Essential Studio® for Flutter Release Notes

December 17, 2020



  • A new Spark Charts widget has been added.



  • The custom builder support is provided for the time region and the appointment views in the calendar.
  • Provided the interaction support for the resource header.
  • Support is provided to the right end padding for the cell touch region when the cell has an appointment in the calendar.


  • The animation for view switching, selection ripple effect, and header picker pop-up animation is improved.

Breaking changes

  • Now, the display date that does not contain an appointment, will show the text as ‘No events’ in schedule view.


Bug fixes

  • #159199 - The trackball is showing properly with public methods.
  • Now, the zooming will reset properly on the zoom out.
  • The tooltip builder will not throw any exceptions in Circular charts.
  • The selection is working properly with initialSelectedDataIndexes property.
  • The trackball tooltip will not throw an exception when the tooltip is hidden using the onTrackballPositionChanging event.


  • #298637 - Support for defining the maximum width of the axis labels is provided.
  • #274008, #293025 - Provided template support for the trackball.
  • #281645 - Support for converting a logical pixel value to a chart data point and vice versa has been provided.
  • Now, you can get the viewportPointIndex from onDataLabelTapped, onSelectionChanged and other applicable events.
  • Provided maximumZoomLevel support for pinch-zooming in the Cartesian chart.

DataGrid Beta


  • #285653 -Provided the support to show stacked headers i.e. unbound header rows. Unbound header rows span stacked header columns across multiple rows and columns.
  • Provided the support to display an interactive view when the grid reaches its maximum offset while scrolling down. Tapping the interactive view triggers a callback to add more data from the data source of the grid at run time.
  • Provided the support to highlight the header cells on mouse hover.
  • Provided the callbacks support in SfDataPager to listen when page navigation is started and ended.
  • Provided the support to set grid lines for header and stacked header cells.
  • Provided the support to improve the compactness of the datagrid based on the visual density.

Breaking Changes

  • All the properties in GridTextColumn, GridNumericColumn, GridDateTimeColumn and GridWidgetColumn classes are marked as final. So, these classes are immutable.

Date Range Picker


  • Hijri date picker support is provided.
  • The custom builder support is provided for the month cells and year cells in the date range picker.
  • #287657 - Vertical date picker support provided.

Maps Beta


  • #297066, #297225, Shape sublayer - Provides option to add a shape sublayer with GeoJSON data in another shape layer or tile layer to show more details about a particular region.
  • Load JSON from different sources - Load GeoJSON data in the shape layer from different sources such as files in network, assets, and data in memory.
  • Tooltip for markers - Provides support to add a tooltip for both the built-in markers and custom markers to show additional information about them.
  • Bar legend with gradient support - In addition to the existing legend style, you can use a bar-style legend. You can render this bar legend with a gradient background.
  • Vector shapes - Add shapes such as polylines, lines, polygons, circles, and arcs as a sublayer in the shape and tile layers.
  • Animation improvements - Animation is included for zooming and panning functionalities for both shape and tile layers during toolbar interactions and property changes.
  • Diagnostics support - Provided Diagnostics support in the SfMaps, SfSlider, SfRangeSlider, and SfRangeSelector widgets to identify the current state of the widget while debugging.

Breaking changes

  • The palette property has been removed from MapShapeLayer.

  • The enableShapeTooltip property has been removed and the tooltip can be enabled by setting the shapeTooltipBuilder property.
  • The shapeTooltipTextMapper property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by returning a custom widget from the shapeTooltipBuilder property.

  • The showBubbles property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by setting the bubbleSizeMapper property.
  • The enableBubbleTooltip property has been removed and the tooltip can be enabled by setting the bubbleTooltipBuilder property.
  • The bubbleTooltipTextMapper property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by returning a custom widget from the bubbleTooltipBuilder property.

  • The enableSelection property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by setting the onSelectionChanged property.
  • The initialSelectedIndex property has been changed to selectedIndex. To observe the changes in the UI, the user must call setState().

