Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

July 26, 2022


Bug Fixes

  • #I382560 - Nested IF field result is now updated properly after calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #I384583 - Paragraph inside frame is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I390919 - List numbers are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I388658 – Paragraph spacing now preserved property while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I389847 – Shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I390680 - Image is now preserved properly if ImageNodeVisited event triggered while opening an HTML file.


Bug fixes

  • #F176020 - The Tabbed window will no longer show any unwanted headers.
  • #I388350 - When adding and deleting tabs, the DockingManager’s performance has improved.
  • #I393359 - The first menu item now properly focuses on theMenuAdvcontrol when pressing the alt key.


No Changes for this product in this version.


Bug Fixes

  • #I390407 - Presentation library created documents will now properly open in Litera Compare tool.


Bug fixes

  • #I343168 - When grouping is enabled, property edited in CategoryEditor will now be reflected in the SelectedObject.


Bug fixes

  • #F175724, I389300 - Now the series is rendered properly when setting the AreaBoderThickness property of SfChart.


Bug fixes

  • #I389577 - The average value for a summary column will be properly displayed in DataGrid with the .NET SDK version 6.0.
  • #I390728 - NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown When the EventSetter for GridCell style is set to ‘DataGrid’.


Bug fixes

  • #I389268 - Now, Diagram panning will be smooth when a large layout is used with the cubic bezier connectors.

  • #I390729 - Now, Connectors are added into the BPMN group, and the group containers can be duplicated as its parent element.


Bug fixes


Bug fixes

  • #FB36051 - There will be no more improper suggestions and words will not be added twice to the custom dictionary.


Bug fixes

  • #I389299 - Now, the SfTextBoxExtselected items are removed properly when using the backspace.


Bug fixes

  • #F175899 - There will be no more NullReferenceException on opening the DropDown in Korean culture.


Bug fixes

  • #I388557 - The binding for the ToolbarAdv.Label attach property now works properly when items are added dynamically.


Bug fixes

  • #I391709 - The spacing issue between the Next and Finish buttons in the Wizard control has now been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F176166 - Used range is now updated properly while clearing worksheet range with move option.
  • #I387111 - Cell values being rendered improperly due to invalid argument separator in Denmark culture is now resolved.
  • #I385620 - Text overlapping while converting Excel to PDF with auto fit columns option is now resolved.
  • #I390444 - Argument out of exception being thrown while opening an Excel file with shared formula is now resolved.
  • #I387844 - Resolved the XML exception being thrown while openig Excel file with whitespace.
  • #I392008 - Not implemented exception thown while parsing custom table styles of Excel workbook is now resolved.
  • #I383129 - Default names are now generated for check boxes if the names are empty in xls format files.
  • #I384894 - Index out of range exception thrown while resaving an Excel document is now resolved.
  • #I390448 - Null reference exception while opening Excel document with data validation referring to external workbook is now resolved.
  • #I386003 - Resolved the file corruption while add copying an Excel with embedded object.
  • #I390520 - Multiple HTML tables can now ne imported to Excel document.