Getting Started

The React ListBox control contains a list of selectable items. It performs exceptionally well with thousands of items and supports checkboxes, template, single and multiple selection, keyboard navigation and virtual scrolling.

Key Features

Data Binding: Supports Data binding with JSON data and remote data.

Multi Selection: Supports multiple selection of list items.

Virtual Scrolling: Provides support to load its data on demand through virtual scrolling which greatly improves the application’s performance.

Template Support: Support Template contents to render as list items

Grouping: Groups the set of list items with header

Cascading: To populate data in a ListBox based on the selection in another ListBox.

Drag and Drop: Supports drag and drop features for list items

This section helps to understand the getting started of the React ListBox with the step-by-step instructions.

Create an ListBox

You can create a React application and add necessary scripts and styles with the help of the given ReactJJs Getting Started Documentation.

Define an HTML element for adding ListBox in the application and refer the JSX file created.

  • HTML
  • <script src="scripts/sampledata.js"></script>
    <div id="listbox-default"></div>
    <script src="app/listbox/default.js"></script>

    To configure data for ListBox component, define data in an array and map corresponding fields to it.

  • JS
  • var BikeList = [
    { empid: "bk1", text: "Aache RTR" }, { empid: "bk2", text: "CBR 150-R" }, { empid: "bk3", text: "CBZ Xtreme" },
        { empid: "bk4", text: "Discover" }, { empid: "bk5", text: "Dazzler" }, { empid: "bk6", text: "Flame" },
        { empid: "bk7", text: "Fazzer" }, { empid: "bk8", text: "FZ-S" }, { empid: "bk9", text: "Pulsar" },
        { empid: "bk10", text: "Shine" }, { empid: "bk11", text: "R15" }, { empid: "bk12", text: "Unicorn" }
    window.listBoxFields = { id: "empid", value: "text" };

    Create a JSX file for rendering ListBox component using <EJ.ListBox> syntax. Add required properties to it in <EJ.ListBox> tag element

  • JS
  • "use strict";
        <div className="lblTitle">Select a bike</div>
    <EJ.ListBox id="default" width="100%" dataSource={BikeList} fields={window.listBoxFields}>

    Run the above code to render the following output:


    The React ListBox widget also supports the item selection.

    Use the following code render the ListBox with Selection

  • JS
  • "use strict";
        <div className="lblTitle">Select a bike</div>
    <EJ.ListBox id="default" width="100%" dataSource={BikeList} fields={window.listBoxFields} selectedIndex=2>

    Run the above code to render the following output.

    Note: You can find the ListBox properties from the API reference document