Essential Studio for Flutter Release Notes

October 3, 2019



  • Stacked line, stacked area, stacked column, stacked bar, range column, pyramid and funnel chart types.
  • Logarithmic axis.
  • Axis crossing support.
  • Plot bands and recursive plot bands support.
  • Dynamic data source update animation.

Breaking Changes

  • roundingPlace property has been changed to decimalPlaces in the axis and tooltip.
  • child property has been changed to widget in chart annotation.
  • position property has been changed to labelAlignment in dataLabelSettings.
  • imageUrl property has been changed to image in markerSettings.
  • backgroundImageUrl property has been changed to backgroundImage in SfCartesianChart.
  • initialSelectedDataIndexes property has been moved to series from SfCartesianChart.

Bug fixes

  • Tooltip template will not be displayed for hidden series.
  • Now the axis interval will be calculated properly for small decimal values.
  • Normal range padding is working fine for category axis.
  • Tooltip format with point.y value is working properly now.
  • Bar chart with negative values is rendering properly now.

RadialGauge Preview

Syncfusion flutter radial gauge is a data visualization widget, which is written in dart, to create modern, interactive, and animated gauge that is used to craft high-quality mobile app user interfaces using Flutter.

Key Features

  • Axes - The radial gauge axis is a circular arc in which a set of values are displayed along a linear or custom scale based on the design requirements. Axis elements, such as labels, ticks, and axis line, can be easily customized with built-in properties
  • Ranges - Gauge range is a visual element that helps to quickly visualize a value where it falls on the axis. The text can be easily annotated in range to improve the readability.
  • Pointers - Pointer is used to indicate values on an axis. Radial gauge has three types of pointers: needle pointer, marker pointer, and range pointer. All the pointers can be customized as needed.
  • Pointer Animation - Animates the pointer in a visually appealing way when the pointer moves from one value to another. Gauge supports various pointer animations.
  • Pointer interaction - Radial gauge provides an option to drag a pointer from one value to another. It is used to change the value at run time.
  • Annotations - Adds multiple widgets such as text and image as an annotation at a specific point of interest in the radial gauge.