Customize each chart axis label using the callback event

The LabelCreated event is triggered upon label creation in a chart axis, providing the option to customize chart axis labels.

The following code sample demonstrates this:

    . . .
        <chart:NumericalAxis LabelCreated="XAxes_LabelCreated"/>
    . . .
SfCartesianChart chart = new SfCartesianChart();
. . .
NumericalAxis primaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();
primaryAxis.LabelCreated += XAxes_LabelCreated;
. . .
this.Content = chart;
int month = 0;

//Customize each axis label achieved by displaying the first label of each month with a month format, while other labels within the same month are formatted with a day format in the DateTimeAxis of the chart.

private void XAxes_LabelCreated(object sender, ChartAxisLabelEventArgs e)
    DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(e.Label);

    if (month != date.Month)
        e.Label = date.ToString("MMM");
        month = date.Month;
        e.Label = date.Day.ToString();

Customize each chart axis label