Essential Studio® for MAUI Release Notes

October 08, 2024


Bug Fixes

  • #F193367 - The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while calling Compare API.
  • #F193367 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while calling Compare API.
  • #I631830 - RTL text with zero-width joiner is now reordered correctly in Word to PDF conversion.
  • #I635049 - Hanging issue will no longer be occur due to the tab when converting a Word document to a PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • I622410 - Fixed a memory leak in the SfAutocomplete control that occurred when using an ItemTemplate on Windows.


Bug fixes

  • #FB61329 - Fixed an issue where image message deleted after selecting a suggestion in an incoming message.


Bug Fixes

  • I635232 - Fixed the issue where the initial items would repeat during scrolling when the TextHighlightMode was enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • I635320 - Fixed the issue where the bound value was not updated, and the ValueChanged event was not triggered when the clear button was pressed.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the picker popup would not open when the IsOpen property was initially set to true.


Bug fixes

  • #I634270 - [Android]Resolved the issue causing the popup is not repositioned correctly after closing the keyboard when system navigation gestures is button navigation.


Bug fixes

  • I638550- The ‘ArgumentOutOfRangeException’ will no longer be thrown while adding long text to an appointment subject on the Android platform.

  • I627119- Fixed the scheduler control memory leak on Windows and Android platforms.


Bug Fixes

  • I632265 - [Windows] Resolved the issue where content did not update correctly in the .NET MAUI TabView after dynamically removing tabs.