Timeline Views in .NET MAUI Scheduler (SfScheduler)

The timelineView displays the date inside the horizontal time axis with the desired count of each day. See the past or future dates by scrolling to the right or left. The appointments on a specific day will be arranged in the respective timeslots based on their duration.

  • Timeline day view: It displays a single day in the horizontal time axis of the Scheduler.

  • Timeline week view: It displays all the days of a week in horizontal time axis. The past or future dates can be viewed by scrolling to right or left.

  • Timeline work week view: It displays only the working days of a week in horizontal axis. By default, Saturday and Sunday are not working days. You can customize it with any day of the week.

  • Timeline month: A horizontal axis displaying appointments across all days of a month is displayed, where each column represents a single day.

Number of days visible in the timeline views

The .NET MAUI Scheduler number of visible days in the timeline day, timeline week, and timeline workweek can be adjusted by changing the NumberOfVisibleDays property of the TimelineView.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
scheduler.TimelineView.NumberOfVisibleDays = 3;
this.Content = scheduler;


Change time interval

The time interval between the time slots in the timeline day, timeline week, and timeline workweek views can be customized by using the TimeInterval property of the TimelineView.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                       TimeInterval="2:0:0" />
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
scheduler.TimelineView.TimeInterval = new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0);
this.Content = scheduler;



To modify the TimeInterval value (in minutes), change the time labels format by setting the TimeRulerFormat value to hh:mm.

Change time interval width

The Time interval width can be customized for each time slot cell of the timeline day, timeline week, timeline workweek, and timeline month views by using the TimeIntervalWidth property of TimelineView.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                       TimeIntervalWidth="120" />
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
scheduler.TimelineView.TimeIntervalWidth = 120;
this.Content = scheduler;


Flexible working days

By default, the .NET MAUI Scheduler considers the weekdays from Monday to Friday as working days. The days which are defined in this non-working days collection are considered as non-working days. Therefore, the weekend days are set to hide from the Scheduler.

The NonWorkingDays property of TimelineView can also be used to show only the nonworking days of the week.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                       NonWorkingDays="Monday,Wednesday" />
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
scheduler.TimelineView.NonWorkingDays = SchedulerWeekDays.Monday | SchedulerWeekDays.Wednesday;
this.Content = scheduler;


The Timeline workweek view displays exactly the defined working days on Scheduler control, whereas other views displays all the days.

Flexible working hours

The default values for StartHour and EndHour are 0 and 24 respectively, to show all the time slots for a timeline day, timeline week, or timeline workweek view. You may set these properties to show only the required time periods in TimelineView. You can set StartHour and EndHour in the time duration to show the required time duration in minutes.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                       EndHour="16" />
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
scheduler.TimelineView.StartHour = 9;
scheduler.TimelineView.EndHour = 16;
this.Content = scheduler;



  • The NonWorkingDays property will be applicable only for workWeek and TimelineWorkWeek views only, and not be applicable for the remaining views.
  • No need to specify the decimal point values for StartHour and EndHour, if you do not want to set the minutes.
  • The number of time slots will be calculated based on total minutes of a day and time interval (total minutes of a day ((start hour - end hour) * 60) / time interval).
  • If a custom timeInterval is given, then the number of time slots calculated based on the given TimeInterval should result in an integer value (total minutes % timeInterval = 0), otherwise the next immediate time interval that results in integer value when dividing total minutes of a day will be considered. For example, if TimeInterval=2 Hours 15 minutes and total minutes = 1440 (24 Hours per day), then the TimeInterval will be changed to ‘144’ (1440%144=0) by considering (total minutes % TimeInterval = 0), it will return integer value for time slots rendering.
  • If the custom StartHour and EndHour are given, then the number of time slots calculated based on the given StartHour and EndHour should result in integer value, otherwise the next immediate TimeInterval will be considered until the result is integer value. For example, if the StartHour is 9 (09:00AM), EndHour is 18.25 (06:15 PM), TimeInterval is 30 minutes, and total minutes = 555 ((18.25-9)*60), then the TimeInterval will be changed to ’37 minutes’ (555%37=0) by considering (total minutes % timeInterval = 0) it will return the integer value for time slots rendering.


