Types of Axis in .NET MAUI Chart

26 Jun 20247 minutes to read

Polar chart supports the following types of chart axis.

  • NumericalAxis
  • CategoryAxis
  • DateTimeAxis

Numerical Axis

NumericalAxis is used to plot numerical values to the chart. NumericalAxis can be defined for both PrimaryAxis and SecondaryAxis.

    . . .

SfPolarChart chart = new SfPolarChart();
. . .
NumericalAxis primaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();
chart.PrimaryAxis = primaryAxis;
NumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();
chart.SecondaryAxis = secondaryAxis;

NumericalAxis interval support in MAUI Chart


Axis interval can be customized by using the Interval property. By default, interval will be calculated based on the minimum and maximum value of the provided data.

    . . .
        <chart:NumericalAxis Interval="10"/>

SfPolarChart chart = new SfPolarChart();
. . .
NumericalAxis primaryAxis = new NumericalAxis()
    Interval = 10 

chart.PrimaryAxis = primaryAxis;
NumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();
chart.SecondaryAxis = secondaryAxis;

Customizing the Range

Maximum and Minimum properties of axis is used for setting the maximum and minimum value of the axis range respectively.


If minimum or maximum value is set, the other value is calculated by default internally.

    <chart:NumericalAxis Maximum="100" Minimum="0" Interval="20"/>
NumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis()
    Maximum = 100,
    Minimum = 0,
    Interval = 20

chart.SecondaryAxis = secondaryAxis;

Category Axis

The CategoryAxis is an indexed based axis that plots values based on the index of the data point collection. The points are equally spaced here.

    . . .
SfPolarChart chart = new SfPolarChart();
. . .
CategoryAxis primaryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
chart.PrimaryAxis = primaryAxis;

CategoryAxis support in MAUI Chart


By default, the CategoryAxis axis labels are display with fixed interval 1. It can customized by using the Interval property of axis.

    . . .
        <chart:CategoryAxis Interval="2"/>

SfPolarChart chart = new SfPolarChart();
. . .
CategoryAxis primaryAxis = new CategoryAxis()
    Interval = 2

chart.PrimaryAxis = primaryAxis;
NumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();
chart.SecondaryAxis = secondaryAxis;

DateTime Axis

DateTimeAxis is used to plot DateTime values. The DateTimeAxis is widely used to make financial charts in places like the Stock Market, where index plotting is done every day.

    . . .
SfPolarChart chart = new SfPolarChart();
. . .
DateTimeAxis primaryAxis = new DateTimeAxis();
chart.PrimaryAxis = primaryAxis;

DateTimeAxis support in MAUI Chart


In DateTimeAxis, intervals can be customized using the Interval and IntervalType properties. For example, setting Interval as 6 and IntervalType as Months will consider 6 months as interval.

        <chart:DateTimeAxis Interval="6" IntervalType="Months"/>

SfPolarChart chart = new SfPolarChart();
. . .
DateTimeAxis primaryAxis = new DateTimeAxis()
    Interval = 6, 
    IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Months

chart.PrimaryAxis = primaryAxis;
NumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();
chart.SecondaryAxis = secondaryAxis;

Customizing the Range

Minimum and Maximum properties behavior is same as in NumericalAxis instead of setting numerical value, have to set date time values.

    . . .
        <chart:DateTimeAxis Minimum="2021/05/10" Maximum="2021/11/01"/>
SfPolarChart chart = new SfPolarChart();
. . .
DateTimeAxis primaryAxis = new DateTimeAxis()
    Minimum = new DateTime(2021,05,10),
    Maximum = new DateTime(2021,11,01)

chart.PrimaryAxis = primaryAxis;


Axis can be inverted using the IsInversed property. The default value of this property is False.

    . . .
        <chart:NumericalAxis IsInversed="True"/>
SfPolarChart chart = new SfPolarChart();
. . .
NumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();
secondaryAxis.IsInversed = true;
chart.SecondaryAxis = secondaryAxis;



The ActualRangeChanged event is triggered when the actual range of the axis is changed. The argument contains the following information:

  • ActualMinimum - used to get the actual minimum value of the axis.
  • ActualMaximum - used to get the actual maximum value of the axis.


The LabelCreated event is triggered when the axis label is created. The argument contains the following information:

  • Label - Used to get or set the text of axis label.
  • Position - Used to get the position of label.
  • LabelStyle - Used to customize the appearance of axis labels.