Column Types in Xamarin.Android SfDataGrid

22 Jun 202224 minutes to read

The SfDataGrid contains two types of columns each with its own functionalities. You can use any column.

The following table describes the types of columns and its purpose of usage in the SfDataGrid.

Column type Description
GridColumn Abstract class. Base column type of all the columns in the SfDataGrid.
GridTextColumn Used to display string or numbers in each row.
TemplateColumn (i.e. GridTextColumn with UserCellType) Used when customizing the column.
GridSwitchColumn Used when displaying a switch in each row.
GridImageColumn Used when displaying an image in each row.
GridNumericColumn Used when displaying the numeric data.
GridDateTimeColumn Used when displaying the date-time values.
GridPickerColumn Used when displaying the IEnumerable data using picker.


GridColumn is the base column type of all the columns in the SfDataGrid. Hence, the GridColumn properties are used by all the columns. The following sub-sections explains the properties in the GridColumn and the customizations that can be done using those properties.


GridColumn.MappingName associates the GridColumn with a property available in the underlying data source. While setting MappingName alone to the SfDataGrid, GridColumn.DisplayBinding will be automatically generated based on the MappingName. Data manipulation operations like sorting, filtering, and grouping will be done based on the MappingName property.

Header customizations


The font size for the content of the header cell in the GridColumn can be customized by using the GridColumn.HeaderCellTextSize property. The default font size of the header cells in the SfDataGrid is 14.


The font family for the content of the header cell in the GridColumn can be customized by using the GridColumn.HeaderFont property. The default value font used in the SfDataGrid is Roboto-Bold.


The GridColumn.HeaderText specifies the text displayed in the column header. If HeaderText is not defined, the GridColumn.MappingName will be assigned to the HeaderText and will be displayed as column header.


You can get or set the TextAlignment of the header cell in the GridColumn by using the GridColumn.HeaderTextAlignment property. The default alignment for the header cells in the SfDataGrid is Center.


The SfDataGrid allows customizing the header cell by using the GridColumn.HeaderTemplate property.

The following code example shows how to customize the header cell by loading a template in the header cell.

  • C#
  • TextView textView = new TextView(this);
    textView.Text = "OrderID";
    textView.Gravity = Android.Views.GravityFlags.Center;
    textView.SetPadding(0, (int)(8 * this.Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density), 0, 0);
    GridTextColumn column = new GridTextColumn()
        MappingName = "OrderID",
        HeaderTemplate = textView


    The SfDataGrid allows you to get or set the padding for the header cell by using the GridColumn.HeaderTextMargin property.

    The following code example shows you how to set theHeaderTextMargin property.

  • C#
  • GridTextColumn orderId = new GridTextColumn();
    orderId.MappingName = "OrderID";
    orderId.HeaderTextMargin = 15;
    GridTextColumn employeeId = new GridTextColumn();
    employeeId.MappingName = "EmployeeID";
    employeeId.HeaderTextMargin = new Thickness(12, 0, 0, 0);

    Column width

    The SfDataGrid allows customizing the width of each GridColumn in the SfDataGrid.Columns collection. You can customize the column width by using the GridColumn.Width property. By default, this property will not be assigned any value and the GridColumn renders in view based on the value of the DefaultColumnWidth property in the SfDataGrid.


    You can set the IsHidden property to True instead of setting column width as 0 to hide a column.

    Customizing the width for auto generated columns as follows.

  • C#
  • // AutoGenerateColumn
    dataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn += DataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn;
    void dataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, AutoGeneratingColumnArgs e){
    if (e.Column.MappingName == "OrderID") {
        e.Column.Width = 100;
    // Manually generated column
    dataGrid.Columns.Add(new GridTextColumn() { MappingName = "OrderID" ,Width = 100 });


    The SfDataGrid allows hiding a particular column using the GridColumn.IsHidden property. The default value of the IsHidden property is False.


    You can set the IsHidden property to True instead of setting column width as 0 to hide a column.

