Essential Studio for WPF Release Notes

July 3, 2017


Bug fixes

  • #180712 - Autocomplete control performance improved for large dataset.


Bug fixes

  • #181104 - Gradient Pointer is now visible at the time of loading.


Bug fixes

  • #180762 - MissingManifestResourceException has been fixed with Tools.WPF assembly.



  • #127763, #178727 - Added mirror margin support in Word to PDF conversion.

Bug Fixes

  • #180854 - AltChunk content is preserved properly while converting a Word document as PDF.
  • #180409 - Field results are preserved properly while performing Mail merge execution.
  • #180588 - German culture texts are preserved properly while importing and exporting a HTML document.
  • #179474 - List number is preserved properly while converting a Word document as PDF.
  • #180115 - List number is preserved properly while loading a RTF document.
  • #181317, #180770 - NullReferenceException will be no longer thrown while resaving a Word document.
  • #179474 - Table splitting issue has been resolved while converting a Word document as PDF.
  • #180312 - Page number is preserved properly while updating TableOfContents for a Word document.
  • #180769 - Update mode of OLE linked Excel worksheet is preserved properly while resaving a Word document.
  • #177783 - Textbox missing issue has been resolved while converting a Word document as PDF.
  • #181263 - Shape missing issue has been resolved while resaving a Word document.
  • #181047 - Horizontal line is preserved properly while converting a Word document as PDF.
  • #176802 - Table is preserved properly while converting a Word document as PDF.
  • #180952 - Empty page preservation issue has been resolved while converting a Word document as PDF.
  • #180952 - OutOfMemoryException will be no longer thrown while converting a Word document as PDF.
  • #180065 - Paragraphs are preserved properly while converting a Word document as PDF.


Bug fixes

  • #180193 - Exception will no longer thrown while perform serialize and de-serialize operation with tabbed windows in DockingManager.

  • #179010 - Content of Document TabItem not getting focus on selection while UseInteropCompatibilityMode as true in DockingManager has been fixed.

  • #181122 - Externally move the focus to HwndHost element has been fixed in DockingManager.


Bug Fixes

  • #181039 - Now, the strip lines are added properly to the dynamically extended range.

  • #181529 - Now, the zooming will not reset when the task is added dynamically.


Bug fixes

  • #179355 - Now, row Header status is not changed while clicking on the row header in the header cell.


Bug fixes

  • #181127 – ArgumentException no longer occurs, when using Office2016 Style
  • #180055, #181213 – Memory leak issue no longer occurs.


Bug Fixes

  • #178392 - Text contents in the provided PDF document are now rendered properly while using ExportAsMetafile.
  • #177306, #179463 - Shading is now preserved properly while viewing the PDF document usingPdfViewerControl.
  • #178393 - Characters will not be misplaced while viewing the provided PDF document using PdfViewerControl.
  • #178401 - Images in the provided PDF document will be extracted properly.
  • #180765 - Texts and images in the PDF document are now rendered properly.
  • #180021 - Texts in the PDF document are now preserved properly while viewing the document using PdfViewerControl.
  • #181048 - NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while using FindText API with the document only with image.
  • #179242 - Text content of the PDF document is now preserved properly.
  • #181239 - The first page of the PDF document is now displayed properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #180377 - Argument out of range exception will not be thrown while converting a PowerPoint presentation with chart to Pdf.
  • #179842, #180783 - Null reference exception will not be thrown while converting a PowerPoint presentation to Pdf using the publish option handouts.
  • #180760 - SmartArt is now preserved properly while converting a PowerPoint slide to image.


Bug fixes

  • #181445 - Diagram Builder sample now works properly while try to open the DropDownButton.


Bug fixes

  • #181505, #181503 – Now, IsBusy and IsEnabled properties will work properly.


