; 
combobox.ImageMemberPath = "Image"; 
combobox.DataSource = EmployeeDetails; 
combobox.DropDownItemChanged += SfCombo_DropDownItemChanged; 
combobox.MaxDropDownHeight = 250; 

string[] EmployeeNames = new string[] 

void GetEmployeeData() 
    EmployeeDetails = new ObservableCollection<Employee>(); 
    for (int i = 1; i <= EmployeeNames.Length; i++) 
        EmployeeDetails.Add(new Employee(EmployeeNames[i-1], "Image"+i+".png")); 

UIView SfCombo_DropDownItemChanged(object sender, DropDownItemEventArgs e) 
    UIView parentView = new UIView(); 
    SfComboBox auto = (sender as SfComboBox); 
    parentView.Frame = new CGRect(0, 0, auto.Bounds.Width, auto.ItemHeight); 
    UIImageView imageView = new UIImageView(); 
    imageView.Frame = new CGRect(5, 5, 50, auto.ItemHeight - 10); 
    UILabel resultLabel = new UILabel(); 
    resultLabel.Frame = new CGRect(60, auto.ItemHeight / 4, auto.Bounds.Width - 65, auto.ItemHeight / 2 - 5); 
    resultLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 20f); 
    resultLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left; 
    var item = auto.DataSource.ElementAt((int)e.Index); 
    var selectedObject = (item as Employee); 
    imageView.Image = new UIImage(selectedObject.Image); 
    resultLabel.Text = selectedObject.Name; 
    e.View = parentView; 
    return e.View; 
public class Employee 
private string name; 
public string Name 
    return name; 

    name = value; 

private string image; 
public string Image 
    return image; 

    image = value; 

public Employee(string name, string image) 
    this.Name = name; 
    this.Image = image; 

Token customization

Token can be customized in the following ways.

  • TextColor - Sets the color of the text inside the token.

  • FontSize - Sets the size of the font inside the token.

  • FontFamily - Sets the font family for the text inside the token.

  • BackgroundColor - Sets the background color of the token.

  • SelectedBackgroundColor - Sets the background color of the token when it is selected.

  • IsCloseButtonVisible - Enables and disables the close button inside the combo Box.

  • DeleteButtonColor - Sets the color of the close button inside the combo box.

  • CornerRadius - Sets the corner radius for the token.

// Token Customization

TokenSettings token = new TokenSettings(); 
token.FontSize = 16; 
token.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(102,204,255); 
token.TextColor = UIColor.White; 
token.SelectedBackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(255,255,224); 
token.DeleteButtonColor = UIColor.Black; 
token.FontFamily = "Times New Roman"; 
token.IsCloseButtonVisible = true; 
token.CornerRadius = 10; 
combobox.TokenSettings = token;


When selecting the multiple items, the selected items can be divided with a desired character given for a delimiter. You can set delimiter character using the Delimiter property.


The default delimiter character is “,”.

combobox.MultiSelectMode = MultiSelectMode.Delimiter;

We can add the custom delimiter character by using Delimiter property.

combobox.MultiSelectMode = MultiSelectMode.Delimiter; 