Essential Studio for MAUI Release Notes

June 11, 2024


New Controls

The Digital Gauge control has been added newly.

Production-ready controls

The following .NET MAUI controls have been developed to meet industry standards and are now marked as production-ready in this 2024 Volume 2 release:

  • Chat
  • Parallax View
  • Polar Charts
  • Radial Menu
  • Rotator
  • Step Progress Bar
  • TreeMap



  • #I405426 - Added API to extract LaTeX code of mathematical equations in Word documents and allow modification of the equation using LaTeX code.
  • #I552185 - Provided support to preserve error bars in charts during Word to PDF and image conversions.



  • #I527700 - Provided support for measuring titling space while measuring text in a PDF document.
  • #I542030 - Provided support to measure and render text using TrueType font with floating-point data type.
  • #I533478 - Provided support for duplicating pages from the existing PDF document.
  • #I539652 - Provide support to get the text color in a PDF document when extracting text.
  • #I477716 - Provide support for merging PDF documents without losing accessibility tags.

Bug Fixes

  • #I586084 - Fixed the issue where text wasn’t preserved correctly when filling in a rotated textbox field.
  • #I588596 - Fixed the preservation issue after redacting certain PDF documents.



  • #I497945 - Provided an API to access end paragraph font properties in the PowerPoint.
  • #I552185 - Provided support to preserve error bars in charts during PowerPoint to PDF and image conversions.
  • Added support to preserve highlight colors while converting PowerPoint to PDF and image.



  • #I517298 - Provided support for Delimiter, which allows users to separate multiple selected items with a custom character for a clear and organized display.
  • #I543444 - Provided the Setter support for IsDropDownOpen in SfAutocomplete, Which allows users to customize the dropdown view visibility.
  • #FB45361 - Provided support for NoResultsFound, Which allows Users can set the desired text to be displayed when the entered text is not in the suggestion list of the control.
  • Provided support for LoadMore, which allows users to restrict the number of suggestions displayed and have the remaining items loaded by selecting Load More.
  • Provided support for Minimum Prefix Character, which allows users to set the minimum number of characters required to display a suggestion. The control will not display a suggestion until the specified character count has been entered.
  • I547008 - Implemented text highlight mode with the new TextHighlightMode property. This feature highlights matching characters in a suggestion list for easier item selection.
  • I538043, I540345, I538047 - Provided the support to customize dropdown placement using the DropDownPlacement property.
  • I498022, I498482, I582634, I576325 - Implemented the ShowSuggestionOnFocus in the AutoComplete control, it shows the complete suggestion list that should be displayed when an empty input field is focused.
  • I538043 - Provided support for the DropdownWidth property in AutoComplete control.
  • I538043 - Introduced support for ItemPadding in Maui AutoComplete control, allowing customizable padding for dropdown items.



  • #I552835 - Provided supports for LineBreakMode, which allows users to wrap or truncate the text. It contains six LineBreakModes: TailTruncation, MiddleTruncation, HeadTruncation, WordWrap, CharacterWrap, NoWrap.



  • #I435399 - Provided support to show the Calendar control within a popup window in either Dialog mode or RelativeDialog mode.
  • Support for customizing the corner radius has been added to the .NET MAUI Calendar control.



  • #I553704 - Provided animation support for the card control when the visible card index changes.


Breaking Changes

  • The ScrollMode property has now been renamed to SwipeMovementMode. Additionally, the enum name and values have been updated as follows:
    • Single is now SingleItem,
    • Multiple is now MultipleItems.




  • #FB29444 - The chart now allows the addition of text, shapes, and custom views to specific areas within the chart.

Trackball Enhancement:

  • #FB40459 - Trackball Label Template: Any kind of view can now be added as a trackball template.
  • Trackball Group Label: Group all trackball labels and display them at the top of the chart.
  • ActivationMode: Can choose to activate the trackball via either a long-press or touch action.

Get Data Points:

  • #FB49997 - The chart now allows retrieving a collection of data points that fall within a specified rectangular region.

Smart Axis Label:

  • #FB50454 - The chart axis now arranges the labels smartly based on the chosen option: multiple rows, wrap, or hide.

Maximum Zoom Level:

  • Allows setting a limit to prevent zooming beyond a specified level.

Custom Legend Layout:

  • #FB43478 - Allows any layout to be part of the chart legend, enabling legend items to be arranged accordingly.



