Essential Studio for Flutter Release Notes

June 21, 2023


  • By default, text styles are initialized to match the Theme.of(context).textTheme.
  • Now, all our widget’s minimum supported Android API level is 19.
  • All our widgets are now Flutter 3.10 compatible.



  • #FB34053 - Provided the support to show and hide the Today button in the Flutter event calendar.


Breaking changes

Following breaking changes will occur due to the text theme support.

  • Now, the default text color of plotBand is black if the theme is constructed with [Brightness.light] and white if the theme is constructed with [Brightness.dark].
  • Area type series datalabel saturation color is now applied based on the plotAreaBackgroundColor of the chart.



  • #F176262 - Provided the support to customize the visibility of horizontal and vertical scrollbars in the DataGrid.
  • #F42305 - Provide the support to show the filter icon when the mouse hovers over the column header. Users have the option to enable or disable this hover feature by showFilterIconOnHover.
  • #FB44216,#F182575 - Provided the support to set a key to the DataGridRow, it helps automate the data grid rows during automated testing.
  • Provided the support to rearrange columns by dragging and dropping them.



  • Upgraded the http package to the latest version 1.0.0.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #I441659 - Now, the SfPdfViewer does not execute the onDocumentLoaded callback before the Pdf document loads.


  • #I438831 - Support for filling out the form fields, such as text boxes, dropdown menus, checkboxes, radio buttons, and signatures, has been provided. It also offers additional features, such as the ability to save, export, and import the form data.
  • #I444147 - Support for loading the pages with the width fitted on the Windows and Web platforms has been provided.


  • Upgraded the http package to the latest version 1.0.0.
  • Upgraded the device_info_plus package to the latest version 9.0.2.



  • From the 3.10.0 SDK version, we have encountered rendering and performance issues when drawing signatures on the iOS platform. To resolve this problem, turn off the impeller in the Info.plist file by following the steps mentioned here.