Essential Studio® for Flutter Release Notes

April 4, 2022





  • #FB27376 - Provided support for the number of days in view, it is used to customize the days count in the flutter event calendar.

  • #FB30049 - Provided support for recurring appointments on the last day of month in the flutter event calendar.


Bug fixes

  • #FB33214 - The onAxisLabelTapped callback works properly with the rotated axis labels.


  • #FB31338 - Provided support to display the trackball tooltip smartly when there is no space horizontally.
  • Now, the tooltips and the trackball tooltips can be rendered in right-to-left direction.
  • Based on the current locale, the built-in texts in legends and tooltips are automatically translated now.



  • #FB33169 - Other cell will not be moved into edit mode when trying to click it and returning false from canSubmitCell method for currentcell.


  • #FB32666 - Provided the support to check whether the currentcell is in editing mode using DataGridController.isCurrentCellInEditing property.
  • #FB32143 - Provided the support to set the custom sort icon using SfDataGridThemeData.sortIcon property.

PDF Beta


  • Provided support to extract RTL text from an existing PDF document along with its bounds.
  • Provided support to find RTL text in an existing PDF document.

Known Limitation

  • Combination of RTL and LTR text in find operations will not work. For example “80٪ خصم في المحدد jeans”.

PDF Viewer Beta

Bug fixes

  • #G467 - Now, PDF document will be loaded from the page of the first occurrence when searchText is performed in onDocumentLoaded callback.
  • #I363682, F172215, F172209 - Now, the SfPdfViewer widget won’t crash when scrolling continuously over the document zoomed in.
  • #I361242, I367038, I369660 - The scrolling and panning performance in the documents that are zoomed in has now been improved.


  • #I348836, I352063, G372, G535 - Windows platform support has been provided.

Breaking Changes

  • searchTextHighlightColor property has been deprecated, instead use the currentSearchTextHighlightColor and otherSearchTextHighlightColor for customizing the search text highlight color.
  • The following platform packages have been renamed. No changes to your pubspec.yaml are required since these changes will be reflected automatically.
Old package name New package name
syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer_platform_interface syncfusion_pdfviewer_platform_interface
syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer_web syncfusion_pdfviewer_web
syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer_macos syncfusion_pdfviewer_macos

XlsIO Beta


  • Showing or hiding rows and columns are now supported while creating an Excel document.
  • Excel Data validations such as text length validation, list validation, whole number validation, decimal number validation, date validation, time validation, and custom formula validation are now supported while creating an Excel document.
  • Table creation and formatting with built-in styles are now supported while creating an Excel document.
  • Changing the worksheet direction to Right to Left is now supported while creating an Excel document.