  • #F187716 - Added support to prevent selected suggestion items from being automatically sent as outgoing messages.



  • I559716 - Provided the support for the LineBreakMode in the CheckBox control.



  • Users can customize the appearance of Close Button in SfChip.



Smart Data Label:

  • #FB49484 - This feature arranges data labels by shifting or hiding them to avoid overlapping and intersection.

Breaking changes

  • The LabelPlacement property in ChartDataLabelSettings is no longer supported for circular charts. Instead, the LabelPosition property in CircularDataLabelSettings is now used to place the data labels either inside or outside the chart segment.
  • Additionally, the ConnectorType property has been moved from CircularDataLabelSettings to the ConnectorLineStyle of the ConnectorLineSettings in CircularDataLabelSettings.



  • #I517298 - Provided support for Delimiter, which allows users to separate multiple selected items with a custom character for a clear and organized display.
  • #I576293 - Provided supports for NoResultsFound, which allows users to set the desired text to be displayed when the entered text is not in the suggestion list of the control.
  • #I585311 - Provided support for CustomView, which allows users to provide the custom view instead of entry in ComboBox.
  • Provided support for Customize the DropDownButton appearance in SfComboBox.
  • Provided support for LoadMore, which allows users to restrict the number of suggestions displayed and have the remaining items loaded by selecting Load More.
  • Provided support for Minimum Prefix Character, which allows users to set the minimum number of characters required to display a suggestion. The control will not display a suggestion until the specified character count has been entered.
  • I547008 - Implemented text highlight mode with the new TextHighlightMode property. This feature highlights matching characters in a suggestion list for easier item selection.
  • I538043, I540345, I538047 - Provided the support to customize dropdown placement using the DropDownPlacement property.
  • I498022, I498482, I582634, I576325 - Implemented the ShowSuggestionOnFocus in the ComboBox control, it shows the complete suggestion list that should be displayed when an empty input field is focused.
  • I592753, I514970, I480449 - Provided support for the DropdownWidth property in ComboBox control.
  • I538043 - Introduced support for ItemPadding in Maui ComboBox control, allowing customizable padding for dropdown items.



  • Users can customize the appearance and behavior of group headers to match their specific needs.
  • Provided segmented control editor support for efficiently interacting with and inputting data within the SfDataForm.
  • #FB53152 - Users can programmatically scroll to a specific editor within the SfDataForm.



  • #FB50015 - Provided support for reordering columns by dragging and dropping the column header.
  • #FB46652 - Provided support for customizing the default selection behavior.
  • #FB49938 - Provided support for row headers in the DataGrid.
  • #FB48447 - Scrolling performance has been improved on Android platform by providing support to draw the cell value in DataGridCell.
  • Provided accessibility support for the DataGrid.
  • Provided RTL (right-to-left) support for the DataGrid on Mac and iOS platforms.



  • #I561918 - Added support to customize the date picker text using the TextDisplayMode property. The supported TextDisplayModes are Default, Fade, Shrink, and FadeAndShrink for enhanced customization and visual clarity.

Breaking changes

  • The SelectedDate property type has been changed to a nullable type to allow clearing the selection in the SfDatePicker control.



  • #I561918 - Added support to customize the date and time picker text using the TextDisplayMode property. The supported TextDisplayModes are Default, Fade, Shrink, and FadeAndShrink for enhanced customization and visual clarity.

Breaking changes

  • The SelectedDate property type has been changed to a nullable type to allow clearing the selection in the SfDateTimePicker control.

SfDigitalGauge New

The .NET MAUI Digital Gauge control is used to display alphanumeric characters in a digital (LED display) mode. This control displays a range of values that use characters in combination with numbers.


  • Character type: Users can render characters using seven segments, fourteen segments, sixteen segments, and 8 × 8 dot matrix.
  • Display type: Support is provided to display numbers, alphabetic characters, and even special characters.
  • Customization: Users can customize the character width, character height, spacing between characters, and color.



  • #FB50722 - Support for customizing each toolbar item and its appearance, including the option to display text alongside icons for enhanced usability.
  • #FB54926 - Support is provided to perform actions such as editing, deleting, or updating annotations directly by referencing their unique ID.