View sample in GitHub

Special time regions

The user interaction such as selection and highlights specific regions of timeline day, timeline week, and timeline workweek views can be restricted by adding the TimeRegions property of the TimelineView in the SfScheduler. You need to set the StartTime and EndTime properties of TimeRegions to create a specialTimeRegion, you can use the TimeZone property to set the specific timezone for start and end time of TimeRegions.


Selection restriction in timeslots

You can enable or disable the touch interaction of TimeRegion using the EnablePointerInteraction property of TimeRegion. By default, its value is true.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
this.Scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
this.Scheduler.TimelineView.TimeRegions = this.GetTimeRegion();

private ObservableCollection<SchedulerTimeRegion> GetTimeRegion()
    var timeRegions = new ObservableCollection<SchedulerTimeRegion>();
    var timeRegion = new SchedulerTimeRegion()
        StartTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(13),
        EndTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(14),
        Text = "Lunch",
        EnablePointerInteraction = false,

    return timeRegions;


This property only restricts the interaction on region and it does not restrict the following:

  • The Programmatic selection (if the user updates the selected date value dynamically).
  • It does not clear the selection when the user selects the region and dynamically change the EnablePointerInteraction property to false.
  • It does not restrict appointment interaction when the appointment placed in the region.
  • It does not restrict the appointment rendering on a region, when the appointments are loaded from data services or added programmatically.

Recurring time region

The recurring time region on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly interval. The recurring special time regions can be created by setting the RecurrenceRule property in TimeRegion.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
this.Scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
this.Scheduler.TimelineView.TimeRegions = this.GetTimeRegion();

private ObservableCollection<SchedulerTimeRegion> GetTimeRegion()
    var timeRegions = new ObservableCollection<SchedulerTimeRegion>();
    var timeRegion = new SchedulerTimeRegion()
        StartTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(13),
        EndTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(14),
        Text = "Lunch",
        EnablePointerInteraction = false,
        RecurrenceRule = "FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1",

    return timeRegions;


View sample in GitHub

Recurrence exception dates

Any occurrence that is an exception from the recurrence pattern time region can be deleted by using the RecurrenceExceptionDates property of TimeRegion. The deleted occurrence date will be considered as a recurrence exception date.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
this.Scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
this.Scheduler.TimelineView.TimeRegions = this.GetTimeRegion();

private ObservableCollection<SchedulerTimeRegion> GetTimeRegion()
    var timeRegions = new ObservableCollection<SchedulerTimeRegion>();
    var recurrenceExceptionDates = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(3);
    var timeRegion = new SchedulerTimeRegion()
        StartTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(13),
        EndTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(14),
        Text = "Lunch",
        EnablePointerInteraction = false,
        RecurrenceRule = "FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1",
        RecurrenceExceptionDates = new ObservableCollection<DateTime>()

    return timeRegions;

Customize special time region appearance

The special time region appearance customization can be achieved by using the TextStyle and TimeRegionTemplate properties of TimelineView in the SfScheduler.

Customize special time region appearance using style

The specialTimeRegion background and text style can be customized by using the Background and TextStyle properties of TimeRegion that is used to customize the background color for time region background and text style for the text of the specialTimeRegion.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
this.Scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
this.Scheduler.TimelineView.TimeRegions = this.GetTimeRegion();

private ObservableCollection<SchedulerTimeRegion> GetTimeRegion()
    var textStyle = new SchedulerTextStyle()
        TextColor = Colors.DarkBlue,
        FontSize = 14,

    var timeRegions = new ObservableCollection<SchedulerTimeRegion>();
    var timeRegion = new SchedulerTimeRegion()
        StartTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(13),
        EndTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(14),
        Text = "Lunch",
        EnablePointerInteraction = false,
        Background = Brush.Orange,
        TextStyle = textStyle

    return timeRegions;