Bug Fixes


Bug fixes

  • #181663 - Now, InvalidCastException is not thrown, while editing the GridTemplateColumn with filter row.
  • #180991, #160592 - Now, NullReferenceException is not thrown while committing the new value in DetailsViewDataGrid.
  • #178891 - Now, SfDataGrid.StackedHeaderRows supports null value and exception is not thrown.
  • #181012 - Now, exception is not thrown while resizing the drop down of GridMultiColumnDropDownList.
  • #180317 - SfDataGrid.CurrentCellValueChanged event is not triggered multiple times while swapping between tab items.
  • #180108 - Now, sorting is working inside the FilterPopupControl of GridTimeSpanColumn.
  • #180020 - Now, NullReferenceException is not thrown while exporting multiple DetailsViewDataGrid to excel.
  • #179253 - Now, NullException is not thrown while trying to update the cell value in SfMultiColumnDropDownList.


Bug fixes

  • #172380 - Selection/Deselection of Node is not updated properly.
  • #180404 - UnitWidth and unitHeight of the Node is not set while drag and drop.
  • #179977 - Docking Manager getting slow for float and dock operation when added tabcontrol inside the symbol-palette.


Bug Fixes

  • #180863 - Binding expression error will no longer be thrown from KanbanColumn.

  • #180848 - TargetCardIndex property in the CardDragEnd event argument is updated properly, when the card is dragged and dropped outside the Kanban control.

  • #180271 – Card will be loaded properly when the custom observable collection is provided as ItemsSource.


Bug fixes

  • #182073 - WaterMark will be show while switch between the tabs.


Bug Fixes

  • #179068 - Improved performance in manipulating the words count using WordCount property in SfRichTextBoxAdv class.
  • #181502 - Padding property in SfRichTextBoxAdv class is now working properly when placed inside DataTemplate.
  • Editing operations are now working properly when changing IsReadOnly property in SfRichTextBoxAdv class at runtime.


Bug fixes

  • #179530 - Now, Foreground has been visible for hyperlink in all the SfSkinManager themes.


Bug fixes

  • #179248 - Now, HorizontalAlignment has been properly applied for the ListViewItem for SkinManager themes


Bug Fixes

  • #180921 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening the designer when host the SfSpreadsheet WPF in WinForms application


Bug fixes

  • #179010 - Focus of the TabItemExt content changed improperly while select the content has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #180067 – Now SplitButton Content and Image will be displayed properly.


Bug fixes

  • #180466 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening chart with value axis title.
  • #181226 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening particular file with shape’s offset value exceeding integer limit.
  • #180940 - Issue with font color when setting font style in conditional formats is fixed.
  • #181016 - Exception is no longer thrown while accessing LineStyle property of a shape in threading.
  • #178198 - Exception thrown on parsing the named range with complete file path is fixed.
  • #180478 - Issue with Autofit when cell text contains line breaks is fixed.
  • #180329 - Xml Exception is no longer thrown while parsing Excel file with chart having empty legend position.
  • #180337 - Line width is changed while changing series color for radar chart is fixed.
  • #180213 - Exception is thrown while parsing MissingItemsLimit property in pivot cache is resolved.
  • #179997 - Exception is no longer thrown while opening a chart with discontinuous filtered ranges.
  • #179874 - Default value is not set in Excel pivot table while applying Pivot filter is fixed.
  • #179874 - File corruption issue while applying pivot filter is resolved.
  • #179863 - PrintArea returns invalid range in Excel to PDF conversion is fixed.
  • #179751 - Calculated values are incorrect for table formulas in worksheet to image conversion is fixed.
  • #179732 - File is no longer corrupted when table is created with merged cell ranges.
  • #181584 - Overflow exception while accessing Value property is fixed.
  • #179026 - Text is wrongly updated in shapes after add copying of worksheet is fixed.
  • #177928 - File size is not reduced after removing all worksheets is fixed.
  • Excel file with pivot table no longer gets corrupted during AddCopy().
  • Corruption issue when resaving Excel file with group shapes is fixed.