    The following code example shows you how to hide the column using IsHidden property.

  • C#
  • // AutoGenerate Column
    dataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn += DataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn;
    void dataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, AutoGeneratingColumnArgs e){
    if (e.Column.MappingName == "OrderID") {
        e.Column.IsHidden = true;
    // Manually generated column
    dataGrid.Columns.Add(new GridTextColumn() { MappingName = "OrderID", IsHidden = true});


    The SfDataGrid allows you to get or set the padding for the GridCell by using GridColumn.TextMargin property.

    The following code example shows you how to set theTextMargin property.

  • C#
  • GridTextColumn orderId = new GridTextColumn();
    orderId.MappingName = "OrderID";
    orderId.TextMargin = 15;
    GridTextColumn employeeId = new GridTextColumn();
    employeeId.MappingName = "EmployeeID";
    employeeId.TextMargin = new Thickness(0, 0, 25, 0);


    The GridColumn.LoadUIView property denotes whether to load UIElement inside the GridCell or to draw the cell value directly in the canvas of the GridCell in Android platform.

    • When LoadUIView is set to false, the cell value of the column is directly drawn in the canvas of the grid cells for improving performance.
    • While setting the LoadUIView to true, a UIElement will load inside the GridCells. Hence, instead of drawing the cell value in the canvas, the content of the TextView is set and so the contents are wrapped.
  • C#
  • GridTextColumn customerID = new GridTextColumn();
    customerID.MappingName = "Description";
    customerID.LoadUIView = true;


    GridTextColumn is derived from GridColumn. Hence, it inherits all the properties of GridColumn. Each of the record cells in GridTextColumn displays text based on the MappingName which associates the column with a property in the data source.

    The following code example creates GridTextColumn.

  • C#
  • dataGrid.Columns.Add(new GridTextColumn() { MappingName = "OrderID" });

    The below topics explain you about the customizations that can be done in the GridTextColumn in SfDataGrid.


    The SfDataGrid allows formatting the value displayed in the GridColumn by using the GridColumn.Format property. Assign the FormatString to this property based on the property type of the GridColumn associated to format the value. You can use different StringFormats to customize the value displayed in the record cells.

    The following code example shows you how to apply formatting for a GridTextColumn.

  • C#
  • dataGrid.Columns.Add (new GridTextColumn () { 
        MappingName = "Freight",
        Format = "C"
    dataGrid.Columns.Add (new GridTextColumn () { 
        MappingName = "ShippingDate",
        Format = "dd/MM/yyyy"


    For AutoGenerated columns, formatting can be applied by handling the SfDataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn event.

    Formatting GridTextColumn with different culture

    The SfDataGrid allows applying different CultureInfo for the GridColumns by using the GridColumn.CultureInfo property. Assign the FormatString to this property based on the property type of the GridColumn associated to format the value. You can use different StringFormats to customize the value displayed in the record cells.

    The following code example shows you how to apply different cultures for a GridColumns.

  • C#
  • dataGrid.Columns.Add (new GridTextColumn () { 
        MappingName = "Freight",
        Format = "C",
        CultureInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US")
    dataGrid.Columns.Add (new GridTextColumn () { 
        MappingName = "OrderID",
        Format = "C",
        CultureInfo = new CultureInfo("en-GB")

    For auto generated columns this is achievable by handling the SfDataGrid.AutoGeneratingColumn event. The following code example shows you how to apply different cultures for auto generated GridColumns.

  • C#
  • void GridAutoGeneratingColumns(object sender, AutoGeneratingColumnArgs e)
        if (e.Column.MappingName == "Freight") {
            e.Column.Format = "C";
            e.Column.CultureInfo = new CultureInfo ("en-US");
        } else if (e.Column.MappingName == "OrderID") {
            e.Column.Format = "C";
            e.Column.CultureInfo = new CultureInfo ("en-GB");

    Font and alignment options


    The font size for the content of record cells in the GridColumn can be customized by using the GridColumn.CellTextSize property. The default font size of the record cells in SfDataGrid is 14.