Customize special time region appearance using DataTemplate

You can customize the time region appearance by using the TimeRegionTemplate property of TimelineView in the SfScheduler.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                    <Grid Background="MediumPurple" >
                        <Label HorizontalOptions="Center" TextColor="White" VerticalOptions="Center" Text="{Binding Text}" />
this.Scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
this.Scheduler.TimelineView.TimeRegions = this.GetTimeRegion();

private ObservableCollection<SchedulerTimeRegion> GetTimeRegion()
    var timeRegions = new ObservableCollection<SchedulerTimeRegion>();
    var timeRegion = new SchedulerTimeRegion()
        StartTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(13),
        EndTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(14),
        Text = "Lunch",
        EnablePointerInteraction = false,
        Background = Brush.Orange,

    return timeRegions;


Customize special time region appearance using DataTemplateSelector

You can customize the time region appearance by using the TimeRegionTemplate property of TimelineView in the SfScheduler. The DataTemplateSelector can choose a DataTemplate at runtime based on the value of a data-bound to scheduler time region by using the TimeRegionTemplate. It allows you to choose a different data template for each time region, as well as customize the appearance of a particular time region based on certain conditions.

        <DataTemplate x:Key="timeRegiontemplate">
            <Grid Background = "LightCyan" Opacity="0.5">
                <Label x:Name="label" HorizontalOptions="Center" TextColor="Red" Text="{Binding Text}" VerticalOptions="Center" />
        <DataTemplate x:Key="timeRegiontemplate1">
            <Grid Background = "Lightgreen" Opacity="0.5">
                <Label x:Name="label" HorizontalOptions="Center" TextColor="Orange" Text="{Binding Text}" VerticalOptions="Center" />
        <local:TimeRegionTemplateSelector x:Key="timeRegionTemplateSelector"  TimeRegionsTemplate="{StaticResource timeRegiontemplate}"  TimeRegionsTemplate1="{StaticResource timeRegiontemplate1}" />
     <scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
            <scheduler:SchedulerTimelineView TimeRegionTemplate = "{StaticResource timeRegionTemplateSelector}"/>
public class TimeRegionTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
    public TimeRegionTemplateSelector()
    public DataTemplate TimeRegionsTemplate { get; set; }
    public DataTemplate TimeRegionsTemplate1 { get; set; }
    protected override DataTemplate OnSelectTemplate(object item, BindableObject container)
        var timeRegionDetails = item as SchedulerTimeRegion;
        if (timeRegionDetails.EnablePointerInteraction)
            return TimeRegionsTemplate;
        return TimeRegionsTemplate1;
this.Scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
this.Scheduler.TimelineView.TimeRegions = this.GetTimeRegion();

private ObservableCollection<SchedulerTimeRegion> GetTimeRegion()
    var timeRegions = new ObservableCollection<SchedulerTimeRegion>();
    var timeRegion = new SchedulerTimeRegion()
        StartTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(13),
        EndTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(14),
        Text = "Lunch",
        RecurrenceRule = "FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1",
        EnablePointerInteraction = true,
    var timeRegion1 = new SchedulerTimeRegion()
        StartTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(17),
        EndTime = DateTime.Today.Date.AddHours(18),
        Text = "Break",
        RecurrenceRule = "FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1",
        Background = Brush.Red,
        EnablePointerInteraction = false,
    return timeRegions;


  • The BindingContext of the TimeRegionTemplate is the SchedulerTimeRegion.
  • When using data template selector, performance issues occur as the conversion template views take time within the framework.

