Essential Studio® for Flutter Release Notes

December 17, 2021




  • #FB18236, #I294976 - Provided support for getting calendar details based on the given offset by passing it through an argument in the event calendar.


  • Now, improved the allowedViews UI in the flutter event calendar.



  • Implemented multilevel axis labels support in Cartesian charts to categorize the axis labels.
  • Improved the date-time axis label’s default format to display additional detail about the date.
  • Provided support to trim, shift, or hide data labels that overflow from their segments in pie, doughnut, pyramid, and funnel charts.

Breaking Changes



  • #F169199 - Provided the support to set the different swipe offset for right and left swiping.
  • #FB29569 - Provided the support to select multiple rows when tapping another row and press and hold the SHIFT key
  • Provided the support to wrap the DataGrid’s width and height based on number of rows and columns available when DataGrid’s parent size is infinity.
  • #FB21168 - Provided the support to show a dropdown button for choosing a different number of rows to show on each page.
  • Provided the support to set the number of rows to be added with the currently visible items in viewport size for reusing during vertical scrolling.


  • #FB30960 - Range exception will no longer be thrown when DataGridSource is changed at run time with multiple rows are selected.

Date Range Picker

Bug fixes

  • #FB30927 - Now, the action button is working properly without selecting any dates in the date range picker.


  • Provided support for Extendable range selection direction in the date range picker.

Maps Beta


  • Legend pointer - Provided an option to show a pointer on the solid bar legend while hover over the shape or bubble.

PDF Viewer Beta


  • Support for loading password-protected or encrypted documents has been provided.
  • Now, Page regions will be rendered in high resolution when a user zooms in on the page.


  • Now, PDF pages won’t be overlapped when multi PDFs are placed inside IndexedStack
  • DisplayMetrics deprecation warnings for Android R SDK in Android Plugin has been cleared now.
  • Now, Linefeed will be included while copying PDF content in desktop platforms.
  • PDF page clarity has been improved now when smaller page width document is loaded.

Range Selector


  • Tooltip visibility - Provided an option to always show a tooltip.
  • Start and end callbacks - Provided callbacks to notify the user for start and end interactions performed with range selector thumb.

Range Slider


  • Tooltip visibility - Provided an option to always show a tooltip.
  • Start and end callbacks - Provided callbacks to notify the user for start and end interactions performed with range slider thumb.



  • Tooltip visibility - Provided an option to always show a tooltip.
  • Start and end callbacks - Provided callbacks to notify the user for start and end interactions performed with slider thumb.

Treemap Beta


  • Legend pointer - Provided an option to show a pointer on the solid bar legend while hover over the tile.
  • Tooltip visibility - Provided an option to increase or decrease the duration of the tooltip visibility.