
24 May 20193 minutes to read

Title text

By using the title.text property, you can add the title text for the pivot chart.

  • $(function () {
           //Adding Chart title
           title: {
              text: "PivotChart"

    Title text in JavaScript pivot chart control

    Title alignment

    By using the title.textAlignment property, you can align the title text of the pivot chart control to center, far, or near.

  • $(function () {
           title: {
                text: "PivotChart",
                //Change title text alignment
                textAlignment: "near"

    Title alignment in JavaScript pivot chart control

    Title customization

    By using the title property, you can add the title text for X-axis and Y-axis. The title text can be customized by using the text and font properties. By setting the enableTrim to true, the title text can be trimmed based on its length.

  • $(function () {
              primaryXAxis: {
                  //Customizing X-axis title
                  title: {
                     text: "Country",
                     font: {
                        fontFamily: 'Segoe UI',
                        size: '16px',
                        fontWeight: 'bold',
                        color: 'grey',
                     enableTrim: true

    Title customization in JavaScript pivot chart control