Essential Studio for Universal Windows Platform Release Notes

April 5, 2016



  • Added support to create and manipulate Character Style in Word document.

Bug Fixes

  • #148757 - List restart numbering is now preserved properly in the generated DOCX document.
  • #149126 - Hyperlink is now preserved properly while opening RTF document.
  • #149314 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown while saving the Word document.
  • #150546 - MergeField event is now triggered properly while Mail merging.
  • #149496 - Word document layout options are now preserved properly in the generated DOCX document.
  • #151035, #151119 - Argument exception (An item with the same key has already been added) is no longer thrown while Mail merging.
  • #152897 - Number format preservation issue while updating DOCVARIABLE field had been fixed.
  • #152965 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown while executing Mail merge.
  • #151476 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown while opening a particular Word document.
  • No extra empty paragraph is preserved now at the end of Word document.
  • Object reference exception is no longer thrown while converting RTF to Word document.
  • Argument exception (An item with the same key has already been added) is no longer thrown while opening the Word document with duplicate list styles.
  • Argument exception (An item with the same key has already been added) is no longer thrown while opening the Word document with duplicate character styles.
  • TextBefore and TextAfter properties of merge fields are now preserved properly.



  • Support for built-in styles in PdfLightTable and PdfGrid has been added.
  • Support for flattening annotations has been added.
  • Support for GS1-128 barcode has been added.
  • Support for adding and editing named destinations has been added.
  • Library has now been optimized for handling very large documents.

Bug Fixes

  • #131177 - Annotation is now properly preserved while importing pages from loaded document.
  • #150635 - Exception is not thrown anymore when loading a particular PDF document.
  • #149811 - Opacity values of annotations are now properly read from existing documents.
  • #149841 - Multiple items can now be selected when using PdfLoadedListBoxField.
  • #149641 - Exception is not thrown anymore while importing existing document pages.
  • #149735 - Exception is not thrown anymore when filling the form fields.
  • #149367 - Location is now properly preserved when drawing the image in the specific PDF document.
  • #149295 - Read-only property of form fields can now be toggled as expected.
  • #149094 - Textbox font is now preserved as expected while flattening the PDF document.
  • #148808, #150061 - Comb of characters are now preserved correctly when flattening the form fields.
  • #148514 - PDF document is not corrupted anymore when drawing string with particular TrueType font.
  • #147786 - PdfLoadedComboBoxFiled does not change to PdfLoadedListBoxField when resaving the PDF document.
  • #148326 - Exception is not thrown anymore when drawing the PdfLightTable.
  • #143809 - Black borders are no longer shown when setting the border width of form fields as zero.
  • #142878 - Exception is not thrown anymore while importing pages of loaded document.
  • #142957 - Application does not hang anymore while drawing text using PdfTextElement.
  • #143205 - Images are replaced properly in the particular PDF document.
  • #140266 - Double quotes are not changed to question mark anymore when flattening form fields.
  • #144761 - Application no longer hangs when generating PDF in multi-threaded environment.
  • Line annotation is properly parsed from existing PDF documents.
  • Text is no longer misplaced when drawing the PdfGrid.
  • Table height is changed as expected when drawing the PdfGrid.
  • File size is reduced as expected after replacing with low quality images.

Predictive Analytics


  • Added support for predictive analytics in UWP platform for the following models:

  • Association rules
  • Clustering model
  • Cox regression
  • General regression
  • Gradient boosting model
  • Multinomial regression
  • Naive Bayes
  • Neural networks
  • Random forest
  • Regression model
  • Support vector machine and
  • Tree model


Presentation is a native .NET class library that can be used to create, read, and write Microsoft PowerPoint (PPTX) file.

Key Features

  • Support to create PPTX file from scratch.
  • Open, modify, and save existing PPTX file.
  • Ability to create and manipulate charts
  • Ability to clone and merge slides in PPTX file.
  • Ability to encrypt and decrypt PPTX file.
  • Ability to access and modify the Built-in and Custom document properties.


Bug Fixes

  • #151125 - Axis labels are visible properly in DateTimeCategoryAxis now.

  • #150629 - SelectionChanging event will be fired correctly, when deselect the segment.

  • #150593 - Chart series animation working properly, while changing the ItemsSource dynamically.

  • #153218 - ChartAxis’s ControlTemplate updated properly upon dynamic changes.

  • #153794 - Null reference exception no longer thrown, when ChartSeries’s SelectedIndex defined in code behind.

  • #149899 - Legend will be viewed correctly while loading chart inside the Frame control, as its source.

  • #150820 - Zooming toolbar icons are activated properly, while selection zooming done across the chart area.