  • The delegate property has been changed to source property and the type of the delegate property MapShapeLayerDelegate has been changed into MapShapeSource with named constructors such as MapShapeSource.asset,, and MapShapeSource.memory to load json data from various sources.

  • The legendSettings property has been renamed as legend and the MapLegendSettings has been renamed as the MapLegend.
  • The legendSource property has been renamed as source and is now moved to the MapLegend.
  • The MapLegend.none enum has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by setting the legend property as null
  • The showIcon property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by setting iconSize property of the MapLegend class as Size.empty.
  • The opacity property has been removed from MapBubbleSettings and MapSelectionSettings classes and the same behavior can be achieved by setting opacity value in color property of the MapBubbleSettings and MapSelectionSettings.
  • The MapIconType.square enum has been changed to MapIconType.rectangle.
  • The MapLabelOverflowMode has been renamed as the MapLabelOverflow. The MapLabelOverflowMode.trim and MapLabelOverflowMode.none enum values have been renamed to MapLabelOverflow.ellipsis and MapLabelOverflow.visible respectively. The MapLabelOverflow enum values are visible, ellipsis, and hide.

  • The textStyle and tooltipTextStyle property has been removed from MapTooltipSettings and SfMapsThemeData classes respectively since the built-in tooltip shape is removed.

PDF Beta

Breaking Changes

  • The extractTextWithLine method has been removed and added a new extractTextLines method instead.


  • Provided the support to encrypt or decrypt a PDF document.
  • Provided the support to create, read, and edit layers in PDF documents.
  • Provided the support to create a PDF conformance document.
  • Provided the support to extract text with the layout.
  • Provided the support to draw an image with pagination.
  • Provided the support to add an attachment to the PDF document.
  • Provided the support to add the document information in a PDF document.


  • #301560 - Exception will no longer occur while parsing the bookmarks in an existing PDF document.

PDF Viewer Beta


  • Text Search - Support for searching text in a PDF document has been provided. All occurrences of the searched text can be navigated.
  • Text Selection - Support to select the text presented in a PDF document has been provided. The selection can be changed by dragging the selection handler.
  • Document Link Annotation - Document link annotation in the TOC (Table Of Content) of a PDF document will now navigate to its respective positions.
  • #I299691 - The Page storage support has been provided, which preserves the scroll offset and zoom level.
  • #F159581 - Support to adjust the space between the pages has been provided.
  • Provided the initialScrollOffset and initialZoomLevel properties to display the PDF document loaded with the specified scroll offset and zoom level respectively.

Range Selector Beta

Breaking changes

  • The showTooltip property has been changed into enableTooltip property.

Range Slider

Breaking changes

  • The showTooltip property has been changed into enableTooltip property.


Breaking changes

  • The showTooltip property has been changed into enableTooltip property.

Spark Charts Beta

Spark charts (micro charts) are lightweight charts that fit in a very small area. They display the trend of the data and convey quick information to the user.


  • Provided support for Line, Area, Column, and Win-loss chart types.
  • Provided support for Numeric, Category, and Date-time axis types.
  • Provided marker and data label supports.
  • Provided trackball support to display additional information about the data points.
  • Provided plot band support to highlight a particular vertical range.

XlsIO Beta

Breaking Changes

  • The property showGridLines in the Worksheet class is replace with a new property showGridlines.
  • The method saveStream in the Workbook class is replaced with a new method saveAsStream.
  • save method is removed from the Workbook class.
  • addFile method is removed from the PicturesCollection class.


  • Provided the support to add hyperlinks to texts and images.
  • Provided the support to insert and delete rows/columns.
  • Provided the support to autofit rows and columns.
  • Provided the support to create Excel documents with logical functions, string functions, and nested formulas.
  • Provided the support to add chart types: Area, AreaStacked, AreaStacked100, ColumnStacked100, BarStacked100, LineStacked100.
  • Provided the support to protect Excel workbooks and worksheets.