Essential Studio® for Flutter Release Notes

November 08, 2022



  • #FB38141 - Provided text style customization support for the text in the placeholder (No events and No selected date) in the month agenda view and (No events) in the schedule view of the flutter event calendar.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB37724 - Now, the Null check operator exception will no longer be thrown when refreshing the chart in the onLegendTapped callback.
  • #FB38586 - Now, the plot band will render properly for the LogarithmicAxis.



  • #413603 Provided support to set signed date while signing the pdf document.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

*#F177997 – When copying PDF content from the SfPdfViewer widget, spacing between the words is now added properly.
*#I406202 – Now, PDF pages will be properly aligned when zooming is performed in Single Page Layout mode.

XlsIO Beta


  • Extended support for dotted, dashed, hair, medium dashed, dash dot, medium dash dot, dash dot dot, medium dash dot dot, slant dash dot.