Printing PDF Files in .NET MAUI PDF Viewer (SfPdfViewer)

The print feature of SfPdfViewer allows you to effortlessly print PDF documents directly from your application code.

Moreover, when performing a print operation, the default device print dialog opens, providing users with familiar options and settings to customize their printing experience.

To print a PDF programmatically, you can use the PrintDocument method provided by SfPdfViewer.Refer to the following code example.

// Prints the PDF document.

Also, SfPdfViewer provides another way to print through command binding using the PrintDocumentCommand. This makes printing easier, especially when used with buttons.

<!-- Prints the PDF document. -->
<Button Text="Print" Command="{Binding Source={x:Reference PdfViewer},Path=PrintDocumentCommand}"/>

The following image represents the print preview dialogue.

Printing PDF Files in .NET MAUI PDF Viewer


Currently, when printing a document that contains sticky note annotations, the sticky note icon always appears as the default comment icon appearance in the printed document.