Scaling and Skewing in WPF Carousel

You can resize and skewing the carousel items in WPF Carousel control.

If you want to change the size of the carousel items except the selected item in the VisualMode.Standard mode, use the ScaleFraction property. The default value ScaleFraction property is 0.

<syncfusion:Carousel ScaleFraction="0.5" 
                     Name="carousel" />
carousel.ScaleFraction = 0.5;
carousel.VisualMode = VisualMode.Standard;

Size changed for the next and previous items of the selected item in standard view


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If you want to individually change the size of the next, previous item or selected carousel items in the VisualMode.CustomPath mode, set the fraction values to the ScaleFractions collection property. You can disable it by setting the ScalingEnabled property value as false. The default value of ScaleFractions property is null and ScalingEnabled property is true.

<syncfusion:Carousel ScalingEnabled="True"
            <!--Resize next items from the selected item-->
            <syncfusion:FractionValue Fraction="0" Value="0.5"/>
            <!--Resize selected item-->
            <syncfusion:FractionValue Fraction="0.5" Value="0.8"/>
            <!--Resize previous items from the selected item-->
            <syncfusion:FractionValue Fraction="1" Value="0"/>
FractionValue NextItemfraction = new FractionValue() { Fraction = 0, Value = 0.5 };			
FractionValue selectedItemfraction = new FractionValue() { Fraction = 0.5, Value = 0.8 };
FractionValue PreviousItemfraction = new FractionValue() { Fraction = 1, Value = 0 };

PathFractionCollection pathFraction = new PathFractionCollection();

//Adding scale fractions to the carousel items
carousel.ScaleFractions = pathFraction;

carousel.ScalingEnabled = true;
carousel.VisualMode = VisualMode.CustomPath;

Size changed for the next, previous items and selected item in custom view


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If you want to skewing the carousel items with particular X-Y fraction angle, use the SkewAngleXFraction and SkewAngleYFraction properties. Based on the SkewAngleXFraction and SkewAngleYFraction values, the carousel items are skewed. The default value SkewAngleXFraction and SkewAngleYFraction properties is 0.

<syncfusion:Carousel SkewAngleXFraction="20"
                     Name="carousel" />
carousel.SkewAngleXFraction = 20;
carousel.SkewAngleYFraction = 10;
carousel.VisualMode = VisualMode.Standard;

Carousel items skewed in standard view


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If you want to individually skewing the next, previous item or selected carousel items in the VisualMode.CustomPath mode, set the X-Y fraction angle values to the SkewAngleXFractions and SkewAngleYFractions collection property. You can enable it by setting the SkewAngleXEnabled and SkewAngleYEnabled property value as true. The default value of SkewAngleXFractions & SkewAngleYFractions property is null and default value of SkewAngleXEnabled & SkewAngleYEnabled property is false.

<syncfusion:Carousel SkewAngleXEnabled="True"
            <!--Skewing X angle of next items from the selected item-->
            <syncfusion:FractionValue Fraction="0" Value="10"/>
            <!--Skewing X angle of selected item-->
            <syncfusion:FractionValue Fraction="0.5" Value="0"/>
            <!--Skewing X angle of previous items from the selected item-->
            <syncfusion:FractionValue Fraction="1" Value="30"/>


            <!--Skewing Y angle of next items from the selected item-->
            <syncfusion:FractionValue Fraction="0" Value="30"/>

            <!--Skewing Y angle of selected item-->
            <syncfusion:FractionValue Fraction="0.5" Value="0"/>

            <!--Skewing Y angle of previous items from the selected item-->
            <syncfusion:FractionValue Fraction="1" Value="10"/>
carousel.SkewAngleXEnabled = true;
carousel.SkewAngleYEnabled = true;
carousel.VisualMode = VisualMode.CustomPath;

Carousel items skewed in custom view


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