Full screen scheduler

The .NET MAUI Scheduler time interval width can be adjusted based on screen width by changing the TimeIntervalWidth property of TimelineView to -1. It will auto-fit the timeline day, timeline week and timeline work week views to the screen width.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                       TimeIntervalWidth="-1" />
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineDay;
scheduler.TimelineView.TimeIntervalWidth = -1;
this.Content = scheduler;


Show current time indicator

You can show or hide the current time indicator in timeline day, timeline week, and timeline workweek views of SfScheduler by using the ShowCurrentTimeIndicator property of TimelineView, and by default, its true.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
scheduler.TimelineView.ShowCurrentTimeIndicator = false;
this.Content = scheduler;

Customize current time indicator appearance

The current time indicator can be customized by using the CurrentTimeIndicatorBrush property of TimelineView in the SfScheduler.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                       CurrentTimeIndicatorBrush="Green" />
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
scheduler.TimelineView.CurrentTimeIndicatorBrush = Brush.Green;
this.Content = scheduler;



The current time indicator color is applied only when theShowCurrentTimeIndicator property is enabled.

Change time ruler height

The TimeRulerHeight property of TimelineView can be used to customize the size of the time ruler view where the labels with the time are placed.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                       TimeRulerHeight="100" />
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
scheduler.TimelineView.TimeRulerHeight = 100;
this.Content = scheduler;


Minimum appointment duration

The MinimumAppointmentDuration property allows to set an arbitrary height to appointments which have a minimum duration in the timeline day, timeline week, and timeline workweek views so that the subject can be readable.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                       MinimumAppointmentDuration="0:30:0" />
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
scheduler.TimelineView.MinimumAppointmentDuration = new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0);
this.Content = scheduler;



  • The MinimumAppointmentDuration value will be set when an appointment duration value is lesser than MinimumAppointmentDuration.
  • Appointment duration value will be set when the appointment duration value is greater than MinimumAppointmentDuration.
  • The TimeInterval value will be set when the MinimumAppointmentDuration is greater than TimeInterval with lesser appointment duration.
  • The all-day appointment does not support MinimumAppointmentDuration.


View header

You can customize the default appearance of view header in a timeline views by setting the DateFormat, DayFormat, Background, DateTextStyle, DayTextStyle, Height, and ViewHeaderTemplate properties of TimelineView in the SfScheduler.

View header text formatting

The date and day format of SfScheduler view header can be customized by using the DateFormat and DayFormat properties of TimelineView.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                <scheduler:SchedulerViewHeaderSettings DayFormat="dddd" 
                                                       DateFormat="MMMM dd"/>
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
scheduler.TimelineView.ViewHeaderSettings.DayFormat = "dddd";
scheduler.TimelineView.ViewHeaderSettings.DateFormat = "MMMM dd";
this.Content = scheduler;


View header height

The height of the ViewHeader can be customized by setting the Height property of ViewHeaderSettings in TimelineView.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                <scheduler:SchedulerViewHeaderSettings Height="100" />
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
scheduler.TimelineView.ViewHeaderSettings.Height = 100;
this.Content = scheduler;


Customize view header appearance

The view header appearance customization can be achieved by using the TextStyle and ViewHeaderTemplate properties of TimelineView in the SfScheduler.

Customize view header appearance using text style

The background color and text style for the labels mentioning the time can be customized, by setting the Background, DateTextStyle, and DayTextStyle properties of TimelineView.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                <scheduler:SchedulerViewHeaderSettings Background="LightGreen"/>
this.Scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
var dateTextStyle = new SchedulerTextStyle()
    TextColor = Colors.Red,
    FontSize = 12,

this.Scheduler.TimelineView.ViewHeaderSettings.DateTextStyle = dateTextStyle;
var dayTextStyle = new SchedulerTextStyle()
    TextColor = Colors.Red,
    FontSize = 12,

this.Scheduler.TimelineView.ViewHeaderSettings.DayTextStyle = dayTextStyle;
this.Scheduler.TimelineView.ViewHeaderSettings.Background = Brush.LightGreen;


