Essential Studio for Flutter Release Notes

July 7, 2020



  • New DataGrid, Maps, and Slider widgets have been added.
  • We have upgraded our widgets to Flutter SDK 1.17.3.
  • Calendar and Range Slider widgets are now ready for production.



  • The long-press callback support
  • Schedule view support
  • Special time regions support
  • Navigation arrow support
  • Mouse-hovering for all calendar elements [web]


Breaking changes

  • Considering the readability, the axis labels rotation of rotate45 and rotate90 values in labelIntersectAction property is changed from 45, 90 degree to -45, -90 degree respectively.
  • ChartTextStyle class is deprecated now and use TextStyle class as alternate to customize the text.
  • Now, to modify the series types rendering with your own custom implementation, you must override that specific series renderer class, instead of overriding that series class.
  • Now, we have considered the values of transform, start and end properties in LinearGradient while rendering gradient. So specify the begin value as bottomCenter and end as topCenter to maintain the same appearance.


  • Provided support for Spline range area and Histogram chart types.
  • Provided updateDataSource public method to update the chart dynamically on data source change.
  • Now, the gradient can be applied to the border of all the applicable series.
  • Provided support for animating the axis elements like labels, gridlines, and ticks, when the axis range is changed.
  • Now, the visibility of the data label and its connector line can be collapsed when its value is zero.
  • The date-time interval can be specified in double value.
  • Provided touch down, touch move, and marker render callback functions for the chart widget.
  • Now with the same start and end values, a single line will be drawn with plot band feature.
  • Provided support for aligning the axis labels above, below, or center to the gridlines.
  • The size and shape of the markers can be customized with onMarkerRender callback function.
  • Now, the y-axis range will be calculated based on the visible points when panning with zoom mode x.

Bug fixes

  • #276696 - Now, the chart widget will render with multiple axes without any exceptions.
  • #154594 - Data labels for stacked series will be properly visible.
  • #275186 - Now, the y-axis visible range will be calculated based on the visible points in the live update.
  • #279699 - The selection of a single point will not throw any exceptions.
  • #280878 - Now, the bubble segment will not render if its size and minRadius values are the same.
  • Data labels of the Circular chart is rendering properly with StreamBuilder.
  • Now, the chart will not throw any exceptions for more fraction points.
  • User interaction related to zooming is working properly.
  • Legends are toggled properly on user interactions.
  • Now, the tick lines will not appear outside of the plot area.

DataGrid Preview

The Syncfusion Flutter DataGrid is used to display and manipulate data in a tabular view. It is built from the ground up to achieve the best possible performance, even when loading large amounts data.


  • Column types - Show different data types (int, double, string, and date-time) in different types of columns. Also, load any widget in a column.

  • Column sizing - Set the width of columns with various sizing options. Columns can also be sized based on their content.

  • Auto row height - Set the height for rows based on the content of their cells.

  • Selection - Select one or more rows. Keyboard navigation is supported for web platforms.

  • Styling - Customize the appearance of cells and headers. Conditional styling is also supported.

  • Theme - Use a dark or light theme.

  • Accessibility - The DataGrid can easily be accessed by screen readers.

  • Right to Left (RTL) - Right-to-left direction support for users working in RTL languages like Hebrew and Arabic.

Date Range Picker Preview


  • Enable or disable built-in view switching support
  • Multi-date picker view support

Breaking changes

  • The selectionTextStyle, selectionColor, startRangeSelectionColor, rangeSelectionColor, endRangeSelectionColor, rangeTextStyle, and selectionStyle properties from the DateRangePickerMonthCellStyle class has been deprecated, use the same properties from the SfDateRangePicker class instead.

Maps Preview

The Flutter Maps widget allows you to visualize GeoJSON data as a geographical area. It has highly interactive and customizable features such as data labels, selection, markers, bubbles, assignable colors based on region, and legends.


  • Data labels - Provides identification for the shapes by displaying their names. Trim or hide the labels if they exceed shape bounds.
  • Markers - Denote a location with built-in symbols or display a custom widget at a specific latitude and longitude on a map.
  • Bubbles - Add information to shapes such as population density, number of users, and more. Bubbles can be rendered in different colors and sizes based on the data values of their assigned shape.
  • Shape selection - Select a shape in order to highlight that area on a map. You can use the callback for performing any action during shape selection.
  • Legend - Use legends to provide clear information on the data plotted in the map. You can use the legend toggling feature to visualize only the shapes to which the legend applies.
  • Colors - Categorize the shapes on a map by customizing their color based on the underlying value. It is possible to set the shape color for a specific value or for a range of values.
  • Tooltip - Display additional information about shapes and bubbles using the customizable tooltip on a map.


Bug fixes

  • #279930 - Icons will be preserved properly while using the TrueType font.
  • Text will be preserved properly while using the TrueType font.