    The font family for the content of the header cell in the GridColumn can be customized by using the GridColumn.RecordFont property. The default value font used in SfDataGrid is Roboto-Regular.


    You can get or set the TextAlignment of the header cell in the GridColumn by using the GridColumn.TextAlignment property. The default alignment for the record cells in SfDataGrid is Center.


    You can wrap the record cell value when the text for the record cells exceeds the content area by setting the GridColumn.LineBreakMode as LineBreakMode.WordWrap

    The following code example shows how to use GridSwitchColumn.

    dataGrid.Columns[0].LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.WordWrap;


    TemplateColumn is actually the GridTextColumn with UserCellType specified. Hence, it inherits all the properties of GridColumn. It allows extending the functionality of GridColumns with your own view by creating custom GridCell to render in the column.

    The following code example shows how to create a TemplateColumn.

  • C#
  • GridTextColumn customerIdColumn = new GridTextColumn ();
    customerIdColumn.UserCellType = typeof(CustomCell);
    customerIdColumn.MappingName = "CustomerID";
    customerIdColumn.HeaderText = "Customer ID";

    To create a template column in the SfDataGrid, specify the UserCellType of the column. UserCellType is the type of the view to be used in the GridColumn and it must be derived from the GridCell which hosts the view.

    The following code example shows you how to create a custom GridCell and use it in a template column.

  • C#
  • //Creating a Template Column 
    GridTextColumn customerIdColumn = new GridTextColumn ();
    customerIdColumn.UserCellType = typeof(CustomCell);
    customerIdColumn.MappingName = "CustomerID";
    customerIdColumn.HeaderText = "Customer ID";
    //Creating Custom GridCell in Android 
    public class CustomCell : GridCell
        TextView textView;
        public CustomCell (Context context) : base (context)
            textView = new TextView (this.Context);
            this.AddView (textView);
            this.CanRenderUnLoad = false;
        protected override void UnLoad ()
            if (this.Parent != null)
            (this.Parent as VirtualizingCellsControl).RemoveView (this);
        protected override void OnLayout(bool change, int l, int t, int r, int b)
            this.textView.Layout (0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);
        protected override void OnDraw (Canvas canvas)
            base.OnDraw (canvas);
            this.textView.Text = DataColumn.CellValue.ToString ();

    The following screenshot shows how template columns are used in SfDataGrid
    Xamarin.Android SfDataGrid column types

    Row header

    The row header is a special column which is placed as first cell of each row and it will always be frozen. To enable the row header in the SfDataGrid, set the SfDataGrid.ShowRowHeader to true.

    Further, the SfDataGrid allows customizing the row header width using the SfDataGrid.RowHeaderWidth property. The default value of SfDataGrid.RowHeaderWidth is 20.

    The following code example illustrates how to enable and customize the row header in the SfDataGrid.

  • C#
  • dataGrid.ShowRowHeader = true;
    dataGrid.RowHeaderWidth = 50;


    The GridSwitchColumn is derived from GridColumn. Hence, it inherits all the properties of GridColumn. It loads a CheckBox as the content of record cells in the column and responds to value changes in it. You can change the underlying data source by toggling the values shown in the CheckBox. To create GridSwitchColumn in the SfDataGrid, the property corresponding to the column in the underlying collection must be of type bool.

    The following code example shows how to use GridSwitchColumn.

  • C#
  • dataGrid = new SfDataGrid(context);
    GridSwitchColumn switchColumn = new GridSwitchColumn()
        HeaderText = "Is Closed",
        MappingName = "IsClosed"
  • C#
  • // Model class
    public class Model
        private bool _isClosed;
        public bool IsClosed
            get { return _isClosed; }
                this._isClosed = value;
    // ViewModel class
    public class ViewModel
        public ViewModel()
        #region ItemsSource
        private ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> ordersInfo;
        public ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> OrdersInfo
            get { return ordersInfo; }
            set { this.ordersInfo = value; }
        #region ItemSource Generator
        public void GetOrderDetails(int count)
            var orderDetails = new ObservableCollection<OrderInfo>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                var order = new OrderInfo()
                    IsClosed = (i % 2) == 0 ? true : false
            ordersInfo = orderDetails;

    Xamarin.Android SfDataGrid row header

    Editing for switch column

    The SfDatagrid allows editing the switch column by setting the AllowEditing property to true. By default, AllowEditing is true. If you set AllowEditing as false you cannot check or uncheck the switch column.

