Installation and Deployment

This section covers information on the installation, process of viewing samples through the sample browser, and the locations of samples and source code. It comprises the following sub-sections:


For step-by-step installation procedure for the installation of Essential Studio, refer to the Installation topic under Installation and Deployment in the Common UG.

For licensing, patches and information on adding or removing selective components, refer the following topics in Common UG under Installation and Deployment.

  • Licensing
  • Patches
  • Add/Remove Components

Sample and Location

This section covers the location of the installed samples and describes the procedure to run the samples through the sample browser and online. It also lists the location of utilities, assemblies and source code.

Sample Installation Location

The Essential Tools Silverlight samples are installed under the following location, locally on the disk:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\<Version Number>\Samples\Silverlight\

Viewing Samples

To view the samples, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Start–>All Programs–>Syncfusion–>Essential Studio <version number> –>Dashboard.

    Essential Studio Enterprise Edition window is displayed.

    Syncfusion Essential Studio Dashboard

    User Interface Edition panel is displayed by default.


    You can view the samples in any of the following three ways:

    • Run Samples - Click to view the locally installed samples.
    • Online Samples - Click to view online samples.
    • Explore Samples - Explore Silverlight samples on disk.
  2. Click Run Samples for Silverlight. Essential Studio Silverlight Edition sample browser is displayed.

    Silverlight Edition Sample Browser

  3. Tools sample browser window is displayed.

    Tools Samples

  4. Select any sample from the samples provided and browse through the features.

Source Code Location

The default location of the Essential Tools Silverlight source code is:

Configuring Syncfusion NuGet Packages in Visual Studio

Syncfusion Silverlight NuGet packages are available here.

NuGet Configuration

The steps to install the Syncfusion Silverlight NuGet Packages in Visual Studio are as follows,

  1. In Visual Studio, navigate to Tools | NuGet Package Manager | Package Manager Settings, the options dialog will appear on the screen as shows below,

  2. Select NuGet Package Manager | Package Sources and click Add button to add the Package Name and Package Source of Syncfusion NuGet Packages.

    Name: Name of the package that listed in Available package sources
    Source: Syncfusion Silverlight NuGet Package feed url


    The Source text box in the above image denotes the location of the NuGet packages and the Name section, allows you to provide a unique name for NuGet Packages Source.


Syncfusion other platforms NuGet packages feed links are available here

NuGet Installation

Syncfusion Silverlight NuGet can install once configured the package source. The NuGet installation steps as below,

  1. Once configured the Package source with Syncfusion NuGet Packages, right click on project and choose Manage NuGet Packages | Online | <Package Source Name>.

  2. The NuGet Packages are listed which are available in package source location. Install the required packages to your application by clicking Install button.


    NuGet packages can be install directly through the command line (Package Manager Console). Further details click here

Updating a NuGet Package

Using the Manage NuGet Packages in Visual Studio, NuGet packages can be update.

  1. Right click on Project and Navigate to the Manage NuGet Packages and click on the Updates tab to check for updates.

  2. Select the Updates -> <Syncfusion Package Source>. Refer to the following screenshot for more information.

  3. If there is a new version of NuGet you will see it in the list of available updates.

  4. Select NuGet Package in the list and click Update. When the update is complete, close and re-open all open instances of Visual Studio.


    By clicking Update All button, all NuGet packages are getting update. When the update is complete, close and re-open all open instances of Visual Studio.

Deployment Requirements

Assemblies List

The assemblies to be added to the application deploy Essential Tools controls for Silverlight are as follows:

  • Syncfusion.Tools.Silverlight.dll
  • Syncfusion.Shared.Silverlight.dll
  • Syncfusion.DockingManager.Silverlight.dll (for docking manager)
  • Syncfusion.Ribbon.Silverlight.dll (for Ribbon instance)