  • #I547440 - Provided support for ValidationMode, which allows users to validate the input based on either keypress or lost focus.
  • Provided support for HasError, which allows users to check whether the validation succeeds or not.
  • #FB51467 - Provided support for PasswordChar, Which allows users to enhance security and privacy by masking the input characters.
  • #I588826 - Users can customize the appearance of the Close Button in SfMaskedEntry.



  • #I552344 - Provided supports for LongPress, which allows Users to continuously increase or decrease the value by long-pressing the Up or Down button in SfNumericEntry.



  • #I574658, #I568565, #I562352, #I550298, #I545015, #I542907, #I541450, #I524415, #I510899 ,#I473435 - Provided support for built-in toolbar.
  • #F188140 - Provided the support for fit-to-width and fit-to-height zoom modes.
  • #I589110, #I564870 - Provided support to disable built-in modal views and use custom modal views.
  • Provided support to show and hide annotations.
  • Provided support for cloud border style for polygon and rectangle annotations.

Bug fixes

  • #I581572 - [iOS] Stylus is now properly differentiated from finger while drawing ink annotation.
  • #I597151 - [WinUI, MacCatalyst] The comment popup no longer disappears, when mouse pointer leaves a selected sticky note annotation.
  • #I597151 - The modified date and time will be correctly preserved when a sticky note annotation is saved.



  • #I561918 - Added support to customize the picker text using the TextDisplayMode property. The supported TextDisplayModes are Default, Fade, Shrink, and FadeAndShrink for enhanced customization and visual clarity.



  • #I581713, #I547460 - Now, the popup will be displayed on the top layer of the application.
  • #I526169 - Added support to display the overlay on the full screen, including the status bar.
  • #I562040 - Added support for customizing the corner radius of the Accept/Decline buttons.
  • Added support for automatically closing the popup after a timeout set by using “AutoCloseDuration” property.
  • Included an optional parameter as autoCloseDuration in the following static methods to customize the auto close duration.
    • Show(string title, string message, int autoCloseDuration = 0)
    • Show(string title, string message,string acceptText,int autoCloseDuration = 0)
    • Show(string title, string message, string acceptText, string declineText, int autoCloseDuration = 0)



  • Implemented the LayoutType property in RadialMenu, this property has two types - Default: Equally distributes available space among all children within the circular panel. Custom - Enables control over space division through the VisibleSegmentsCount property, ensuring a consistent appearance across levels. Additionally, it allows for custom item ordering using SegmentIndex.

  • Provided the support to VisibleSegmentsCount property in RadialMenu, used to specify the number of segments available in circular panel.



  • I559716, I553193 - Provided the support for the LineBreakMode in the RadioButton control.



  • #FB39536 - Support has been added to customize Agenda view appointments using a data template. The template selector is used to customize each agenda appointment with a different template.
  • #FB48646 - Support is provided to navigate the Month view in the vertical direction.



  • Provided tooltip support to display the additional information when the user hovers over or interacts with a specific step view.
  • Users can customize the primary text, secondary text, and steps using the data template. The template selector used to customize the each content with a different template.
  • Added right-to-left (RTL) support for the .NET MAUI StepProgressBar control.



  • Provided scroll buttons for the header of the .NET MAUI TabView through the IsScrollButtonEnabled property. This enhancement facilitates easier navigation through items and visually indicates tabs located beyond the visible area.



  • #I556715 - Provided Clear Button Support for non editable ComboBox in SfTextInputLayout.
  • Provided support for MultiSelection, which enabling users to display multiple items in both Autocomplete and ComboBox controls.



  • #I561918 - Added support to customize the time picker text using the TextDisplayMode property. The supported TextDisplayModes are Default, Fade, Shrink, and FadeAndShrink for enhanced customization and visual clarity.

Breaking changes

  • The SelectedTime property type has been changed to a nullable type to allow clearing the selection in the SfTimePicker control.



  • Added support for dynamically resizing the items based on their content by setting the NodeSizeMode property to Dynamic.
  • #I548352 - Added the horizontal scrolling support to view the lengthy content by setting EnableHorizontalScrolling property to True.
  • #I569302 - Added support for the KeyDown event.



  • #F40969 - Provided support for the “Show values row” option in pivot table creation and Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #I557286 - Provided support for gradient fill style in conditional formatting when creating a Excel document and Excel to PDF conversion.
  • #F2640 - Provided support for rendering error bars in chart to image conversion.

Bug Fixes

  • #I588280 - Exception is no longer thrown when applying a formula that contains the ‘@’ character.