EmptyPoints in UWP Charts (SfChart)

7 Jan 20258 minutes to read

The data collection that is passed to the chart can have NaN or Null values that are considered as empty points. The empty point can be defined as in the below code example.

  • C#
  • Fruits.Add(new Model() { FruitName = "Mango", People = 5 });
    Fruits.Add(new Model() { FruitName = "Apple", People = 27 });
    Fruits.Add(new Model() { FruitName = "Orange", People = Double.NaN });
    Fruits.Add(new Model() { FruitName = "Grapes", People = 15 });
    Fruits.Add(new Model() { FruitName = "Banana", People = 5 });
    Fruits.Add(new Model() { FruitName = "Blueberry", People = 20 });

    By default, ShowEmptyPoints property is false. So the empty points will not be rendered as in below screenshots:

    Empty points support in UWP Chart

    Empty points support in UWP Chart

    Empty points support in UWP Chart

    Display Empty Points

    You can show these empty points by setting the ShowEmptyPoints property as True. So we need to define the value for this empty points and that can be defined using EmptyPointValue property.

    This is an enum property having the following values:

    • Zero- Replace all the empty points with zero (0), this is the default value.
    • Average- Replace all the empty points with average value.

    The following code examples shows how to display the empty points:

    <chart:LineSeries XBindingPath="FruitName" Interior="#BCBCBC" YBindingPath="People" 
    ItemsSource="{Binding Fruits}" >
    <chart:ChartAdornmentInfo ShowLabel="True" LabelPosition="Auto"/>
    LineSeries series = new LineSeries()
        ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Fruits,
        XBindingPath = "FruitName",
        YBindingPath = "People",
        ShowEmptyPoints = true,
        Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0xBC, 0xBC, 0xBC))
    ChartAdornmentInfo adornmentInfo = new ChartAdornmentInfo()
        ShowLabel = true,
        LabelPosition = AdornmentsLabelPosition.Auto
    series.AdornmentsInfo = adornmentInfo;

    Displaying empty points in UWP Chart

    Since the EmptyPointValue as Zero by default, it will draw a line to 0 when we set ShowEmptyPoints as True.

    The following code example shows the EmptyPointValue as Average:

    <chart:LineSeries XBindingPath="FruitName" Interior="#BCBCBC" YBindingPath="People" 
    ItemsSource="{Binding Fruits}" >
    <chart:ChartAdornmentInfo ShowLabel="True" LabelPosition="Auto"/>
    LineSeries series = new LineSeries()
        ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Fruits,
        XBindingPath = "FruitName",
        YBindingPath = "People",
        ShowEmptyPoints = true,
        EmptyPointValue = EmptyPointValue.Average,
        Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0xBC, 0xBC, 0xBC))
    ChartAdornmentInfo adornmentInfo = new ChartAdornmentInfo()
        ShowLabel = true,
        LabelPosition = AdornmentsLabelPosition.Auto
    series.AdornmentsInfo = adornmentInfo;

    Displaying empty points in UWP Chart

    Customizing Empty Points

    You can customize the empty points using EmptyPointStyle property. The following are the values of EmptyPointStyle:

    • Interior- Used to define the custom brush for the empty points.
    • Symbol- Used to add symbols for the empty points.
    • Symbol and Interior- This is similar to Symbol, which includes empty point brush also.


    This option fills an interior indicating the empty points and this custom brush can be defined using the EmptyPointInterior property.

    The following code example illustrates the use of EmptyPointStyle and EmptyPointInterior:

    <chart:ColumnSeries  ItemsSource="{Binding EmptyPointData}" Interior="#bcbcbc"
    XBindingPath="Category" YBindingPath="Value" 
    ColumnSeries series = new ColumnSeries()
        ItemsSource = new ViewModel().EmptyPointData,
        XBindingPath = "Category",
        YBindingPath = "Value",
        ShowEmptyPoints = true,
        Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0xBC, 0xBC, 0xBC))

    Customizing empty points in UWP Chart


    This is the default value for EmptyPointStyle. So when you enable empty points using ShowEmptyPoints , empty point segment render with this EmptyPointInterior.


    This option is used to add Symbol for the empty points as in the below code example.

    <chart:LineSeries XBindingPath="FruitName" Interior="#BCBCBC" YBindingPath="People" 
    ItemsSource="{Binding Fruits}" >
    <chart:ChartAdornmentInfo ShowLabel="True" LabelPosition="Auto"/>
    LineSeries series = new LineSeries()
        ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Fruits,
        XBindingPath = "FruitName",
        YBindingPath = "People",
        ShowEmptyPoints = true,
        EmptyPointValue = EmptyPointValue.Average,
        EmptyPointStyle = EmptyPointStyle.Symbol,
        Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0xBC, 0xBC, 0xBC))
    ChartAdornmentInfo adornmentInfo = new ChartAdornmentInfo()
        ShowLabel = true,
        LabelPosition = AdornmentsLabelPosition.Auto
    series.AdornmentsInfo = adornmentInfo;

    Adding symbol for empty points in UWP Chart

    Symbol and Interior

    This option combines above two options, which draw a symbol with defined EmptyPointInterior. The following code example shows the use of this value.

    <chart:LineSeries XBindingPath="FruitName" Interior="#BCBCBC" YBindingPath="People" 
    ItemsSource="{Binding Fruits}" >
    <chart:ChartAdornmentInfo ShowLabel="True" LabelPosition="Auto"/>
    LineSeries series = new LineSeries()
        ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Fruits,
        XBindingPath = "FruitName",
        YBindingPath = "People",
        ShowEmptyPoints = true,
        EmptyPointValue = EmptyPointValue.Average,
        EmptyPointStyle = EmptyPointStyle.SymbolAndInterior,
        EmptyPointInterior = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red),
        Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0xBC, 0xBC, 0xBC))
    ChartAdornmentInfo adornmentInfo = new ChartAdornmentInfo()
        ShowLabel = true,
        LabelPosition = AdornmentsLabelPosition.Auto
    series.AdornmentsInfo = adornmentInfo;

    Symbol and interior support in UWP Chart

    Custom Symbol

    You can add any custom shape for the empty point symbol. The following code example shows how to add your custom shapes:

  • XAML
  • <chart:LineSeries XBindingPath="FruitName" Interior="#BCBCBC" YBindingPath="People" 
    ItemsSource="{Binding Fruits}" >
    <Grid Canvas.Left="{Binding X}" Canvas.Top="{Binding Y}" >
    <Ellipse StrokeDashArray="1,1" Height="50" 
    Width="50" Stroke="Gray" StrokeThickness="2" Margin="-15,-15,0,0"
    <Ellipse  StrokeDashArray="1,3" Height="35" 
    Width="35" Stroke="Gray" StrokeThickness="2" Margin="-15,-15,0,0"

    Custom symbol for empty points in UWP Chart

    EmptyPoints and Series

    The following section illustrating few chart types and its behavior with EmptyPoints.

    ColumnSeries with EmptyPoint as Average

    Empty points support in UWP Chart

    SplineSeries with EmptyPoint as Average

    Empty points support in UWP Chart

    Accumulation Series with EmptyPoint as Average

    Empty points support in UWP Chart