Customize view header appearance using DataTemplate

You can customize the view header appearance by using the ViewHeaderTemplate property of TimelineView in the SfScheduler.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                    <Grid x:Name="grid" Background="MediumPurple" >
                        <Label x:Name="label" HorizontalOptions="Start" VerticalOptions="Center"  TextColor="White" >
                                <MultiBinding StringFormat = "{}{0:dd} {1:ddd}" >
                                    <Binding />
                                    <Binding />
                                </MultiBinding >
                            </Label.Text >
                            <Label.Triggers >
                                <DataTrigger TargetType="Label" Binding="{Binding}" Value="{x:Static system:DateTime.Today}">
                                    <Setter TargetName = "label" Property="TextColor" Value="Orange"/>
                            <DataTrigger TargetType = "Grid" Binding="{Binding}" Value="{x:Static system:DateTime.Today}">
                                <Setter TargetName = "grid" Property="Background" Value="LightGreen"/>



  • The BindingContext of the ViewHeaderTemplate is theDateTime. The SelectableDayPredicate, MinimumDateTime, and MaximumDateTime properties of date and time values can be used directly in the data template selector.

Customize view header appearance using DataTemplateSelector

You can customize the view header appearance by using the ViewHeaderTemplate property of TimelineView in the SfScheduler. The DataTemplateSelector can choose a DataTemplate at runtime based on the value of a data-bound to scheduler view header by using the ViewHeaderTemplate. It allows you to choose a different data template for each view header, as well as customize the appearance of a particular view header based on certain conditions.

        <DataTemplate x:Key="normalDateTemplate">
            <Grid x:Name="grid" Background="MediumPurple" >
                <Label x:Name="label" HorizontalOptions="Start" VerticalOptions="Center"  TextColor="White" >
                        <MultiBinding StringFormat = "{}{0:dd} {1:ddd}" >
                            <Binding />
                            <Binding />
                        </MultiBinding >
                    </Label.Text >
        <DataTemplate x:Key="todayDateTemplate">
            <Grid x:Name="grid" Background="MediumPurple" >
                <Label x:Name="label" HorizontalOptions="Start" VerticalOptions="Center"  TextColor="Yellow" >
                        <MultiBinding StringFormat = "{}{0:dd} {1:ddd}" >
                            <Binding />
                            <Binding />
                        </MultiBinding >
                    </Label.Text >
        <local:ViewHeaderTemplateSelector x:Key="viewHeaderTemplateSelector" TodayDateTemplate="{StaticResource todayDateTemplate}" NormalDateTemplate="{StaticResource normalDateTemplate}"/>
    <scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                           View="TimelineWeek" >
            <scheduler:SchedulerTimelineView ViewHeaderTemplate="{StaticResource viewHeaderTemplateSelector}" />
public class ViewHeaderTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
    public ViewHeaderTemplateSelector()
    public DataTemplate NormalDateTemplate { get; set; }
    public DataTemplate TodayDateTemplate { get; set; }
    protected override DataTemplate OnSelectTemplate(object item, BindableObject container)
        var dateTime = (DateTime)item;
        if (dateTime.Date == DateTime.Today.Date)
            return TodayDateTemplate;
            return NormalDateTemplate;
this.Scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;


  • The BindingContext of the ViewHeaderTemplate is theDateTime. The SelectableDayPredicate, MinimumDateTime, and MaximumDateTime properties of date and time values can be used directly in the data template selector.
  • When using data template selector, performance issues occur as the conversion template views take time within the framework.

Time text formatting

The format for the labels mentioning the time can be customized by setting the TimeFormat property of TimelineView in the SfScheduler.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
                        TimeFormat="hh:mm" />
SfScheduler scheduler = new SfScheduler();
scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
scheduler.TimelineView.TimeFormat = "hh:mm";
this.Content = scheduler;



  • By default, the scheduler time text format is hh:mm tt.

Customize time ruler text style

The text style for the labels mentioning the time can be customized, by setting the TimeRulerTextStyle properties of TimelineView in the SfScheduler.

<scheduler:SfScheduler x:Name="Scheduler" 
this.Scheduler.View = SchedulerView.TimelineWeek;
var timeRulerTextStyle = new SchedulerTextStyle()
    TextColor = Colors.Red,
    FontSize = 12,

this.Scheduler.TimelineView.TimeRulerTextStyle = timeRulerTextStyle;
