Enum FOPTEBottomLineStyle
Specifies the FOPTEBottomLineStyle
Namespace: Syncfusion.DocIO.ReaderWriter.DataStreamParser.Escher
Assembly: Syncfusion.DocIO.Base.dll
public enum FOPTEBottomLineStyle
Name | Description |
bottomLineStyleBooleanProperties | The bottom line style boolean properties |
lineBottomBackColor | The line bottom back color |
lineBottomBackColorExt | The line bottom back color ext |
lineBottomBackColorExtMod | The line bottom back color ext mod |
lineBottomColor | The line bottom color |
lineBottomColorExt | The line bottom color ext |
lineBottomColorExtMod | The line bottom color ext mod |
lineBottomCrMod | The line bottom cr mod |
lineBottomDashing | The line bottom dashing |
lineBottomDashStyle | The line bottom dash style |
lineBottomEndArrowhead | The line bottom end arrowhead |
lineBottomEndArrowLength | The line bottom end arrow length |
lineBottomEndArrowWidth | The line bottom end arrow width |
lineBottomEndCapStyle | The line bottom end cap style |
lineBottomFillBlip | The line bottom fill blip |
lineBottomFillBlipFlags | The line bottom fill blip flags |
lineBottomFillBlipName | The line bottom fill blip name |
lineBottomFillDztype | The line bottom fill dztype |
lineBottomFillHeight | The line bottom fill height |
lineBottomFillWidth | The line bottom fill width |
lineBottomJoinStyle | The line bottom join style |
lineBottomMiterLimit | The line bottom miter limit |
lineBottomOpacity | The line bottom opacity |
lineBottomStartArrowhead | The line bottom start arrowhead |
lineBottomStartArrowLength | The line bottom start arrow length |
lineBottomStartArrowWidth | The line bottom start arrow width |
lineBottomStyle | The line bottom style |
lineBottomType | The line bottom type |
lineBottomWidth | The line bottom width |
reserved1562 | The reserved1562 |
reserved1564 | The reserved1564 |
reserved1566 | The reserved1566 |
reserved1568 | The reserved1568 |
reserved1569 | The reserved1569 |
reserved1570 | The reserved1570 |