Class StackingLine100Series
The StackingLine100Series is a collection of data points, where the lines are stacked on top of each other to represent a percentage of the total for each category.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Syncfusion.Maui.Toolkit.Charts
Assembly: Syncfusion.Maui.Toolkit.dll
public class StackingLine100Series : StackingLineSeries, IDatapointSelectionDependent, ITooltipDependent, IDataTemplateDependent, IMarkerDependent, IDrawCustomLegendIcon
The cumulative portion of each stacked element always total to 100%
To render a series, create an instance of StackingLine100Series class, and add it to the Series collection.
It provides options for Fill, PaletteBrushes, StrokeWidth, StrokeDashArray and Opacity to customize the appearance.
Utilize the Fill property to customize the line stroke.
EnableTooltip - A tooltip displays information while tapping or mouse hovering above a segment. To display the tooltip on a chart, you need to set the EnableTooltip property as true in StackingLine100Series class, and also refer TooltipBehavior property.
Data Label - Data labels are used to display values related to a chart segment. To render the data labels, you need to set the ShowDataLabels property as true in StackingLine100Series class. To customize the chart data labels placement, and label styles, you need to create an instance of CartesianDataLabelSettings and set to the DataLabelSettings property.
Animation - To animate the series, set True to the EnableAnimation property.
LegendIcon - To customize the legend icon using the LegendIcon property.
ItemsSource = "{Binding MedalDetails}"
XBindingPath = "CountryName"
YBindingPath = "GoldMedals"/>
ItemsSource = "{Binding MedalDetails}"
XBindingPath = "CountryName"
YBindingPath = "SilverMedals"/>
ItemsSource = "{Binding MedalDetails}"
XBindingPath = "CountryName"
YBindingPath = "BronzeMedals"/>
public StackingLine100Series()