  • #149982 - Tick lines position aligned properly with respect to the grid lines position, when EdgeLabelDrawingMode property is defined as Fit.

  • #152927 - Issue with chart series sorting order on recursive change in the IsSortData and ItemsSource property has been fixed.

  • #150660 - AreaSeries with large number of data points can be view clearly in the zoomed state now.

  • #153025 - Now animation working properly in column series, when enable the animation in loaded events.


  • Implemented the custom cursor support while hover the selectable segments.

  • Implemented the support to align the ChartAxis’s header inside or outside of the chart area, when ShowAxisNextToOrigin is enabled.

  • Provided the support to consider Null value as EmptyPoints.

  • Provided the option to rotate the axis label upon overlapping, in addition with hide and multiple row.

  • Implemented the tooltip support for ChartAdornments.

  • Provided the support to resize the zooming toolbar items(icons) in ZoomPanBehavior.

Breaking Changes

  • Changed the default UI look for CrossHair and Legend.

  • Changed the default value of ExplodeRadius property for Pie and Doughnut series.

  • Null points will be consider as EmptyPoints now.

  • Now the axis labels will rotate with tick lines as its center point.

  • Polar/Radar series will be render in clockwise direction.


Bug Fixes

  • #151391 - SfComboBox is no longer crash on DropDown ComboBoxMode.
  • #150508 - SfComboBox will properly work while binding with SelectedItem as KeyValue pair.



  • Support to filter the GridMultiColumnDropDownList column values by Contains option has been provided.
  • Filter row support has been provided.

Bug Fixes

  • #150227, #150548, #120124 – SfDataGrid no longer crashes when compiling app with .NET Native tool chain enabled under Build properties of project.
  • #121821- Now Header column width is calculated correctly when using HeaderTemplate in GridTemplateColumn.
  • #153164 - Data loaded less than the PageSize in last page of SfDataGrid issue has been resolved.
  • #151280 – Warnings error in output window are cleared while running SfDataGrid in Release mode.
  • #151637 - Memory leak issues in SfDataGrid is resolved.

Breaking Changes

  • Now AddNewRow is scrollable when setting AddNewRowPosition as Top. Set AddNewRowPosition as FixedTop to freeze AddNewRow at top.
  • In GridSelectionController class, ProcessDetailsViewKeyDown method parameters are changed.
  • In GridCellSelectionController class, ProcessDetailsViewKeyDown method parameters are changed.
  • In GridBaseSelectionController class, ScrollInViewFromBottom method marked as obsolete. Instead of this use ScrollToRowIndex method.
  • In GridBaseSelectionController class, ScrollInViewFromTop method marked as obsolete. Instead of this use ScrollToRowIndex method.
  • In GridMultiColumnDropDownList class, IsAutoPopupSize property default value changed as true.
  • In GridUpDownColumn class, the obsolete property Step has been removed.
  • In SerializableGridUpDownColumn, Step property name is renamed as SmallChange.


Bug Fixes

  • #148275 - Year values greater than 2029 will be displayed properly
  • #127040 - SfDatePicker no longer crashes on opening the dropdown when MinDate and MaxDate are set



  • Built-in Basic Shapes support is provided.
  • Absolute and relative position support for Port is provided.
  • Support to highlight the Ports based on constraints (InConnect or OutConnect) is provided.
  • Event to notify the object (Node/Connector) intersection support is provided.
  • #152950 - SingleSelectionMode support for Node and Connector is provided.
  • ID based Connection support for Connectors is provided.

Bug fixes

  • #150083 - Target Decorator is aligned properly when stroke thickness is greater than zero.
  • #153761,#153421 - NodePortViewModel implementation supports the basic interactions.
  • #153421 - NullReferenceException does not occurs while enabling Virtualization.
  • #152934 - Memory will not increase while dropping a Node over another Node multiple times.

Breaking changes

  • The absolute and relative position for Port is achieved using UnitMode property of Port. The UnitMode property of Port is deprecated. The absolute position for Port can be achieved using Displacement property is provided.
  • The SymbolSource property of stencil type is changed to object from IEnumerable to provide support to add Node and Connector to Stencil.
  • The AutoScroll related properties are moved to new `ScrollSettings class from Page Settings.
  • The ScrollViewer related properties are moved to new ScrollSettings class from Info property of SfDiagram.

SfGroupBar preview

The SfGroupBar control provides a navigation UI similar to Microsoft Outlook. It has a container to host controls within it. Use it to host a categorized collection of items and custom controls.

Key Features

  • Provides three different SizeModes for content popup
  • Built-in animations for content popup
  • Allows to position the Popup either Right or Left

SfHeatMap preview

The heat map represents tabular data values as gradient colors instead of numbers. Low and high values are different colors with different gradients.

