Shape Pointer in .NET MAUI Radial Gauge

2 Aug 20229 minutes to read

Indicate current values by using different types of shape pointers. You can change the shape type using the ShapeType property.

                <gauge:ShapePointer Value="60" />
SfRadialGauge sfRadialGauge = new SfRadialGauge();

RadialAxis radialAxis = new RadialAxis();

ShapePointer pointer = new ShapePointer();
pointer.Value = 60;

this.Content = sfRadialGauge;

.NET MAUI Radial Gauge Default Shape Pointer

Gauge supports the following types of shapes:

.NET MAUI Radial Gauge Markers

Shape customization

The shape pointer can be customized using the following properties:

  • Fill – Allows you to customize the shape color.
  • ShapeHeight – Allows you to specify the shape height.
  • ShapeWidth – Allows you to specify the shape width.
  • Stroke – Allows you to specify the border color for the shape.
  • BorderWidth – Allows you to specify the border width of the shape.
  • HasShadow – Allows you to specify the shadow of the shape.
                <gauge:ShapePointer Value="60"
SfRadialGauge sfRadialGauge = new SfRadialGauge();

		RadialAxis radialAxis = new RadialAxis();

		ShapePointer pointer = new ShapePointer();
		pointer.Value = 60;
		pointer.ShapeHeight = 30;
		pointer.ShapeWidth = 30;
		pointer.Stroke = Colors.Black;
		pointer.BorderWidth = 3;
		pointer.ShapeType = ShapeType.Circle;
		pointer.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightBlue);

		this.Content = sfRadialGauge;

.NET MAUI Radial Gauge Custom Shape Pointer

Shadow support

The shadow can be applied by the HasShadow property.

                            <gauge:ShapePointer Value="60" ShapeType="Circle" 
SfRadialGauge sfRadialGauge = new SfRadialGauge();

		RadialAxis radialAxis = new RadialAxis();

		ShapePointer pointer = new ShapePointer();
		pointer.Value = 60;
		pointer.ShapeType = ShapeType.Circle;
		pointer.HasShadow = true;

		this.Content = sfRadialGauge;

Change shape pointer elevation

Shape pointer overlay

The shape pointer overlay is rendered around the shape when the shape pointer is dragged. When IsInteractive property of pointer is set to true and the marker is dragged, the overlay will come around the marker pointer.

The shape pointer overlay can be customized using the following properties:

  • OverlayFill – Allows you to specify the color for the shapes’ dragging overlay.
  • OverlayRadius – Allows you to specify the radius for the shapes’ dragging overlay.
                            <gauge:ShapePointer Value="60" ShapeType="Circle" 
SfRadialGauge sfRadialGauge = new SfRadialGauge();

		RadialAxis radialAxis = new RadialAxis();

		ShapePointer pointer = new ShapePointer();
		pointer.Value = 60;
		pointer.ShapeType = ShapeType.Circle;
		pointer.OverlayRadius = 20;
		pointer.IsInteractive = true;

		this.Content = sfRadialGauge;

Change shape pointer overlay

Marker position customization

The marker pointer can be moved near or far from its actual position using the Offset and OffsetUnit properties.

When you set OffsetUnit to pixel, the marker pointer will be moved based on the pixel value. If you set OffsetUnit to factor, then provided factor will be multiplied by the scale radius value, and then the pointer will be moved to corresponding value. The default value of OffsetUnit is SizeUnit.Pixel.

                <gauge:ShapePointer Value="60"
SfRadialGauge sfRadialGauge = new SfRadialGauge();

RadialAxis radialAxis = new RadialAxis();

ShapePointer pointer = new ShapePointer();
pointer.Value = 60;
pointer.Offset = -18;

this.Content = sfRadialGauge;

.NET MAUI Radial Gauge Shape Offset