    The following code illustrates how to set the AllowEditing.

  • C#
  • GridSwitchColumn column = new GridSwitchColumn();
    column.MappingName = "IsClosed";
    column.AllowEditing = true;


    GridImageColumn is derived from GridColumn. Hence, it inherits all the properties of GridColumn. It displays images as cell content of a column. To create GridImageColumn in the SfDataGrid, the property corresponding to the column in the underlying collection must be of type Bitmap.

    The ImageMapStream converts the memory stream to image data, which in turn is converted to Bitmap by the ToUIImage extension method of the ImageHelper static class.

    The following code example shows how to create a memory stream and use it to load images(embedded resource) in GridImageColumn using the above mentioned methods.

  • C#
  • GridImageColumn imageColumn = new GridImageColumn();
    imageColumn.MappingName = "Image";
    imageColumn.HeaderText = "Image";
  • C#
  • // Model class
    public class OrderInfo
        private Bitmap image;
        public Bitmap Image
            get { return this.image; }
                this.image = value;
    // ViewModel class
    public class ViewModel
        public ViewModel()
        #region ItemsSource
        private ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> ordersInfo;
        public ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> OrdersInfo
            get { return ordersInfo; }
            set { this.ordersInfo = value; }
        #region ItemSource Generator
        public void GetOrderDetails(int count)
            var orderDetails = new ObservableCollection<OrderInfo>();
            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                var order = new OrderInfo()
                    Image = ImageHelper.ToUIImage(new ImageMapStream(LoadResource("Image" + (i % 29) + ".png").ToArray())),// Need to give the image path properly
            ordersInfo = orderDetails;
        // Create memory stream
        public MemoryStream LoadResource (String Name)
    		MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream ();
    		var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ();
    		var path = String.Format("GettingStarted.Resources.{0}", Name);
    		var aStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (path);
    		aStream.CopyTo (memory);
    		return memory;

    Xamarin.Android SfDataGrid embedded sources


    The images should have its BuildAction set as EmbeddedResource, since getting the image as stream from an Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream in the LoadResource method.


    The GridDateTimeColumn is derived from GridColumn thereby inheriting all the properties of GridColumn. It displays the date information as the content of a column. To create SfDataGrid.GridDateTimeColumn in the SfDataGrid, the property corresponding to the column in the underlying collection must be of type DateTime. You can enable or disable editing for a particular column by setting the GridColumn.AllowEditing property to true or false. In the editing mode it displays a customized DatePicker element that enables scrolling through a list of dates between the GridDateTimeColumn.MinimumDate and GridDateTimeColumn.MaximumDate and select one from it.

  • C#
  • dataGrid = new SfDataGrid(context);
    GridDateTimeColumn dateColumn = new GridDateTimeColumn()
        MappingName = "ShippedDate",
        HeaderText = "Shipped Date",
        Format = "d"
  • C#
  • // Model class
    public class OrderInfo
        private DateTime shippedDate;
        public DateTime ShippedDate
            get { return shippedDate; }
                shippedDate = value;
    // ViewModel class
    public class ViewModel
        private List<DateTime> OrderedDates;
        public ViewModel()
        #region ItemsSource
        private ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> ordersInfo;
        public ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> OrdersInfo
            get { return ordersInfo; }
            set { this.ordersInfo = value; }
        #region ItemSource Generator
        private List<DateTime> GetDateBetween(int startYear, int endYear, int count)
            List<DateTime> date = new List<DateTime>();
            Random d = new Random(1);
            Random m = new Random(2);
            Random y = new Random(startYear);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                int year = y.Next(startYear, endYear);
                int month = m.Next(3, 13);
                int day = d.Next(1, 31);
                date.Add(new DateTime(year, month, day));
            return date;
        public void GetOrderDetails(int count)
            var orderDetails = new ObservableCollection<OrderInfo>();
            this.OrderedDates = GetDateBetween(2000, 2014, count);
            for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                var order = new OrderInfo()
                    ShippedDate = this.OrderedDates[i - 1],
            ordersInfo = orderDetails;