Key Features

  • 2 types of data source mapping (TableMapping, CellMapping)
  • Color mapping
  • Legend
  • Virtualization

SfMenu preview

SfMenu control allows the hierarchical organization of elements that are associated with commands and event handlers. SfMenu contains a collection of SfMenuItem, which can be expanded to display additional SfMenuItems or to perform a specific action when clicked.

Key Features

  • ItemsSource - List of options can be bound to the control
  • Orientation - Provides support to Horizontal / Vertical orientation
  • PopUpAnimationType - Built-in popup Animations are available
  • Provide support for CheckBox and RadioButton to selected menu items

SfMultiColumnDropDownControl preview

SfMultiColumnDropDownControl displays multiple columns in dropdown by embedding SfDataGrid control for rich look up selection.


  • Support for Auto complete
  • Support for displaying customized columns
  • Support for filtering the data based on typed text

SfNavigationDrawer preview

The NavigationDrawer control is an interactive panel that emerges from the edge of the window and allows you to store content in a hidden panel. You can display the panel by swiping from the left, top, right, and bottom edges of the window.

Key Features

  • Various Slide positions.
  • Efficient transition modes.


Bug Fixes

  • #149287 - Scrollbar is now disabled/hidden when setting the desired value of scrollbar visibility.
  • #150108 - Exception is not thrown anymore when loading the PDF Document in SfPdfViewerControl.

SfPivotChart preview


  • Drill up/down operation is supported.
  • Key Performance Indicators support has been provided.
  • Named Sets support has been provided.
  • Different chart types such as column and its types, area and its types, line and its types, scatter, and pie are supported.

SfPivotGauge preview


  • Key Performance Indicators support has been provided.

SfPivotGrid preview


  • Drill up/down operation is supported.
  • Key Performance Indicators support has been provided.
  • Named Sets support has been provided.
  • Hyperlink support has been provided.
  • Grid Layout support has been provided.
  • Cell Selection support has been provided.
  • Cell Template support has been provided.
  • Member Properties support has been provided.

SfProgressBar preview

SfProgressBar is used to visualize the progression of a lengthy operation such as installation, file transfer, copy and print. It also relays the completion percentage of the operation.

Key Features

  • Custom object animation directions - Horizontal and Vertical
  • Value range option - Set value within a range using Minimum and Maximum
  • Customization - Complete customization using Styles and Templates

SfPullToRefresh preview

The PullToRefresh Control is an interactive content panel that allows users to pull down to refresh or load content in a view.

Key Features

  • Customizable Refresh content
  • Various transition modes

SfReportViewer preview

The SfReportViewer is an interactive control, which provides the capability to view RDL/RDLC or SSRS reports within Universal Windows Platform application. All interactions are touch friendly and provides users a delightful experience viewing reports on tablets. It has support to bind DataSources/Parameters to the Reports and also supports exporting, paging, zooming and printing the report.

Key Features

  • RDL Specification - Supports RDL Specification for SQL Server 2008 and RDL Specification for SQL Server 2008 R2 only. You can refer MSDN for list of available specifications -
  • Data sources - You can use advanced Database server data sources such as SQL, Oracle, Azure, XML, Business object and SQL Server compact Data Sources.
  • Report Items - You can display reports using the report items such as Table, Matrix, List, Chart, Sparkline, Data bar, Map, Gauge, Sub Report, Indicator, Image, Line, and Rectangle.
  • Report Parameter - You can interactively provide report parameters inputs at run time to display the report based on parameter input.
  • Expression - SQL Server RDL Specification expressions are supported.
  • Printing - Prints the displayed report using available printer.
  • Exporting - You can export the reports into popular file formats of PDF, WORD, EXCEL and HTML.
  • Customization - You can customize the control appearance.


Bug Fixes

  • RequestNavigate event is now raised properly while tapping or clicking hyperlink.
  • #150902 - Added event to notify the document change in SfRichTextBoxAdv control.
  • #151367 - Now URL text is converted to hyperlink on pressing space or enter key immediately after URL text.
  • #153178 - White space characters inside and outside of PRE tag are now preserved properly while opening HTML.
  • #153660 - Last searched text is now preserved in the search text box, on closing the search dialog and initiating search again.
  • #153335, #153655 - Now selection can be expanded by dragging both the grippers using Windows touch interactions.
  • #153925 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while placing mouse pointer below the last line and right clicking in continuous layout type.
  • #153660 - Improved performance while inserting table with maximum rows.
  • #153606 - Merge fields are now preserved properly on opening and saving Word documents.