Range Selector Preview


  • #I275668 - Now, the support has been provided to change the range by dragging in the area between start and end thumbs and restrict the individual thumb dragging by setting the dragMode property to SliderDragMode.betweenThumbs.
  • Deferred update - Provides an option to defer range updates, allowing you to control when dependent components are updated while thumbs are being dragged continuously.
  • Discrete selection - Provides an option for selecting only discrete numeric and date values.
  • Thumb icon support - Accepts custom widgets like icon or text inside the left and right thumbs.
  • Paddle tooltip - Paddle shape tooltip support has been provided.
  • Interval selection - Allows selecting a particular interval by tapping or clicking in it. Both the thumbs will be moved to the current interval with animation.
  • Support has been provided to customize the radius of the active and inactive divisor using the activeDivisorRadius and inactiveDivisorRadius properties respectively in the SfRangeSelectorThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the stroke width of the active and inactive divisor using the activeDivisorStrokeWidth and inactiveDivisorStrokeWidth properties respectively in the SfRangeSelectorThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the stroke color of the active and inactive divisor using the activeDivisorStrokeColor and inactiveDivisorStrokeColor properties respectively in the SfRangeSelectorThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the thumb stroke using the thumbStrokeWidth property in the SfRangeSelectorThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the stroke color of the thumb using the thumbStrokeColor property in the SfRangeSelectorThemeData.
  • Accessibility support has been provided to SfRangeSelector.

Breaking changes

  • The trackHeight property has been split into the activeTrackHeight and inactiveTrackHeight properties in SfRangeSelectorThemeData.
  • The SfRangeSliderThemeData has been changed to SfRangeSelectorThemeData in SfRangeSelector.
  • The lockRange property has been removed and the same behavior can be achieved by setting the dragMode property to SliderDragMode.both.

  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfTrackShape:

    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named isActive, which is used to denote whether currently, the active or inactive track is being drawn.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfTrackShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSelector.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added new arguments named as activePaint and inactivePaint for customizing the track.
    • Added a new argument named thumbCenter that holds the current thumb pixel position of SfSlider.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfThumbShape:

    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfThumbShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as child which is used to add an icon to the surface of the thumb.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSelector.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as paint for customizing the thumb.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfDivisorShape:

    • Added a new argument named isActive, which is used to find whether active or inactive divisor is being drawn.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfDivisorShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSelector.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named paint for customizing the divisor.
    • Added a new argument named thumbCenter that holds the current thumb pixel position of SfSlider.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfOverlayShape:

    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfOverlayShape:

    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSelector.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as paint for customizing the thumb overlay.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfTickShape:

    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfTickShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSelector.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named thumbCenter that holds the current thumb pixel position of SfSlider.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.

Range Slider


  • Discrete selection - Provides an option for selecting only discrete numeric and date values.
  • Interval selection - Allows users to select a particular interval by tapping or clicking in it. Both thumbs will be moved to the current interval with smooth animation.
  • Thumb icon support - Accepts custom widgets like icon or text inside the left and right thumbs.
  • Paddle tooltip - Paddle shape tooltip support has been provided.
  • Support has been provided to customize the radius of the active and inactive divisor using the activeDivisorRadius and inactiveDivisorRadius properties respectively in the SfRangeSliderThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the stroke width of the active and inactive divisor using the activeDivisorStrokeWidth and inactiveDivisorStrokeWidth properties respectively in the SfRangeSliderThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the stroke color of the active and inactive divisor using the activeDivisorStrokeColor and inactiveDivisorStrokeColor properties respectively in the SfRangeSliderThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the thumb stroke using the thumbStrokeWidth property in the SfRangeSliderThemeData.
  • Support has been provided to customize the stroke color of the thumb using the thumbStrokeColor property in the SfRangeSliderThemeData.
  • Accessibility support has been provided to SfRangeSlider.

Breaking changes

  • The trackHeight property has been split into the activeTrackHeight and inactiveTrackHeight properties in the SfRangeSliderThemeData.

  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfTrackShape:

    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named isActive, which is used to denote whether currently, the active or inactive track is being drawn.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfTrackShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added new arguments named as activePaint and inactivePaint for customizing the track.
    • Added a new argument named thumbCenter that holds the current thumb pixel position of SfSlider.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfThumbShape:

    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfThumbShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as child which is used to add an icon to the surface of the thumb.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as paint for customizing the thumb.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfDivisorShape:

    • Added a new argument named isActive, which is used to find whether active or inactive divisor is being drawn.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfDivisorShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named paint for customizing the divisor.
    • Added a new argument named thumbCenter that holds the current thumb pixel position of SfSlider.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfOverlayShape:

    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfOverlayShape:

    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as paint for customizing the thumb overlay.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the getPreferredRect method of SfTickShape:

    • Removed the argument isEnabled.
  • The following arguments are added, removed and modified in the paint method of SfTickShape:

    • Modified the argument animation to enableAnimation.
    • Modified the type of the argument parentBox from RenderProxyBox to RenderBox.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValues that holds the current thumb values for SfRangeSlider.
    • Added a new argument named as currentValue that holds the current thumb value for SfSlider.
    • Added a new argument named thumbCenter that holds the current thumb pixel position of SfSlider.
    • Removed the argument isEnabled.

Slider Preview

The Flutter Slider is a lightweight widget that allows you to select a single value from a range of values.


  • Numeric and date support - Provides functionality for selecting numeric and date values. For date, support is provided up to the seconds interval.
  • Labels - Render labels for date and numeric values with the option to customize their formats based on your requirements.
  • Ticks and divisors - Provides the option to show ticks and divisors based on the slider interval. Also, minor ticks can be enabled to indicate the values between each interval. These options present the selected value in a more intuitive way for end users.
  • Thumb icon support - Accepts custom widgets like icon or text inside the thumb.
  • Tooltip - Render a tooltip to show the selected value clearly. You can also customize the format of the text shown in the tooltip. Paddle and rectangular shape tooltips are supported.
  • Highly customizable - In addition to the rich set of built-in features, the control is fully customizable through its wide range options.
  • Accessibility support has been provided to SfSlider.