Register Syncfusion® License key in Xamarin.Android application
9 Jan 20251 minute to read
The generated license key is just a string that needs to be registered before any Syncfusion® control is initiated. The following code is used to register the license.
Syncfusion.Licensing.SyncfusionLicenseProvider.RegisterLicense("YOUR LICENSE KEY");
- Place the license key between double quotes. Also, ensure that Syncfusion.Licensing.dll is referenced in your project where the license key is being registered.
- Syncfusion® license validation is done offline during application execution and does not require internet access. Apps registered with a Syncfusion® license key can be deployed on any system that does not have an internet connection.
You can register the license key in OnCreate override method of your main activity class before initializing any Syncfusion® control.
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
//Register Syncfusion<sup>®</sup> license
Syncfusion.Licensing.SyncfusionLicenseProvider.RegisterLicense("YOUR LICENSE KEY");
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource