Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes
July 11, 2019
Bug Fixes
- # 235447 - Null reference exception will no longer be thrown when re-saving older version diagram to newer version.
- #227695, #144419, #129497, #F136030, #118915 – Added group shapes support in DOCX to PDF conversion.
- #227388 - New event has been added to customize clearing each unmerged merge fields during Mail merge.
- #208057 - Added support for warnings to show unmatched merge fields and groups during Mail merge.
- #209444 - API has been added to access the new instance (WPicture or WTextRange) to be replaced in Mail merge event arguments.
- #208534 - API has been added to update the Word document fields while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #222516,#206993,#204167,#209466,#212256,#205172,#209881,#213951,#224611,#225399,#236070,#220198,#205172 - RTL text rendering algorithm has been improved in Word to PDF conversion.
Bug Fixes
- #233421 - Empty paragraph preservation issue has been resolved while replacing text with table.
- #232599 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening an RTF format document.
- #231722 - HTML end tag is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to HTML format document.
- #231594 - Dropdown form field is now preserved properly while converting an HTML to RTF format document.
- #225752,#230460,#230460 - Line space preservation issue has been resolved when updating the Word document fields.
- #F142931 - The DocProperty value is now preserved properly while converting a Word document as PDF.
- #219214,#228161 - Merge field is now properly updated while executing Nested Mail merge.
- #233913 - Right to left text is now preserved properly in DOCX to DOCX conversion.
- #232775 - Header and Footer contents are now preserved properly in XML to DOCX format conversion.
- #232718 - The Content control text is now preserved properly in DOCX to Text format conversion.
- #F143772 - Nested bookmark is now preserved properly while opening a DOC format Word document.
- #F143774 - Table cell contents are now preserved properly while applying horizontal merge to the table.
- #232505 - Font is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #232502 - Content is now preserved properly while converting an RTF to HTML format conversion.
- #232265 - Spacing issue has been resolved while converting an HTML to DOCX format document.
- #231592 - TOC content is now preserved properly while updating table of content in Word document.
- #231721 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #226490 - Corruption issue has been resolved while saving the DOCX format Word document.
- #F143006 - Text is now preserved properly while replacing the bookmark content in DOC format document.
- #228442 - Table alignment is now cloned properly while cloning the Word document.
- #228370 - Table styles are now preserved properly while converting an HTML to DOCX format document.
- #226490 - Corruption issue has been resolved while saving the DOC format Word document.
- #230678, #228611 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #229685 - Table border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #229738 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231056 - Border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231712 – The NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while updating fields in the Word document.
- #231056 - Text overlapping issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #F142888, #229094 - Table cell borders are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #228272 - Table border is now preserved properly while converting an RTF format document to PDF.
- #227754 - Multiple TOC page numbers are updated properly while calling the UpdateTableOfContents method.
- #231550 - Performance has been improved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231426 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #229685 - Font is now embedded properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #229891 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #228974 - Ref field result is now preserved properly while updating the Word document fields.
- #228974 - Unknown field result is now preserved properly while updating the Word document fields.
- #228968 - Hanging issue has been resolved while updating the Word document fields.
- #231751 - Space is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #227429 - Border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #228386 - Text with capital style is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #228319 - Page border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #212671, #212772, #220859, #230072, #232381 - List style name is now updated properly while opening and saving a Word document.
- #228049- Image position is now preserved properly while saving an RTF format Word document.
- #231842- Content control text formatting is now preserved properly while parsing DOCX document.
- #234841 - Watermark is now preserved properly while opening a DOC format Word document.
- #235667 - Data inside the table is now preserved properly while updating alternate chunks in a Word document.
- #231056 – IF field text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231677 - Image is now preserved properly while saving a Word document.
- #228049 - Table left indent value is now preserved properly while opening an RTF document.
- #234817 - Text color is now preserved properly while resaving a Word document.
- #234270 - Content control text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #234335 - Table preservation issue has been resolved while opening and saving a Word document.
- #228049 - Header and Footer distance is now preserved properly while saving an RTF format Word document.
- #231431 - The System.OverFlowException will no longer be thrown while saving a DOCX format Word document.
- #234971 - Table cells are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to Image.
- #234698 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #234693 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #233642 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting an RTF to PDF.
- #231056 - Spacing issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF
- #230817 - Table cell is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #232331 - Shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #234841 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #234972 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #234972 - Pagination issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #234841 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #233810 - Text is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #233810 - Picture is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #232331 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #232770 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #229546 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231056 - Spacing issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #234409 - Frame content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #236156 - Pagination issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #236611 - Footnote is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #236070 - Parentheses are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #236156 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #235770 - Checkbox symbol is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #233383 - Memory usage is now optimized while converting a Word document to PDF with Chinese text.
- #234978 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to Image.
- #228049 - Text alignment is now preserved properly on RTF to RTF conversion.
- #227205, #225752 - IF field’s field result is now preserved properly while updating the Word document fields.
- #228049 - Text font size is now preserved properly on RTF to RTF conversion.
- #F142273, #F143006 - Bookmark contents are now removed properly when deleting the bookmark content.
- #234089 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while applying list style to the paragraph using ApplyStyle API.
- #236762 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening an RTF format Word document.
- #236762 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening an RTF format Word document.
- #236305 - Paragraph left indent is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to HTML.
- #236840 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening a Word document.
- #236840 - Document corruption issue has been resolved while saving the DOCX format Word document.
- #F145154 - Bookmark is now preserved properly while removing table column.
- #236840 - List value is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #234978 - Table splitting issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF with x86 target platform.
- #237447 - Vertically merged cell border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #237065 - Field text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #234978 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to Image.
- #231056 - Text is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231056 - Symbol is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231056 - Spacing issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #233059 - Paragraph is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #236740 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #236740 - Page is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #236740 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231426 - Footnote content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #229891 - Table is now aligned properly while converting an RTF document to PDF.
- #221035 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #234243 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #236840 - Text color is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #237506, #240389 - Horizontally merged table cell border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #236840 - Paragraph background color is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #230513 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening the RTF format Word document.
Bug fixes
- Binding errors are cleared in DockingManager.
- ToolTip support has been provided for document tab header in DockingManager.
- Support has been provided to restrict serialization of a child and update the default values when de-serialize it.
- Support is provided to restrict minimum and maximum size for NativeFloatWindow.
- Tabs in DockingManager can be closed by clicking mouse middle button, using
- #230886 - Added support for trailer ID in both new and existing PDF documents.
- Added support for adding PDF annotation comments and reviews.
- #225704 - Added support for creating PDF 2.0 documents.
- #141255, #226165 - Added save progress support for an existing PDF document.
- #235204 - Added PDF light table column width proportional sizing support.
Bug Fixes
- #231273 - Free text and polygon annotation are now preserving properly while flattening the PDF document.
- #231625 - Review status is now preserving properly while exporting or importing the annotations.
- #231273 - Object null reference exception no longer occurs while flattening the PDF documents.
- #231795, #231668, #231273, #233045 - Review status and layer are now preserving properly while importing annotations from the XFDF file.
- #226015 - Grouped annotations are now preserving properly while importing or exporting the annotations.
- #232559 - PDF form fields are now cloned properly.
- #233194 - Text is now preserving properly while filling form fields.
- #232920 - Text is now preserving properly while filling the XFA form fields.
- #232477, #232754 - Application will no longer crash while importing pages from the PDF document.
- #228012, #231381 - Form fields are now preserving properly when loading a PDF document in different instances.
- #226230 - Form fields will never be missing while importing pages from a PDF document.
- #232496 - File size will no longer increase while continuously saving a PDF document.
- #233102 - Invalid cast exception will no longer occur while flattening the combo box fields.
- #233004 - Form fields size is now preserving properly while flattening form fields.
- #231901, #228043 - Annotations are now flattened properly in a PDF document.
- #231965, #231964 - Now, you will get proper exception messages while creating the QR barcodes with incorrect values.
- #230688 - Document will no longer corrupt while saving the encrypted PDF document.
- #230368 - Font names are getting properly while using the PdfUsedFont instance.
- #230023 - Output document will no longer corrupt while loading the PDF documents.
- #229260 - The redaction position is now proper while applying redaction in an existing PDF document.
- #229270 - Alternate text for images will no longer be removed while saving a PDF document.
- #228375 - Annotations are now preserved properly while flatting them.
- #228619 - Null reference exception will no longer occur while saving the PDF documents with annotation and redaction.
- #228486 - Key not found exception will no longer occur while loading PDF document.
- #227803 - Document information is now removed properly while passing empty string.
- #232754 - Exception will no longer occur while importing pages from existing PDF document.
- #228072 - Preservation issue will no longer occur while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #226539 - Ligature characters are now preserved properly while converting XPS to PDF.
- #227803 - PDF document will no longer corrupt while applying redaction.
- #228202, #228667 - Output document will no longer corrupt while merging the PDF documents.
- #228635, #226614 - Exception will no longer occurs while obtaining destination from annotation.
- #231550 - Performance has been improved while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #229685 - Font substitution issue will no longer occur while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #231801 - Exception will no longer occur while opening 256-bit protected document in Nuance PDF.
- #228341 - Code 128, code 32, and code 93 extended barcodes are now rendered properly.
- #228336 - Null reference exception will no longer occur while merging the PDF documents.
- #224584 - Parameter is not valid exception will no longer occur while performing redaction on the OCR’ed documents.
- #227845 - Acroform fields tab index is now retrieved properly.
- #229922, #234322 - Color is now preserving properly while using PDF linear gradient brush with vertical mode.
- #229746 - Null reference exception will no longer occur while loading the XFA PDF document.
- #234625 - Text redaction is now applied properly in OCR-ed PDF documents.
- #237633 - Exception will no longer occur while signing PDF with timestamp server.
- #237481 - Output document will never corrupt when open/save it using open and repair.
- #237481 - Output document will never corrupt while changing the document permissions.
- #236388 - Exception will no longer occur when deleting corrupted PDF file.
- #236168 - Named destination will be added properly.
- #235880, #239447 - Special characters are now preserved properly while applying redaction.
- #235880, #233383 - Memory consumption is now optimized when converting Word to PDF.
- #234809, #144285, #235480, #237790 - Position is now proper while adding signature field to the existing PDF file.
- #234458 - PdfLoadedPage client size is now retrieved properly.
- #233768 - Layers are now preserved properly when flattening annotations.
- #228341 - Code 93 and Code 93 extended barcode are not generated properly.
- #232609 - Bullets are now preserved while converting Word to PDF.
- #230599 - Preservation issue will no longer occur while drawing EMF to PDF.
- #235715 - Preservation issue will no longer occur while drawing PDF grid.
- Combo box field values are now exported properly.
- Line arrows are now preserved properly while converting EMF to PDF.
- #238304 - Font name is now retrieved properly from the loaded free text annotation.
- #144893 - Namespace prefix is not defined exception will no longer occur while loading the PDF documents.
- #239254, #238308 - Unexpected token object type exception will no longer occur while opening a PDF document.
- #239388 - The
will no longer occur while extracting image from a PDF document. - #239073 - Key not found exception will no longer occur while accessing layer from a PDF document.
- #238172 - Performance has been improved while loading and saving an encrypted PDF document.
- Border is now preserving properly while creating the free text annotation.
- #235462 - The resulted PDF file size is same while saving it multiple times.
- #119936, #175107, #186360 - Support to pan the PDF document using mouse and touch interactions has been provided.
- #157265, #172152, #173896 – Support to perform all the operations in the PDF Viewer using touch gestures has been provided.
- #216765, #228375 – Support for adding custom stamp annotation has been provided.
Bug Fixes
- #224584 - Extracting images from the particular PDF document is now working properly.
- #226800 – The
event is now working properly in thePdfDocumentView
control. - #227589 - Time taken for extracting text from the particular PDF document is now optimized.
- #229093 –
will no longer be thrown when printing the particular PDF document silently. - #229553 – Now, the particular PDF document is printed properly.
- #228612, #230582 – Form fields present in the particular PDF document are now displayed properly.
- #230188 – Annotations are now saved properly in the rotated PDF document.
- #230418, #230356 - Now, the
method finds the text properly in the particular PDF document. - #231093 - Time taken for saving the particular PDF document is now optimized.
- #231407 – PDF documents are now externally accessible after loading in PDF viewer.
- #232499 – Size of the form fields are now preserved properly when printing.
- #236831 – Cursor is now displayed properly for the text box form fields.
- #236583 - Irrelevant notification messages are now not displayed when loading PDF files asynchronously.
- #235988 – Application no longer hangs when loading PDF files using
. - #236177 – Images from the particular PDF document are now exported properly.
- #238647 – CPU usage of the
is now optimized when no PDF document is loaded. - #F145388 – Ink annotation is now saved properly in the PDF document.
Bug fixes
- #F144451 – The Pivot Grid control now filter values that contains the word “abs” as part of it.
- #F144557 – Serializing of Pivot Grid works properly for any number of time.
- #236376 - Support has been added to PowerPoint write protection.
Bug Fixes
- #212572, #229361 - The group-shapes will now be rendered properly if vertical or horizontal flips applied along with rotations.
- #229361 - Table cell background is now properly applied for vertically merged cells in PowerPoint to PDF conversion.
- #232725 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting PowerPoint to PDF.
- #231624 - OLE objects will now be converted properly in PowerPoint to PDF conversion.
- #230386 - The StackOverflowException will no longer be thrown while accessing paragraph font color.
- #230575 - Formatting will be preserved properly after cloning and merging a PowerPoint slide with destination theme.
- #230666 - The Metafile image rendering is now skipped properly in Azure environment by avoiding the OutOfMemoryException.
- #233799 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while cloning an OLE Object in master slide.
- #231053 - Chart data label color will not be changed while cloning a PowerPoint slide with chart.
- #233982 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while parsing customized master slide.
- #236894 - Hanging issue has been resolved while parsing a PowerPoint with sound transition.
- #236892 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting PowerPoint to Image.
- #232687 - Value axis title will now be aligned properly while converting PowerPoint to PDF.
Bug Fixes
- #228847 - Binding of the last property item will no longer be removed when changing SfSkinManager themes in PropertyGrid.
Bug fixes
- #145185 - Now,
will be drawn properly whenRibbonState
is in hidden or adorner state and also when navigating fromBackStage
- Now, the chart control supports to customize the appearance of individual axis element based on condition.
- The chart control supports to perform zooming based on pinch gesture direction.
Bug fixes
- #I236345 - Now, the
header is positioned properly when resizing the window.
- #227119 - Support has been provided to change the visibility of the
expander icon. - #223656,#229857 - Support has been provided to bind the
property toHeaderText
. - #229606,#F145410 - Support has been provided for
selector inGridMultiColumnDropDownList
column to set different items sources for each row. - #227119 - Support has been provided to change the visibility of the expander icon of
Bug Fixes
- #237675 - The
will no longer be thrown when opening theRecordContextMenu
with separator atLime
theme. - #233817 - The
is updated properly inGridMultiColumnDropDownList
column when theme is applied. - #236883 - Validation will be applied properly in
when date-time format of column and system differs. - #F145091 - The
will no longer be thrown when exporting datagrid withTemplateViewDefinition
. - #229185 - The
will no longer be thrown when expanding template row usingExpandDetailsViewAt
. - #235848 - The
exception will no longer occur when column is used in expression that contains null value inGridUnboundColumn
Bug Fixes
- #229701 - Root node of the
is now positioned properly at the center when there are no children. - #232387 - Mouse-Wheel scrolling is now working properly when diagram is zoomed, and scrolling is limited to specific area.
- #233419 - Nodes/Symbols are now dropped properly when the
constraints are enabled for stencil. - #215771 - ContextMenu will now be updated properly for the custom menu items.
- #231021 - Bridges are now rendered properly in the print preview.
- #233270 - The
will no longer be thrown when adding or removing node from theDataSource
at runtime. - #237389 - Now,
is positioned properly for self-loop connector. - #237711 - The
will no longer be thrown when deleting a node in the DirectedTree layout. - #237711 - The
will no longer be thrown when executing the duplicate quick-command. - #235018 - Blank image will no longer be exported from Diagram when elements are in negative axis.
- #235557 - Null reference exception will no longer be thrown when moving the item in
. - #235557 - Null reference exception will no longer be thrown when moving the item in
and then performing insert operation. - #236815 - Null reference exception will no longer be thrown when deleting the out connector.
- #238479 - The
will no longer be thrown while dragging the customized cubic curve segment. - #239299,#239526 - The
will no longer be thrown while using multiple root nodes inMultiParentLayout
. - #240084 - The
will no longer be thrown when having a single node inLayout
- #232594 - Now,
will be snapped to gridline when connecting to theDockPort
. - Added support for automatic Flowchart layout.
- Deletion of successor nodes when its dependent node is deleted can be decided using the
property ofItemDeletingEventArgs
class. - Default commands execution can be controlled by the
virtual method ofSfDiagram
. -
can be connected to the nearest port onNode
instead of its boundaries. - Added support to create automatic port when connection starts from
. - Added the support to update the layout based on child position instead of its collection index in
. - Added command binding support for all the default commands of SfDiagram.
- Added support to invalidate multiple layout refresh to single layout refresh using the
method. - Added support to restrict logging of undo/redo entries using the
virtual method.
Behavior Changes
method is added inLayoutBase
abstract class to provideInvalidateLayout
support. -
methods added to IDiagramCommands to provideInvalidateLayout
support. -
command no longer trigger the fit-to-page action immediately, it will be triggered alone with the diagram arrange.
Bug fixes
- # 239856 – The
inline item
parent node will be removed when adding the inline item to empty inline collection dynamically.
- Holiday support has been provided to the GanttControl.
- #F111036, #168848, #172146, #203648, #227943, #F143875 - Added support for paragraph and character styles in Word document.
- #232056 - Added support to select text by holding Shift key and mouse click.
- #237165 - Added option to open the document through
Bug Fixes
- #228453 - Exception will no longer be thrown while typing text through third-party IME.
- #232282 - Application will no longer crash while deleting the table using backspace key.
- #237011, #237166, #237891, #236599 - Exception will no longer be thrown while opening the document containing table in header footer.
- #233913 - Text overflow inside a table row with exact height type are now clipped properly.
- #F144144, #233913, #239205 - Table cell is now displayed with proper width.
- #235203 - Application will no longer crash while searching with invalid regular expression.
- #232281 -
property is now working properly while using keyboard operations. - #F145270 - Null reference exception will no longer be thrown while loading the control in block layout type with metro theme.
- #236437 - Null reference exception will no longer be thrown on switching document while opening document asynchronously.
- #239227, #239205 - Borders are now rendered properly for cells in last row of a page and merged cells.
- #237758 - Exception will no longer be thrown while loading the control with small height and small page size.
- #F144891 - List is now preserved properly after modifying the paragraph properties through paragraph dialog.
- #237394 - Table with center alignment is now aligned properly while opening HTML file.
Bug fixes
- Relocation of the sheet work properly when user tries to drag and drop the renaming tab.
- #211068,#228183,#229638 - Support has been provided for column filtering with Excel-like UI; it includes
and advanced UI filtering. - #228182 - Support has been provided for merging cells in a row across columns.
Bug Fixes
- #233628 - The
will no longer be thrown when changing the property value after rearranging the parent and child nodes.
Bug Fixes
- An option has been provided to add words in custom dictionary file in SpellChecker.
Syntax Editor
- Intellisense will now show method’s parameter details using ContextPrompt feature.
- The drag-and-drop support has been provided to load files in SyntaxEditor.
- Accessibility support has been provided to Syntax Editor.
- Document closing event has been provided to save changes while closing or dropping file in to the SyntaxEditor.
Bug fixes
- #228837 - The NewButton is now placed properly in TabControlExt when applying SfSkinManager themes.
- A support has been provided to close a tab on click using the mouse wheel button in TabControlExt.
Bug fixes
- #144150 - Size of the content will be updated correctly even on loading and unloading it.
Bug fixes
- #234331 - Exported file can be imported into ThemeStudio.
Bug fixes
- #234255 – Overflow button appears properly when toolbar is positioned on any occasion.
Bug fixes
- #233602 - InvalidOperationException will no longer occur in UpDown when binding operations of NumberDecimalDigits property are cleared.
- #237543 - UpDown value is now updated correctly based on step value while using mouse wheel.
- #231181 - Accessibility support has been provided to the UpDown control.
- #227983 - Exception, “Text length cannot be more than 32767” can be ignored using the
property. - #230550, #230543 - Excel table with query parameters is implemented.
- #222226 -
in Excel charts are now supported. - #F143384 - Support to get direct dependents and direct precedents of a cell is provided.
Breaking Changes
- #227983 -
has been added inIApplication
class to ignore exception and exclude characters more than 32767 (maximum allowed characters) in a cell text. - #230550, #230543 -
interface is added to represent the parameter collection of query table. - #230550, #230543 -
method is added inIParameters
interface to add parameter to the query table. - #230550, #230543 -
enum is added to represent the parameter data types. - #230550, #230543 -
enum is added to represent the parameter types. - #230550, #230543 -
interface is added to represent the parameter of query table. - #230550, #230543 -
property is added inIParameter
interface to represent the SQL data type. - #230550, #230543 -
property is added inIParameter
interface to represent the parameter type. - #230550, #230543 -
property is added inIParameter
interface to represent the prompt string. - #230550, #230543 -
property is added inIParameter
interface to represent the parameter value. - #230550, #230543 -
property is added inIParameter
interface to represent the parameter cell reference. - #230550, #230543 -
property is added inIParameter
interface to represent the parameter name. - #230550, #230543 -
property is added inIParameter
interface to indicate whether the query table will be refreshed when the parameter is changed. - #230550, #230543 -
property is added inIParameter
interface that occurs when refreshing the table after setting the parameter type to prompt. - #230550, #230543 -
method is added inIParameter
interface to set value to the parameter. - #230550, #230543 -
property is added inQueryTableImpl
class to represent the parameters of query table. - #234003 -
property is added in bothIApplication
interface andApplicationImpl
class, which gets or sets a boolean value to ignore duplicate worksheet name exception by adding a suffix at the end. - #222226 -
property inIChartFormat
class gets high-low lines of stock and line charts. - #222226 -
property inIChartFormat
class gets drop lines of stock, line and area charts. - #222226 -
property inIChartFormat
class gets or sets drop lines or high-low lines or series lines. - #222226 -
property inIChartFormat
class gets or sets a boolean value denoting the drop lines of stock, line, or area charts. - #222226 -
property inIChartFormat
class gets or sets a boolean value denoting the high-low lines of stock or line charts. - #222226 -
property inIChartFormat
class gets or sets a boolean value denoting the series lines of pie of pie or bar of pie charts. - #F143384 -
method is implemented inIRange
class to get the direct precedent cells, which are referred by a formula in another cell. - #F143384 -
method is implemented inIRange
class to get the direct dependent cells, which refer to other cells.
Bug Fixes
- #F144022, #224520 - Conditional formatting formula with sheet reference is now proper.
- #227766, #231068 - Chart legend is now rendered properly while changing the chart type.
- #232040, #232682 - Cell background color is now rendered properly on converting XML to XLSX format.
- #229121 - Picture name is now updated properly after removing a picture and inserting a new picture.
- #226753 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening an Excel file with formula in Dutch culture.
- #230294 - Picture created with camera tool is now properly changed with the
formula. - #230697 - After accessing the used range, relative range indexer is now working properly.
- #231469 - Application no longer hangs while opening an Excel file with picture that has unsupported elements.
- #226860 - Performance will not degrade on exporting a range to a data table multiple times.
- #229117 - Named range index is now updated properly while copying ranges from two different workbooks.
- #228853 - Footer value in source worksheet no longer changes while modifying footer in cloned worksheet.
- #228560 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while cloning the workbook.
- #224793 - Extra pages are no longer added with
layout setting in Excel to PDF conversion. - #231271 - Timestamp is preserved in zip file.
- #227209 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown while applying the template marker with
. - #232727 - Argument exception is no longer thrown while opening an Excel file with
. - #228711 - Performance will not degrade on exporting data from Grid to Excel.
- #226133 - ArgumentOutOfRangeException is no longer thrown while accessing a range from cloned workbook.
- #225831 - NullReferenceException is no longer thrown while converting worksheet to PDF.
- #229460 - Exception is no longer thrown while converting Excel to PDF with hyperlink.
- #231882 - Performance will not degrade on exporting pivot grid to Excel.
- #233186 - Exception is no longer thrown while coping unmanaged memory from source to destination in .NET Core.
- #232040 - Cell Styles are now preserved properly after resaving the output file with Microsoft Excel.
- #232473 - Macro name is now set properly in shapes.
- #227998 - Pivot table with tabular layout no longer increases the page count in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #230759 - Conditional formatting with discontinuous range is now preserved properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #229528 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening a resaved Excel document with
option. - #232105 - Radar chart is now rendered properly while converting to image.
- #227410 - Pivot table field item is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel file with the
property. - #235570 - Exception is no longer thrown when setting date time value in general format without having date separators.
- #233740 - Exception is no longer thrown on converting Excel to PDF with Doughnut chart.
- #228415 - Ole object formula bar is now shown properly on resaving the Excel document with Ole object.
- #236136 - Exception is no longer thrown while setting
in pivot table. - #225098 - The position of form controls (CheckBox, ComboBox, OptionButton) is now updated properly on inserting row or column.
- #234572 - Data validation is now properly preserved while resaving the Excel document.
- #234003 - Exception is no longer thrown while setting existing name to the worksheet.
- #233740 - Issue with “Textbox in chart is missing while resaving the Excel document” has been fixed.
- #235011 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening the Excel document with negative anchor row and column.
- #229691, #225609, #229497 - Cropping issue with Legend having manual size in chart to image conversion has been fixed.
- #225927 - Chart series with date time axis preservation issue in chart to image conversion has been fixed.
- #234789 - Multiple filter is now working properly in pivot table while setting
to TRUE. - #234003 - Exception is no longer thrown while setting a name that is already in the existing sheet names collection.
- #222226 -
APIs have been exposed. - #231382 - Spreadsheet XML is now stable.
- #231382 - Named range is now stable.
- #238059 - Time format is now properly preserved while setting date time values.
- #F141716 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening the Excel file when a namespace is not defined.
- #F142864 - Exception is no longer thrown while accessing the
property in multi-threading. - #F143467 - Argument null exception is no longer thrown while converting Excel to PDF.
- Issue with “Waterfall chart individual data label color is not changing” has been fixed.