Essential Studio for Flutter Release Notes

September 30, 2021





  • #FB15102, #I282481 ,#I312649, #I323074, #I324803, #I340321 - Provided resize, drag-and-drop support to reschedule appointments in the event calendar.


  • Now the calendar will return the recurrence appointment details in the given custom data type instead of Appointment type by overriding the convertAppointmentToObject method of the CalendarDataSource.

Breaking changes

  • The default cellEndPadding value has been changed in the SfCalendar.



  • Implemented the error bar series type with all its functionalities to indicate errors or uncertain values in the data.
  • Provided support to place the pie and doughnut chart data labels smartly without intersecting one another.
  • Provided support to retrieve the internally calculated slope and intercept values of a trendline for later use in the application.
  • Provided support to fill the Cartesian chart types data points using the shader.
  • Now, the trackball, crosshair, and tooltip states are maintained when the device orientation changes.
  • Now the annotations can also be placed on the chart based on the percentage value.
  • Provided support to get data point details by passing the logical pixel value as input to the circular, pyramid and funnel charts.
  • Provided delay support for animating the series, trendline and indicators after the specified time.

Breaking changes

  • onTrendlineRender callback has been deprecated; instead, use the onRenderDetailsUpdate callback in the Trendline class to get the trendline details.
  • enableSmartLabels callback has been deprecated; instead, use LabelIntersectAction.shift callback in DataLabelSettings class for pie and doughnut series to position the data labels smartly when they intersect.
  • ChartTextStyle class has been removed; instead, use the TextStyle class.
  • In mobile devices, when the height is greater than the width, and the legend position is auto, then the legend gets positioned at the bottom. Hereafter, the legend will get positioned at the top.



  • #I314503, #I342732 - Provided the support to resize the columns by tapping and dragging the right border of the column header.
  • #I317227 - Provided the support to show an additional unbound row to display a summary or totals. Users can display a minimum, maximum, average, and count in columns.
  • #FB18785, #FB19786 - Provided the support to export the DataGrid content, such as rows, stacked header rows, and table summary rows, to Excel and PDF format with several customization options.
  • #I331771 - Provided the support to show a checkbox in each row to select entire rows when the boxes are checked. Users can select or deselect all the rows by selecting the checkbox in the header.
  • #I308638, #I331102 - Provided the support to sort all the rows in DataGrid instead of current page alone when the paging is used.
  • #I330661 - Provided the support to set the size for the page buttons in SfDataPager.

Breaking changes

  • The onCellRenderersCreated callback has been removed from the SfDataGrid.

Date Range Picker


  • #FB22841 - Added a selectable day predicate callback to decide whether a cell is selectable or not.
  • Added a Today button in the Date Range Picker to move to today’s date.

Linear Gauge


  • Pointer drag behavior - Provides an option to change the dragging behavior of the marker pointers, when the linear gauge has multiple pointers. The available drag behaviors are free and constrained.
  • Added onChangeStart and onChangeEnd callbacks in the LinearMarkerPointer to notify the user about the marker pointer start and end drag actions.

Breaking changes

Maps Beta


  • Vector line stroke cap - Provides a stroke cap option to customize the map vector lines and polylines.
  • Marker alignment - Marker can be aligned in all alignment positions supported by the framework align widget based on its coordinate point.
  • Custom bounds - Provides an option to specify the visual limits for viewing a specific region.


  • Support has been provided to increase the duration of the tooltip visibility.
  • Improved hover color of the shapes, bubbles, and vector layer shapes.

PDF Beta


  • #335802 - Support provided to add or retrieve rotation angle from the existing PDF document.

Bug fixes

  • Button fields are now preserved properly on the rotated PDF pages.
  • Now, the bounds of the TextLine are retrieving properly while extracting text from the PDF document.
  • #339564 - Resultant bounds will be retrieved properly while performing text search in a PDF document.
  • #167778 - RangeError will no longer occur while extracting text lines from a PDF document.
  • The location of PdfDestination is now retrieved properly for rotated PDF pages.
  • The preservation issue will no longer occur while drawing a PDF grid with a column span.
  • #330891 - ArgumentError will no longer occur while encrypting a PDF document.
  • #166012 - Whitespace will be preserved properly while extracting the text from the PDF document.

PDF Viewer Beta


  • Support for screen reading has been provided.
  • Now, PDF document can be viewed page by page horizontally.
  • Horizontal scrolling support has been provided.
  • Support for text selection and text search in rotated document has been provided.

Bug fixes

  • Now, SfPdfViewer widget won’t be rebuilding continuously without any user interaction.

Radial Gauge


  • Now, the pointer can be freely dragged in clockwise direction even the start angle is greater than end angle for circular radial gauge. For non-circular radial gauge, the pointers dragged between the start and end angle.
  • The GaugeRange will always apply in clockwise direction even the startValue is greater than the endValue.

Range Slider


  • Inversed vertical slider - Provides an option to change the minimum and maximum positions of the vertical range slider.

  • Drag mode - Provides various dragging options to control thumb dragging. The available options are onThumb, betweenThumbs, and both.



  • Inversed vertical slider - Provides an option to change the minimum and maximum positions of the vertical slider.

Treemap Beta


  • Breadcrumb backward navigation - Provides a backward navigation option to any previous level after drilling down into multiple levels.