Getting Started

4 Apr 20176 minutes to read

This section explains you the steps required to populate the Spreadsheet with data, format and export it as excel file. This section covers only the minimal features that you need to know to get started with the Spreadsheet.

Create a simple Spreadsheet in JSP

You can create an JSP application and add necessary scripts with the help of the given JSP Getting Started Documentation.

Create the JSP file and add the below given code to render Spreadsheet control.

  • HTML
  • <div class="cols-sample-area">
     <ej:spreadsheet id="spreadsheet" loadComplete="loadComplete">

    The above code will render the following output in the display.


    Configuring the Spreadsheet

    Populate Spreadsheet with data

    Now, this section explains how to populate JSON data to the Spreadsheet.Refer the below code to define the datasource of Spreadsheet.

  • JS
  • <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
    <%@ page session="false" import="java.util.ArrayList" %>
    <%@ page session="false" import="java.util.Iterator" %>
    <%@ page session="false" import="org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="ej" uri="/WEB-INF/EJ.tld"%>
    <%@ page import="com.syncfusion.*"%>
    <%  ArrayList < Object > array = new ArrayList<Object>();
        JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
        array.add(parser.parse("{\"Item Name\": \"Casual Shoes\",\"Date\": \"02/14/2014\",\"Time\": \"11:34:32 AM\",\"Quantity\": \"10\",\"Price\": \"20\",\"Amount\": \"200\",\"Discount\": \"1\",\"Profit\": \"10\"}"));
    	  array.add(parser.parse("{\"Item Name\": \"Sports Shoes\",\"Date\": \"06/11/2014\",\"Time\": \"05:56:32 AM\",\"Quantity\": \"20\",\"Price\": \"30\",\"Amount\": \"600\",\"Discount\": \"5\",\"Profit\": \"50\"}"));
    	  array.add(parser.parse("{\"Item Name\": \"Formal Shoes\",\"Date\": \"07/27/2014\",\"Time\": \"03:32:44 AM\",\"Quantity\": \"20\",\"Price\": \"15\",\"Amount\": \"300\",\"Discount\": \"7\",\"Profit\": \"27\"}"));
    	  array.add(parser.parse("{\"Item Name\": \"Sandals & Floaters\",\"Date\": \"11/21/2014\",\"Time\": \"06:23:54 AM\",\"Quantity\": \"15\",\"Price\": \"20\",\"Amount\": \"300\",\"Discount\": \"11\",\"Profit\": \"67\"}"));
    	  array.add(parser.parse("{\"Item Name\": \"Flip- Flops & Slippers\",\"Date\": \"06/23/2014\",\"Time\": \"12:43:59 AM\",\"Quantity\": \"30\",\"Price\": \"10\",\"Amount\": \"300\",\"Discount\": \"10\",\"Profit\": \"70\"}"));
    	  array.add(parser.parse("{\"Item Name\": \"Sneakers\",\"Date\": \"07/22/2014\",\"Time\": \"10:55:53 AM\",\"Quantity\": \"40\",\"Price\": \"20\",\"Amount\": \"800\",\"Discount\": \"13\",\"Profit\": \"66\"}"));
    	  array.add(parser.parse("{\"Item Name\": \"Running Shoes\",\"Date\": \"02/04/2014\",\"Time\": \"03:44:34 AM\",\"Quantity\": \"20\",\"Price\": \"10\",\"Amount\": \"200\",\"Discount\": \"3\",\"Profit\": \"14\"}"));
    	  array.add(parser.parse("{\"Item Name\": \"Loafers\",\"Date\": \"11/30/2014\",\"Time\": \"03:12:52 AM\",\"Quantity\": \"31\",\"Price\": \"10\",\"Amount\": \"310\",\"Discount\": \"6\",\"Profit\": \"29\"}"));
    	  array.add(parser.parse("{\"Item Name\": \"Cricket Shoes\",\"Date\": \"07/07/2014\",\"Time\": \"11:32:14 AM\",\"Quantity\": \"41\",\"Price\": \"30\",\"Amount\": \"1210\",\"Discount\": \"12\",\"Profit\": \"166\"}"));
        array.add(parser.parse("{\"Item Name\": \"T-Shirts\",\"Date\": \"10/31/2014\",\"Time\": \"12:01:44 AM\",\"Quantity\": \"50\",\"Price\": \"10\",\"Amount\": \"500\",\"Discount\": \"9\",\"Profit\": \"55\"}"));
        request.setAttribute("DataSource", array);
  • HTML
  • <div class="cols-sample-area">
      <ej:spreadsheet id="spreadsheet" loadComplete="loadComplete">
           <ej:spreadsheet-sheet-rangeSetting dataSource="${DataSource}">
    function loadComplete(args) {
       var xlFormat = this.XLFormat;
       if (!this.isImport) {
           this.setWidthToColumns([140, 128, 105, 100, 100, 110, 120, 120, 100]);
           xlFormat.format({ "style": { "font-weight": "bold" } }, "A1:H1");

    The above code will render the following output in the display screen.



    For more details about data binding refer following link

    Apply Conditional Formatting

    Conditional formatting helps you to apply formats to a cell or range with certain color based on the cells values. You can use allowConditionalFormats property to enable/disable Conditional formats.

    To apply conditional formats for a range use setCFRule method. The following code example illustrates this,

  • HTML
  • <%@page import="datasource.GetJsonData" %>
       GetJsonData obj =new GetJsonData();
        Object data = obj.getSpreadCFData();
        request.setAttribute("DataSource", data);
     <div class="cols-sample-area">
       <ej:spreadsheet id="spreadsheet" loadComplete="loadComplete">
    	    <ej:spreadsheet-sheet-rangeSetting dataSource="${DataSource}" showHeader="false">
     function loadComplete(args) {
       this.setWidthToColumns([165, 130, 37, 165, 130, 37, 129, 132]);
       this.XLCFormat.setCFRule({ "action": "greaterthan", "inputs": ["10"], "color": "redft", "range": "D3:D8" });
       this.XLFormat.format({ "style": { "font-weight": "bold", "font-size": "10pt", "vertical-align": "middle", "text-align": "center" } }, "A1:A13");



    For more details about Conditional Formatting refer following link

    Export Spreadsheet as Excel File

    The Spreadsheet can save its data, style, format into an excel file. To enable save option in Spreadsheet set allowExporting option in exportSettings as true. Since Spreadsheet uses server side helper to save documents set excelUrl in exportSettings option. The following code example illustrates this,

  • HTML
  • <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
    <%@ taglib prefix="ej" uri="/WEB-INF/EJ.tld"%>
    <%@ page import="com.syncfusion.*"%>
    <%@page import="datasource.GetJsonData" %>
       GetJsonData obj =new GetJsonData();
        Object data = obj.getSpreadData();
        request.setAttribute("DataSource", data);
    <div class="cols-sample-area">
      <ej:spreadsheet id="spreadsheet">
          excelUrl="" >
          <ej:spreadsheet-sheet-rangeSetting dataSource="${DataSource}">

    Use shortcut Ctrl + S to save Spreadsheet as excel file.


    1. For more details about Export refer following link
    2. For more details about Server Configuration refer following link