Dropdown Popup in WPF DateTimePicker (DateTimeEdit)

5 May 202110 minutes to read

You can display the dropdown popup by clicking the dropdown button. You can select the datetime by using the dropdown popup calendar and clock. The dropdown pop-up in DateTimeEdit controls contains the following parts:

  • Calendar
  • Clock
  • Today Button
  • None Button

DateTimeEdit with dropdown pop-up structure

Open and close the datetime selector popup using short-cut keys

You can open or close the popup datetime selector popup by pressing the Alt + Down key and F4 key.

Open and close the popup using short-cut keys

You can select the date and time using Calendar and Clock. By default, the Calender is displayed in the drop down popup.
You can use the DropDownView property to display either Calendar or Clock or both in the drop down to select the datetime.

<syncfusion:DateTimeEdit DropDownView="Combined" 
DateTimeEdit dateTimeEdit = new DateTimeEdit();
dateTimeEdit.DropDownView = DropDownViews.Combined;
dateTimeEdit.Pattern = DateTimePattern.FullDateTime;

DateTimeEdit with combined clock and calendar


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Custom drop down date time selector

You can add your own calendar and clock control in DateTimeEdit drop down to selected the date and time.
Please refer the Change date time using custom calendar and clock topic to know more about the custom calendar and clock.


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Custom UI for drop down button

You can customize the dropdown button appearance by using the DropDownButtonTemplate property.

<syncfusion:DateTimeEdit DropDownView="Calendar"
            <Border Background="Red">
                <Border Background="Green"

DateTimeEdit dropdown button with custom UI


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Select today date

You can easily select the today date by clicking the dropdown popup Today button.

DateTimeEdit dropdown today button

Select today date and time

You can select the today date and time by setting the TodayButtonAction property as DateTime and clicking the dropdown popup Today button. The default value of TodayButtonAction property is Date.

<syncfusion:DateTimeEdit TodayButtonAction="DateTime"
DateTimeEdit dateTimeEdit = new DateTimeEdit();
dateTimeEdit.TodayButtonAction = TodayButtonAction.DateTime;
dateTimeEdit.Pattern = DateTimePattern.FullDateTime;

Select today date with time in DateTimeEdit


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Reset the selected date

You can easily reset the selected datetime value with null value by clicking the dropdown popup None button. You can enable it by setting the IsEmptyDateEnabled property as true. The default value of IsEmptyDateEnabled property is false.

<syncfusion:DateTimeEdit IsEmptyDateEnabled="True" 
DateTimeEdit dateTimeEdit = new DateTimeEdit();
dateTimeEdit.IsEmptyDateEnabled = true;

DateTimeEdit with combined clock and calendar


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Change month names

You can change the popup calendar month names by adding the respective new names to the AbbreviatedMonthNames property. The default value of AbbreviatedMonthNames property is null.

<syncfusion:DateTimeEdit Name="dateTimeEdit" >
        <x:Array Type="sys:String" 
DateTimeEdit dateTimeEdit = new DateTimeEdit();
dateTimeEdit.AbbreviatedMonthNames = new string[]

DateTimeEdit with changed month names


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Change weekday names

You can change the popup calendar week day names by adding the respective new names to the AbbreviatedMonthNames property. The default value of AbbreviatedMonthNames property is null.

<syncfusion:DateTimeEdit Name="dateTimeEdit" >
        <x:Array Type="sys:String" 
DateTimeEdit dateTimeEdit = new DateTimeEdit();
dateTimeEdit.ShortestDayNames= new string[]

DateTimeEdit with changed weekday names


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Open the popup date time selector with time delay

You can open the dropdown popup with some delay after clicking the dropdown button by setting the time span to the PopupDelay property. The default value of PopupDelay property is {00:00:00}.

<syncfusion:DateTimeEdit PopupDelay="0:0:2"
DateTimeEdit dateTimeEdit = new DateTimeEdit();
dateTimeEdit.PopupDelay = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 2);

DateTimeEdit opens the popup date time selector with delay

Disable dropdown date time selector

You can restrict the user to select the datetime from the dropdown popup calendar and clock by hiding the dropdown button. You can hide the dropdown button by setting the IsButtonPopUpEnabled property value as false. The default value of IsButtonPopUpEnabled property is true.

<syncfusion:DateTimeEdit IsButtonPopUpEnabled="False"
DateTimeEdit dateTimeEdit = new DateTimeEdit();
dateTimeEdit.IsButtonPopUpEnabled = false;

DateTimeEdit disables the dropdown date time selector


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Hide Today button

Today button in the dropdown of DateTimeEdit can collapsed by setting the visibility by retrieving it using code in loaded event.

private void DateTimeEdit_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Button button = dateTimeEdit.Template.FindName("todayButton", dateTimeEdit) as Button;
            if (button != null)
                button.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

Hide Today Button of DateTimeEdit