Populating Events

3 Sep 20204 minutes to read

SfCalendar control has built-in capability to display the events based on the Calendar events collection provided to appointment property. For events to be listed for a particular day, enable the inline feature in month view cell.


The default UI of the inline view with events will be like list of events with a dark background

Inline Evets in Xamarin.iOS Calendar

Inline event support can be toggled on / off with ShowInLineEvent property.

  • C#
  • calendar.EnableInLine = true;


    The Inline function will be available only in month view with single selection mode.

    Adding events using Collection

    Calendar events collection can be provided to SfCalendar using the following steps.

    The Appointment class has some basic properties such as StartTime, EndTime and Subject.

  • C#
  • NSMutableArray appCollection = new NSMutableArray();
    NSCalendar date = NSCalendar.CurrentCalendar;
    NSDate today = new NSDate();
    // Get the year, month, day from the date
    NSDateComponents startDateComponents = date.Components(
    NSCalendarUnit.Year | NSCalendarUnit.Month | NSCalendarUnit.Day, today);
    // Set the year, day, hour, minute, second
    startDateComponents.Year = 2015;
    startDateComponents.Month = 10;
    startDateComponents.Day = 9;
    startDateComponents.Hour = 10;
    startDateComponents.Minute = 0;
    startDateComponents.Second = 0;
    // Get the year, month, day from the date
    NSDateComponents endDateComponents = date.Components(
    NSCalendarUnit.Year | NSCalendarUnit.Month | NSCalendarUnit.Day, today);
    // Set the year, day, hour, minute, second
    endDateComponents.Year = 2015;
    endDateComponents.Month = 10;
    endDateComponents.Day = 9;
    endDateComponents.Hour = 12;
    endDateComponents.Minute = 0;
    endDateComponents.Second = 0;
    //setting start time for the event
    NSDate startDate = date.DateFromComponents(startDateComponents);
    //setting end time for the event
    NSDate endDate = date.DateFromComponents(endDateComponents);
    //Adding calendar appointment in calendar appointment collection 
    appCollection.Add(new SFAppointment()
        StartTime = startDate,
        EndTime = endDate,
        Subject = (NSString)"Client Meeting",
        AppointmentBackground = UIColor.Blue
    • Create the collection of the Calendar events by setting required details using above mentioned properties for each events and assign the collection to appointment property.
  • C#
  • calendar.Appointments = appCollection;

    Calendar Inline Events

    Customize inline/agenda view appearance

    You can customize the inline item view by OnInlineItemLoaded event using in SfCalendar and you can get the details of appointment from the Appointment property, the custom view can be set to View property of InlineItemLoadedEventArgs argument.

  • C#
  • calendar.InlineItemLoaded += Calendar_InlineItemLoaded; 
        void Calendar_InlineItemLoaded(object sender, InlineItemLoadedEventArgs e)
            UIButton button = new UIButton();
            button.SetTitle(e.Appointment.Subject, UIControlState.Normal);
            button.SetTitleColor(UIColor.White, UIControlState.Disabled);
            button.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue;
            button.Font = UIFont.ItalicSystemFontOfSize(20);
            e.View = button;

    Inline view mode

    Calendar Inline Events

    Agenda view mode

    Calendar Inline Events

    Getting inline/agenda view appointment details

    Using InlineEvent property from the InlineItemTappedEventArgs argument of InlineItemTapped event, you can get the month inline/agenda appointments details while tapping the specific appointment in inline/agenda view.

  • C#
  • calendar.InlineItemTapped+= Calendar_InlineItemTapped; 
    private void Calendar_InlineItemTapped(object sender, InlineItemTappedEventArgs e)
        var appointment = e.InlineEvent;
        UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView()
            Title = appointment.Subject,
            Message = appointment.StartTime.ToString()

    Inline view mode

    Calendar Inline Events

    Agenda view mode

    Calendar Inline Events