    Xamarin.Android SfDataGrid datetime column


    You have to pass the activity itself as the context when creating a GridPickerColumn, since you have customized an alert dialog to display a picker.


    The GridPickerColumn is derived from GridColumn thereby inheriting all the properties of GridColumn. It displays a list of items in the form of a picker as the content of a column. You can enable or disable editing for a particular column by setting the GridColumn.AllowEditing property to true or false. In the editing mode, it displays a customized Picker element that enables scrolling through a list of values from the underlying collection and select one from it. The data source to Picker can be set by using the GridPickerColumn.ItemsSource property. The picker column can be populated with data by the following ways.

    • Collection of primitive types
    • Collection of user defined types (Custom objects)

    Xamarin.Android SfDataGrid picker column

    Collection of primitive types

    You can create a GridPickerColumn and set its ItemsSource property to a simple collection to display the collection items in the picker drop down.

    The following code example shows you how to load the GridPickerColumn with a simple string collection.

  • C#
  • dataGrid = new SfDataGrid(context);
    viewModel = new ViewModel();
    GridPickerColumn pickerColumn = new GridPickerColumn()
        ItemsSource = viewModel.CustomerNames,
        HeaderText = "Dealer Name",
        MappingName = "DealerName"
  • C#
  • // ViewModel class
    public class ViewModel
        public ObservableCollection<string> CustomerNames { get; set; }
        public ViewModel()
            this.CustomerNames = Customers.ToObservableCollection();
        internal string[] Customers = new string[] {

    Collection of User Defined Types

    You can create a GridPickerColumn and set its ItemsSource property to a user-typed collection to display a list of user defined items in the picker drop down. Initially, the picker column will be displayed with the values from the GridColumn.MappingName property of the column if the DisplayMemberPath and ValueMemberPath are not set.


    Displays a value by comparing the values of the properties set as GridColumn.MappingName and ValueMemberPath in their respective underlying collections. If the value of the ValueMemberPath property contains the current value of the MappingName property, its corresponding value of DisplayMemberPath property is displayed in the GridCell. Or else the GridCell appears blank. However, in the edit mode the values of the DisplayMemberPath property are displayed as the picker items.


    Once editing is ended, the column having the MappingName equal to the ValueMemberPath has its data changed to the corresponding ValueMemberPath value for the selected DisplayMemberPath value in the picker.

    Customization of picker dropdown values

    The following code example shows you how to customize the picker data using DisplayMemberPath and ValueMemberPath.