SfRotator preview

The Rotator control allows interactive navigation through images to view or select them. It provides various navigation options like swiping, autoplay, and tapping preview thumbnails or dots.

Key Features

  • Dots and Thumbnail navigation modes.
  • Various navigation strip positions.
  • AutoPlay and items looping support.



  • #151399 - Provided support to access DragAndDropCommand in SfSchedule UWP windows application.
  • #151399 - Exposed events related with drag and drop, resizing the appointment in schedule UWP.
  • #150720 - Provided support for drag and drop of appointment from external list view.

Bug Fixes

  • #150723, #147903 - Context menu opens when doing long press on the SfSchedule control has been fixed.
  • #151339 - Now, appointment argument in ScheduleDoubleTapped event has correct value.
  • #149985 - Fixed requested theme issue in SfSchedule UWP control.
  • #148325 - Misplacement issue with Header and AllDay text in SfSchedule day view while printing, has been fixed.

SfSpreadsheet preview

The SfSpreadsheet is an Excel inspired control that allows you to create, edit, view and format the Microsoft Excel files without Excel installed. It provides absolute ease of use UI experience with integrated ribbon to cover any possible business scenario. SfSpreadsheet comes with built-in calculation engine with support for 400+ most widely used formulas.


  • Support for loading, editing, and creating workbooks has been provided.
  • Support for the ribbon has been provided.
  • Support for Excel like selection has been provided.
  • Support for formulas has been provided.
  • Support for name manager has been provided.
  • Support for undo and redo has been provided.
  • Support for pictures, text boxes, and charts has been provided.
  • Support for Sparkline has been provided.
  • Support for merge cells has been provided.
  • Support for freeze panes has been provided.
  • Support for cell comments has been provided.
  • Support for floating cells has been provided.
  • Support for data validation has been provided.
  • Support for hyperlinks has been provided.
  • Support for conditional formatting has been provided.
  • Support for grouping has been provided.
  • Support for cut, copy, and paste has been provided.
  • Support for fill series has been provided.
  • Support for worksheet and workbook management has been provided.
  • Support for worksheet and workbook protection has been provided.
  • Support for localization has been provided.
  • Support for zooming has been provided.
  • Support for Format Cells dialog has been provided.
  • Support for context menu has been provided.



  • #112832 - Controlled styles duplication while copying.
  • #112832 - Removed unused styles from workbook.
  • #141981 - Provided support to convert TSV to Excel and vice versa.

Bug fixes

  • #148923 - ActiveSheet.Select property selects the proper sheet now.
  • #148566 - Overflow exception thrown when form’s offset exceeds Int32.MaxValue is resolved.
  • #151608 - File corruption issue while creating pivot table with duplicate column names is fixed.
  • #149398 - MissingManifestResourceException thrown while opening an Excel file is fixed.
  • #149334 - List validation is updated properly while inserting column in Excel 97-2003 file.
  • #150945 - Argument out of range exception is no longer thrown while converting an Excel file with pivot table.
  • #147676 - Parameter invalid exception is no longer thrown while saving image in workbook.
  • #151492 - Shape’s left and top positions changed while setting ColumnWidth property is fixed.
  • #153332 - PivotOption16 chart element is preserved now.
  • #149568 - Opening a workbook in XlsIO will no longer take long time.
  • #150169 - File corruption issue if the cell contains NaN is fixed.
  • #143201 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while resaving merged workbooks with Conditional Formats and Tables.
  • #150100 - ArgumentNullException is no longer thrown when empty password is given for an unprotected workbook.
  • #150712 - Exception is no longer thrown while parsing a formula which contains single quote.
  • #149405, #152732, #153311 - File with an image is no longer corrupted when opening the file in Excel 2007.
  • #149074 - Font record of legend is preserved properly while resaving an Excel 97-2003 file.
  • #148028 - Rendering raw rich text markup to cell is resolved.
  • #147880 - Formatting error is no longer thrown while resaving an Excel file in *.XLS format.
  • #147447 - Chart gridline with gradient colors is preserved while resaving an Excel 97-2003 file.
  • #150311 - Custom date is detected while exporting CSV file into DataTable.
  • #121597, #149385 - ColumnWidth is no longer incorrect in *.XLSM file.
  • #144703 - Deleting columns with conditional formats is properly removed.
  • #151231 - Null reference exception is no longer thrown while opening a particular Excel file which contains chart with data points.
  • #153378 - Comma missed in DisplayText is fixed.
  • #153378, #153507 - Format is no longer changed to currency after applying long date or time and editing the cell’s number format.
  • #148557 - Conditional format address is updated properly.