  • C#
  • sfGrid = new SfDataGrid(context);
    viewModel = new ViewModel();
    sfGrid.ItemsSource = viewModel.OrdersInfo;
    GridTextColumn orderIDColumn = new GridTextColumn();
    orderIDColumn.MappingName = "OrderID";
    orderIDColumn.HeaderText = "Order ID";
    GridPickerColumn pickerColumn = new GridPickerColumn();
    pickerColumn.MappingName = "OrderID";
    pickerColumn.HeaderText = "Picker Column";
    pickerColumn.DisplayMemberPath = "EmployeeID";
    pickerColumn.ValueMemberPath = "OrderID";
    pickerColumn.ItemsSource = viewModel.PickerInfo;
    // ViewModel class
    public class ViewModel
        public class ViewModel :INotifyPropertyChanged
    		public ViewModel ()
    			SetRowsToGenerate (100);
                this.PickerInfo = OrdersInfo.ToList();
    		#region ItemsSource
            private OrderInfoRepository order;
    		private ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> ordersInfo;
    		public ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> OrdersInfo 
    			get { return ordersInfo; }
    			set { this.ordersInfo = value; RaisePropertyChanged("OrdersInfo"); }
            public List<OrderInfo> PickerInfo 
    		#region ItemSource Generator
    		public void SetRowsToGenerate (int count)
    			order = new OrderInfoRepository ();
    			ordersInfo = order.GetOrderDetails (count);
            public ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> GetOrderDetails(int count)
                ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> orderDetails = new ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> ();
    			for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) 
    				var order = new OrderInfo () 
    					OrderID = i,
                        EmployeeID = i+5,
    				orderDetails.Add (order);
    			return orderDetails;
            #region INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
            public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
            private void RaisePropertyChanged(String name)
                if (PropertyChanged != null)
                    this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));

    The following screenshots explains the above code and shows the working of the PickerColumn with ValueMemberPath and DisplayMemberPath properties set.

    Here in the above code example underlying collection has 2 properties (OrderID,EmployeeID). We have created a GridPickerColumn with MappingName = OrderID, DisplayMemberPath = EmployeeID, ValueMemberPath = OrderID. EmployeeId has the values 6,7,8,9,10…. and OrderID has the values 1,2,3,4,5…. Initially, the GridCells of the PickerColumn will be displayed with the values 6,7,8,9,10…. in row wise order based on the DisplayMemberPath.

    Xamarin.Android SfDataGrid pickerColumn displaymemberpath

    Upon entering the edit mode at RowColumnIndex(1,1), the picker pop-up opens and with the picker items as 6,7,8,9,10…. again based on the DisplayMemberPath.

    Xamarin.Android SfDataGrid picker popup

    When edit mode is exited by selecting a value(9) from the Picker pop up, the GridCell at RowColumn index (0,1) displays the corresponding OrderID value for the selected EmployeeID value which is 4. Note that the PickerColumn’s GridCell data is not changed and only the OrderID columns data is changed to 4.

    Xamarin.Android SfDataGrid customization


    The GridNumericColumn is derived from the GridColumn thereby inheriting all the properties of GridColumn. It is used to display numeric data. To create GridNumericColumn in the SfDataGrid, the property corresponding to the column in the underlying collection must be a numeric type (int, double, float, etc.). You can enable or disable editing for a particular column by setting the GridColumn.AllowEditing property to true or false. In the editing mode, it displays the SfNumericTextBox element which is derived from View. The following code example shows how to create a GridNumericColumn in the SfDataGrid.

  • C#
  • dataGrid = new SfDataGrid(context);           
    GridNumericColumn numericColumn = new GridNumericColumn()
        MappingName = "ProductNo",
        HeaderText = "Product No",
        NumberDecimalDigits =0

    Number formatting

    GridNumericColumn allows formatting the numeric data with culture-specific information.

    • NumberDecimalDigits: You can change the number of decimal digits to be displayed after the decimal point using the GridNumericColumn.NumberDecimalDigits property.
    • NumberDecimalSeparator: You can use any operator as decimal separator using GridNumericColumn.NumberDecimalSeparator property. By default, the dot (.) operator separates the decimal part of numeric value.
    • NumberGroupSeparator: You can use any operator as group separator using GridNumericColumn.NumberGroupSeparator property. By default, the comma (,) separates group of digits before the decimal point.
    • NumberGroupSizes: You can change the number of digits in each group before the decimal point on numeric values using the GridNumericColumn.NumberGroupSizes property.
    • NumberNegativePattern: You can format the pattern of negative numeric values using the GridNumericColumn.NumberNegativePattern.
    • MinValue: You can set the minimum value for the numeric column using the GridNumericColumn.MinValue property.
    • MaxValue: You can set the maximum value for the numeric column using the GridNumericColumn.MaxValue property.

    Xamarin.Android SfDataGrid numericColumn